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Eggs in a rabbits leg?


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I shot a rabbit yesterday and on skinning it for the ferrets there was a large sac on water in its front right leg,


it burst and inside were lots of little white dots, are these eggs?


also the spinal nerve thingy looked really large like a worm but wasnt,


Anyone know anything about this? or seen it?


Cheers Toby

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Yes, I have seen a lot of this, principally because my shooting buddy is a veterinary surgeon: it's a tapeworm cyst, a common problem. If you look hard enough in a rabbit with a severe cyst, you will see the tapeworm larvae on the rabbit's liver, intestines and lungs. The white eggs are not harmful to humans, but keep your dog away from the carcase.

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Yes, the "sack" or "blister" filled with clear liquid and lots of oval eggs is a parasitic infection of a type of worm.

I have had it once in a rabbit I shot and it put me off eating rabbits for weeks.

The other thing to check for is the liver - if it has white threats or white spots is is likely to be infected with liver fluke.

In both cases I would not eat the meat nor feed it to any pets.


And another reason why you should not paunch rabbits in the dark - the entrails need a good inspection before I would "clear" the meat for human consumption.

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I saw that last year and thought it was fatty deposits or something, didnt eat it mind put me right off! I didnt think it was worm cysts because they where sub-cutanious i thought worm eggs would be deposited in faeces and develop into larvae on the pasture before being consumed again by the next host as do sheep and cattle worms. I learnt another thing about rabbits today too during a bovine nutrition lecture, the bloke said they 'batch' ferment their food in the caecum, poo it out in the morning as soft poo, eat the soft poo again to get more vitamins and gut bacteria from it then poo it as hard poo in the evening, mingers!



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what would be the result if your dog came into contact with an infected rabbit / carcass. :lol:

My dog has retrieved rabbits in the field while working that other folk have shot / or died / outcome unknown......

I have obviously rejected them not knowing how they came to be in the situation in the 1st place.

cheers E

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does that mean i should send the ferrets to the vet? i got worried when writing this, about 10 mins after, then took carcass away for fear will they be ok?


Can the parasite be killed?


The rabbit was dead cold a day before i gave it to them will it make a difference?

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  • 3 weeks later...

HI blacta i had one like that mate a few years ago and i asked all my mates who work the feilds if thay new wot it woz .I still never found out mate hope some one on ere can tell ya and bring it to light its done my head in ov all the coneys iv had in the bag iv never come across it again ............

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  • 4 months later...

oooo nasty...

i just came across my first nasty rabbit... deffo as described, cyst with white eggss..looked like polystyrene balls...

i knew it was a wrong un, but continued to prep it as normal, thinking the dog could have it and put it in the freezer whislt i checked old faithfull pigeon watch to see what the hell it was....


ahhhggghhh! friggin tape worms...!!!

1, i touched them, can they get in your skin?

2, it went in the freezer for 10 mins whilst i checked here, then i ran and threw the ****** out.... do i need to incinerate my freezer?

3, i was smokin a fag whilst looking at the bleeder, i bet the eggs got pretty close to my mouth on my fingers... do i need to disembowl myself?


ive always been a bit wary, but now im put right off..it'l be a while before im ready to eat them again...


yak. :yes:

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There was an item on tele about two guys who for sme obscure reason contaminated them selves with tape worm for a controled experiment (by this time I was HEAVIN) basicly if you get infected with worm the way to evict it is to have a heavy dose of "Milk of Magnesia" really binge it and it kills the worm.

Aterwards they **** em out into a plastic kitchen strainer (heavy honkin and heavin again) and they took them outside and measured them aaaaarhhh

I think the longest was abouy 7mtrs long, I hope I got this right,at this time my eyes were streamin through gaggin.

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There was an item on tele about two guys who for sme obscure reason contaminated them selves with tape worm for a controled experiment (by this time I was HEAVIN) basicly if you get infected with worm the way to evict it is to have a heavy dose of "Milk of Magnesia" really binge it and it kills the worm.

Aterwards they **** em out into a plastic kitchen strainer (heavy honkin and heavin again) and they took them outside and measured them aaaaarhhh

I think the longest was abouy 7mtrs long, I hope I got this right,at this time my eyes were streamin through gaggin.


What is the link to this one mate? :lol:

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Yep, thats a tapeworm sac,.... usually located on a leg, or in the abdomen,.... the tapeworms dont affect humans,.... their next host is canine, though,.... usually foxes of course,.. but your dog will also be at risk,...... wont hurt you even if you have eaten some by error,.....

{Mind you, mixy contaminated rabbit wont do you any harm, either,... but the thought aint nice, is it?? LOL!}


Think you are more at risk from Swine Flu....... :good:


Cheers, Fred

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  • 4 weeks later...
Yep, thats a tapeworm sac,.... usually located on a leg, or in the abdomen,.... the tapeworms dont affect humans,.... their next host is canine, though,.... usually foxes of course,.. but your dog will also be at risk,...... wont hurt you even if you have eaten some by error,.....

{Mind you, mixy contaminated rabbit wont do you any harm, either,... but the thought aint nice, is it?? LOL!}


Think you are more at risk from Swine Flu....... :lol:


Cheers, Fred

ive just had the same thing,i threw the nasty leg away,nothing burst and i didn't touch it.soaking the rest of the rabbit over night will it be ok or shall i just leave it ?

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