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License Renewal Time


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thought id see how people weer doing on the coarse side of things as the season end draws ever nearer and license renewal strats to rear its head (dont forget we have the 1 week wat for our licenses this year, because they are going to be plastic) , anyway anyone have any personal bests beaten/made this season, records, any amazing fish, i myself have done pretty well this season and i have had a lovley Barbel weighing in at 11lbs 2oz i was dead chuffed, my friend took a picture of the mighty beast only to accidentally delete it as she went back (sabotage?) and my first "mighty" bream (4lb4oz :lol:) but the winter, as normal, i just sat out on a bank freezing the boys off, and waiting for that bite which just wasnt going to happen lol, i went out for the day yesterday and had the take of the century it was an amazing fight and i was dead chuffed to get it ont he surface, i have had bream alot since my first bream, and none have fought like this ******, and he wasnt no little'un either, he was a monster, it was just as my friend arrived, and as he was walking off the bridge i yelled him to help me, he got the net into the water (i would have but there was no point in me tryng until it had stopped fighitng) so he had the net in i was reeling him in and he was thrashing, and i almost got him on the surface when my hooklink snapped :yes: so i was ****** for the rest of the day.

but how was everyone elses season??? that was the main reason of this thread but you see what happens when i get going lol... going out piking this evening and hoping to catch something, but heck if i dont its jsut nice to be out....


Happy Shooting And Fishing



Edited by mark_mjs93
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i agree cranfield, it is the biggest fish i have caught, but im hoping to catch a nice pike this week, if i can, but i always buy my license from the Post Office, but as i said (i think i did) we have the 1 week wait this time, because they are going to be the plastic licenses, but i think if i read my letter rightly once you have brought your license, if you want to fish within the week that you are waiting you just have to take your reciept to the bank with you, but im hoping to beat that barbel soon, because it wasnt even on my rod, i was holding my brothers whilst he made a phone call.

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Its been slow for me so far, when ive been out Ive just had the odd double pike and a few jacks. Still tench season coming up soon! Cant wait for that, getting me Lobs ready and stockpiling stale bread for my crumb as we speak! Had a nice chub last time I was out, 3 weeks ago now :good:

This coming season Im looking at a few proper eel sessions, was supposed to happen last summer but work got in the way and only managed a 3 day session and blanked for eels, but had 2 tench on worm so not a complete disaster.


Well done on the barble too, they dont half pull back dont they!

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An 11lb barbel is the fish of a lifetime for most anglers. :good:


Don't forget to buy your licence at a Post office if you can, its one of the things that will help keep them open. :P

Did that when I was 9. :good:


Certainly know when you have had a double figure whisker on the end when your that age as a perch that has taken a minnow that you were reeling in felt big back then!


FM :o

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irrespective of whatever the weather brings this Saturday I will be out for the last days fishing on the river.

Not been out much this year, spend too much time running a fishing club and have something else that shares my free time called clay shooting.


Just wish they would make weekends longer and like everyone else I am praying for a summer this year, fed up with the last two years of summer we didnt have!


Then I will be along to my local post office to renew my licence as well. dont do it on line as its another nail in the Post Office coffin.

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I dragged three 7-10lb tuna out of the carribean sea with a handline and a four hook setup off the back of a 16ft hobycat about 3 years ago. We hit a scholl about 3/4mile out in heavy winds so you can imagine this happend a few times.


Took 3 days for the cuts in my fingers and forearm to close up as pulling 60lb line with bare hands and a whole lot of angry fish on dun'alf hurt!!!


Was worth it as we got 9 in total and cooked em all on a log fire in a sand pit on the beach, freshest and best fish I am yet to taste!


Never found a love for english course fishing, all a bit slow for me :good:

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From the EA Web site - hope it helps



New-look rod licence service

On 2nd March we launched our new-look rod licence service.


Licences will still be available from the following places:


Post Office outlets in England, Wales and the Border Esk region of Scotland


Over the telephone on 0844 800 5386. The phone line is open from 8.30am to 8.00pm daily from March to September and 8.30am to 6.30pm from October to February

by Direct Debit

Full season rod licences will look totally different. The new design is much more convenient, the licence is water resistant and credit-card sized making it easy to fit into your wallet, purse or pocket. Fewer of your personal details are on display on the rod licence making it more secure for you. It also looks better as it contains a picture of a perch or a salmon on the back.


Full season licences will be posted out to you within a couple of days of you buying your licence but you can go fishing straight away.


1 and 8 Day rod licences will be paperless, this means that you will be given a reference number when you buy your licence, you just need to take this with you when you go fishing.


We will be sending reminder letters to our full licence holders in March to remind them to buy a new licence. If you keep hold of this letter and have it to hand when you buy your rod licence then we won’t have to take all of your details off you again making it much quicker to buy your new licence.


The changes that have been introduced will make the rod licence service better value for money which means that we will be able to spend more of your rod licence money on fisheries work. There are also environmental

benefits as we will waste less paper every year.




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So you have to wait for your licence to come through now, rather than just doing it at the post office?



harford, you still do it at the post office (not an option! keep them open) but instead of being given your license straight away, your given your receipt and the EA mail the license to you, but it will take about a week to arrive, If you want to fish before it arrives you just take your receipt to the bank, You SHOULD have got your letter through if you already have a license that is, so it will be worth it, im always dropping mine in, so i laminate it, but this one will save me the effort lol...


and a little update on the pike front, caught my first little'un yesterday evening, to dark to take a photo (forgot the cam so i only had my phone) but he weighed in at 6lb so im dead chuffed, im off out on saturday again and tomorow evening after college, and im hoping to catch another, we have some monsters near were i live, up to 15-18lb from what i have heard from the tackle shop, and there are some even bigger ones out there that have been seen but not caught...


and i agree, barbel do pull back a bit (and FM your a bloody smart **** ent ya :good:)

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I'm off down to the river tomorrow for the last session of the season.. went for a couple of hours today, but even a 3.5oz lead was struggling to hold bottom.. I'm fancying a bit of piking to finish it off.. in the wier pool me'tinks..


As for fish this season, broke my carp pb twice, once last march at 13lb, then june with 21lb!! Well chuffed, and my river carp pb is now 11lb.. :hmm: other species seem to have been avoiding me though.. can't think why?!!! :good:

Onto the canals for the next few months, anyone near to Oxford or Newbury fancy meeting up for a session anywhere anytime?


Tight lines,



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hey dude, nice catch on the 21lb carp and an 11lb river carp, nice, i have found the daddy of all pike lures, the comoran activator, its a 2 section plug, great little thing landed my beauty pike on that, ill post the piccy when i get it off my mate, but heck im just celebrating a good season finished today and making a tasty dinner :hmm: a nice roast, god i love cooking, looking forward to the newseason, got sum comercials to visit durng the closed season, and i need to find a permision to shoot on lol, im getting restless now lol....

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Dad's fell apart as he took it off the sheet.


Also struggling to see the supposed 'green' benefit of changing over to the laminated licence. It was supposed to reduce paper but from what I can see the paper used to send the licence out on the sheet is larger than the original licences were. :blink:



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