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Petit Axe


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If you want a really good axe (a pocket saw would do the job better for you, look up Felco saw on e-bay) then as Baldrick says the Gransfors Bruks axes are very well made. They are hand made in Sweden and a small one is likely to cost you around £50! I have three of them, the small forest axe, the scandinavian forest axe and the splitting maul. The two smaller axes you can shave with, so don't confuse them with the blunt wedge on a stick type axes that you get in the DIY stores because you could easily cut yourself just by touching the blade!


They do something called a camp axe, I think it's about 13" long and weighs about 1lb. That would deal with anything small.


You wont find anything better than them. They're the Purdey of axes and are priced to suit!

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