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Power increase Axsor

old rooster

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So you've assumed that I won't apply for a firearms certificate have you ?

The fact you regard it as codswallop is a strong implication of that point. Even if you do apply it's easy to make the inference that you won't from what you have written, thus helping those who seek to impose bans and limitations on us. If I can read it that way so can others, and frankly it's difficult to read it any other way!

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So you've assumed that I won't apply for a firearms certificate have you ?

The fact you regard it as codswallop is a strong implication of that point. Even if you do apply it's easy to make the inference that you won't from what you have written, thus helping those who seek to impose bans and limitations on us. If I can read it that way so can others, and frankly it's difficult to read it any other way!

I've no intention of entering into an argument with you on this or any other topic, my point was that having a 12 fl lb limit was ridiculous, it isn't the case in any other country that I know of and is yet another example of unenforcable, restrictive legislation which has no merit in any way as a true safety measure.


I'd bet that neither of the people recently killed by morons with air rifles was shot by a gun over the 12 ft lb limit !


If you've got a real problem with it take it off the boards and send me a PM, if the moderators have a problem with the posting they can delete it, haven't got any issues with that either.

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Easy Tigers!!!


I'm a new member so I don't want to poke my nose in but...........


Agree to disagree, patch it up and let's direct our "anger" at the antis!!!

Put it down to a mis-interpretation and crossed wires or whatever.


If we put on a united front we can poke it up 'em!

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The point I've been trying to make is that all the legislation we have regarding guns, knives etc. are pointless, they don't stop people getting guns to commit crime if that is what they are intent on doing. The only people who are adversely affected are US !!, the sensible, responsible users.


I'd like an air rifle with let's say 18-20ft lbs of energy, I'd get a flatter trajectory and improved penetration, it doesn't follow that the moment I have this I'll turn into a raving phsycopathic murderer. The 12 ft lb limit is an arbitory one with no justification.


We have a total ban on handguns yet they are carried by kids as fashion accessories !!!!!


I'm truly sorry if this is something that nobody else can see or agree with, it just seems so logical to me.


I think I'd better get me coat and leave this forum behind.

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I think everyone is going to have a view on the recent problems and the whole FAC thing.


Personally I think the best thing to do would be to introduce an FAC rated for differently powered weapons, Air and Live.


At least the authorities would be seen to be acting responsibly and we could carry on with a minimum of fuss.





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Do you honestly think that if there was no legislation that there wouldn't be a great increase in death/injury from stabbings and shooting.


Its the same as having speed limits for cars, do away with them and more people will push to the limits and pay the price.


Legislation is there for a reason.


Yes hand gun crime did increase, Yes to ban them was a mistake, but if there was no legislation at all in place then where would we be ?

Even with what is in place already there is problems. As times change so should legislation to cope with that change.

You learn by mistakes change them and try again.

But dont say its a waist of time.

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Do you honestly think that if there was no legislation that there wouldn't be a great increase in death/injury from stabbings and shooting.

I sincerely believe that if there was enforced good law and penalties that realistically fitted the crimes commited there would be a reduction in deaths and injuries.


We live in a nanny state where every ***** and his wife can find someone or something else to blame for his/her actions. Make people take responsibility for their actions, be it drink driving, murder, GBH or whatever, have severe penalties and IMPOSE them then leave the good people with the freedom to go about things sensibly.


What do I know anyway I'm just an old **** who has become seriously fed up with the restrictive legislation culture, some people are so indoctrinated by all the clap trap that they actually believe it will make a difference if things are banned or licensed. The hand gun ban being a fine example, result sod all but ******* off people who harmlessly wanted to collect guns, while others brandish them in open defiance and are left to get on with it.


My last words on this but think back youngsters when you are knocking on 50 and wonder what the hell has happened to this country.......Any of you older guys remember a bloke called Enoch Powell and how everybody poo pooed his predictions :thumbs: :D:/

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Old rooster, I'm with you on the blame society thing; every **** wants to blame someone else for everything, so intelligent people have to live with absurd bloodly laws that criminals just break anyway, because they're criminals!


No sane criminal is going to use a legally held weapon to commit crimes; why use a traceable 500-note .22 which all the gangsters laugh at, when you can get a chromed 9mm pistol for 200 quid?


Legislation just makes more problems for law-abiding people. Criminals (shock horror) don't tend to obey laws!


This is an area where shooters and stoners can all agree! Both are basically decent minorities, legislated into oblivion by meddling nanny Governments. Neither gun law nor drug law has made ****** all difference, yet both continue to get more and more restrictive as time goes by. What a world we live in. Maybe I'll move to France; shotguns over the counter there!

