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working dogs and Grooming?


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hi all


new to this forum so hey everyone..


quick post to get a bit of advice.


basically im looking to find out your views on grooming your working dog...


dog grooming seems to be a new thing hitting the streets as it were, but....


we all know if you own a dog you have to spend time caring for them...


in your opinions would you pay someone to groom your dog??? would you have concerns because your dog is a working dog ???


does your groomer if you use one do special cuts for you??


how much does it cost you to have it done??? is there anythin in particular you would want a groomer to do for your dog??? or have you found it difficult to find a groomer for your dog???


well i look forward to hearin ya responses, am sure il get some stick for this post but we will see..


thanks all



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Welcome Baz i have a working springer and he gets trimmed and bathed every 4 months by a proffesional groomer that comes to the house with a big van and does it in the motor..

Marco loves it he is straight in when ever the van pulls on the drive (the groomer is a shooter and has gun dogs himself) ???:oops:;):good:

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I have springers, cockers, rough coated patterdale terrier, and a rough coated lurcher all live in the kennel- they get clipped 3 times a year.


I do it myself with proffessional dog clippers. I think its benifical for the dogs to get clipped. They don't suffer in the heat in the summertime with a big coat. It is easier to check for seeds in their ears and between their toes. When they get wet it is quicker for them to get dry.


I will clip them in a month or 2 when it gets a little warmer, then again june/ july, and again in september. I then leave their coat to grow during the winter months as after all they are kennel dogs, and also get cold wet out shooting in all weathers.


I don't think its a matter of dog grooming is the new thing hitting the streets in the case of a working dog- I might be wrong, but the way I see it is you make your dog feel as comfortable and heathly as possible. I could see what you mean with some dog owners who have the dog as pet, I believe they see getting their dog groomed to a certain style makes it more of a fashion thing. Afterall Why shave the top half of the dogs coat and leave the legs and belly covered in fur when that is the area most likely to pick up dirt, grass seeds, etc


Good luck to all the groomers out there, they are on to a good thing, and by the way you have posted this thread that is was you are interested in doing (unless I have got the wrong idea) So yes i believe a working dog should be groomed whether by a groomer or by the owner themselves

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Roxy (lab) doesn't really get groomed. I'll give her a bath when she's stinky or if we've been out in the mud. I brushed her this weekend, but only because she was shedding a bit more and had a lot of hair/dandruff. Normally she'll get a wire brush every couple months.


About the only thing I'd like a groommer for is trimming her toe nails. She won't let anyone do it and I'm not good enough at it to just do it.




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thanks for all the replies,


basically my girlfriend is a dog groomer, and we were both curious as to whether she could specialise in working dogs...


were both into the shooting and working the dogs, we got two spaniels at 19 months old an a new pup at 11 weeks, and we also have a 2 year old lurcher, an five ferrets lol... its a bit of a farm our house lol.


up untill yesterday i have always looked after the grooming of my spaniel untill she took him to work and trimmed him an tidied him up for me an i gotta say i was quite impressed.



i had always been wary of letting other people touch my dog when it comes to grooming.... suppose im slightly attatched to him in a way lol.


anyway we got to thinking if you had a terrier which was working and had the odd scab or scar and wanted him grooming would you send him to a groomer who wasnt how can i say, used to seeing marks and stuff on a dog...its just an idea at the moment but she is thinking of setting up alone just to groom working dogs, both shooting, earth dogs and running dogs... aswell as security dogs..


now in your opinions would this be a viable business option ? ? ?


cheers lads..

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Mine is still a puppy at 6 mths but he gets brushed everyday by the wife. i take him walking and cover him in mud so she brushes him out when his dry. i have clipped between the toes and later i will take him to a friend's wife and get his ears and coat clipped.


yes i will be having him clipped a few times a year and even his nails done as he walks on mud and grass all the time to they dont wear down much.


pity you haven't a van and could get a stand at some of the fairs as i think you would make a killing doing the dogs there.






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Personal Groomer ?


Do it yourself for heavens sake, I'd only expect that sort of treatment in Kensington and Knightsbridge for all the pampered pooches, certainly not on a working dog.


I have a smooth Russell which I never ever touch except trim the end of her docked tail when it gets a bit whispy.


My two rough bitches I leave during the winter so they end up looking like Gnasher from the Beano, but in the next couple of weeks I'll be able to strip their coats out with a stripping knife which I'll do over two or three sessions.


My Broken dog I don't have to do much to either like the smooth coat bitch, and just do the tail and tidy him up in the summer with the knife.


If they get covered in mud I leave them, it'll fall off their coats once dry. If they roll in fox s-it I put them under a shower but never use soap, just water and give them a good soaking.


Now get down to Pets at home and get yourself a grooming kit, the money you save on the Groomer spend on carts :good:

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