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We live in a nanny state where every ***** and his wife can find someone or something else to blame for his/her actions. Make people take responsibility for their actions, be it drink driving, murder, GBH or whatever, have severe penalties and IMPOSE them then leave the good people with the freedom to go about things sensibly.



severe penalties! statute says 5 years (mandatory) for carrying a weapon without good reason, owning a weapon outwith 12ftlbs without an fac etc!

reallity dictates mandatory does NOT mean you WILL get 5 years its a mandatory

MAXIMUM in my town a chap 20 odd years old so no kid? has within the last fortnight just been sentenced for ILLEGALLY discharging a hundred yes a hundred rounds from an air rifle whilst he was sat "bored" waiting in a bus shelter for an over due bus!!! he aimed at signs lamps etc etc, now then the penalty?

conditional discharge and fined wait for it! 47 quid

now you will think what the hell is the point of my reply well to me its simple our representitives who solely represent themselves!! ie mp's pass legislation recklessly in response to knee jerk reactions for pure appeasement? yet reallity forces sanity?

has anyone actually seen a sentnce for someone owning a high powered air weapon without an fac? I know of a chap again in my town who is due to be sentenced for the said "crime" but he had also been importing stun guns and mace,

bet he doesn't get 1 year never mind 5. rooster is right in some respects the law is a joke, but unfortunately it is the law!

registration of all airweapons would help sort it and allow sensible ownership but what would it do for the thousands of weapons already out there? not numbered not registered etc, perhaps its time to stop a 16 year old walking into a shop and buying a gun that will never ever be "accounted" for, time needs? and fit for purpose came into it

cheers keith

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We live in a nanny state where every ***** and his wife can find someone or something else to blame for his/her actions. Make people take responsibility for their actions, be it drink driving, murder, GBH or whatever, have severe penalties and IMPOSE them then leave the good people with the freedom to go about things sensibly.





Dont mean to ruffle your feathers Old Rooster


My point is you must have some form of legislation in place.


You use the word sensible, like the word Normal these are a concept not a state of being, So you need legislation to give everybody the same boundery's to conform to.


By the way i am an old **** aswell being in my forties.

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No sane criminal is going to use a legally held weapon to commit crimes; why use a traceable 500-note .22 which all the gangsters laugh at, when you can get a chromed 9mm pistol for 200 quid?


going rate for the hire of a handgun in middlesboro is £30 yes £30 you pay (I belive) more if you actually use it

scource of info local fuzz! wont "elaborate" further

cheers Keith

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Neither gun law nor drug law has made ****** all difference,

How can you say that.

You don't know what would have taken place over the same period of time.

Nor can you re-write history to show what wuold have happend without the legislation.

all we know is there is still a problem so how do we change it for the better.


I run a football club with three teams and have done for several years now.

Every year at our AGM we change and bring in new rules (legislation) not always for the better, sometimes upsetting lot of people so we then change it and try again.

But should we not do this the club would have foldded years ago.


Thats on a very small scale.


The only problem with this country is the population is far to great, we are under everybody elses noses so you cant **** in peace. So most new legislation is to keep the many happy it might not be wright but it keeps you in power.


By the way have we gone off the subject ?

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There's little argument that our gun laws are rediculous. Anyone saying so on here is preaching to the converted when they'd be better off writting to their MP about it. There are however two points being overlooked by many.


1. The board owner is liable for all that is written on here. If info on how to upgrade a gun above 12 ft/lb is given then they are liable for the consequences of that. As such asking for such information should be frowned upon.

2. It isn't just gun owners that read this and similar boards but the antis too. I would be certain that by now hard copies of this thread (or more likely just the choice parts) will have been printed off and will be sent to MPs with a letter stating that we require more legislation or a ban to control "power hungry airgun shooters".


My dismay at our current laws does not extend beyond the harsh reality that to ignore them is to invite yet more.

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How can you say that.

You don't know what would have taken place over the same period of time.


True, I can't say for certain. But, do you really think that the average human is inherently so idiotic that he can't decide not to take smack? Do *you* only refrain from taking drugs because of the law? Of course not. You can decide for yourself.


The only tangible effect drug laws have on drrug use, is to force otherwise respectable people to enter into the criminal underworld (dah dah DAH!) in order to get their chose relaxant. This means that nice boys who want a bit of draw get drawn into a culture where stealing cars and sniffing glue is normal. A good thing?


Anyway, that's what I think.

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do you really think that the average human is inherently so idiotic that he can't decide not to take smack? Do *you* only refrain from taking drugs because of the law? Of course not. You can decide for yourself.


The only tangible effect drug laws have on drrug use, is to force otherwise respectable people to enter into the criminal underworld


You only have to look at the people who buy the SUN.

No i dont take drugs as part of the structure of the law has informed me that they may not be to good for me. And i like to think that i am a little more of a realist than your SUN reader.


And yes again the average human being inherently idiotic needs laws to stop them getting themselfs into trouble.

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1. The board owner is liable for all that is written on here. If info on how to upgrade a gun above 12 ft/lb is given then they are liable for the consequences of that. As such asking for such information should be frowned upon.

I said I wouldn't post again on this topic but I've taken particular offence at your ridiculous remark here which suggests that I'm acting irresponsibly !!!.




It is illegal to modify the gun without putting it on an FAC but by your own previous comments you seemed to suggest that you knew at least something about the legalities of the subject, I'm beginning to have my doubts !!!

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Ah - I notice that after several posts implying you either don't have or won't get a FAC you STILL haven't posted anything to clarify your position. Until you do make yourself clear I read your posts that you regard the law as "codswallop" and thus not for complying to. I therefore stand by my comments.

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Just go for equality, why are the frenchies and germans allowed plus 12ft lb air rifles unlicenced and we are not. If I had the cash i's take this one to the euro high court and, yes i'd win. This restriction is total boll**ks, everyone in shooting knows it. Trouble is we are "controlled" by tossers and for years we've rolled over and died. I guess if they tried to pass a similar law in france there would be complete anarchy, murder for the cause etc. We Britishers ( most) are just a load of poofs, lets face it.

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