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Close encounter's of the...


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Got to work this morning to be greeted by my mate at another unit, calling me over saying "who need's a shotty for game hunting!"

This is what had happened :yes::sick:





The bumper is a write off as the bird had put a 5 inch split into it, and broke away the fog light. We all thought the head had gone, but I wrenched the pheasant out of the split to find it still attached :yes:

Of course , my mate wasn't too pleased... but still managed a chuckle :yes:


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Nearly took one of these beasties out myself tonight. Ran out of the way just in time. They are rife on the portaferry road (babbyc u might know what I'm on about) Seem to be really unintelligent birds. Oh look theres a car speeding at me. Think I'll stand here to see what happens lol

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Go slower?.



You get alot of RTA's on Cock birds this time of year, as they get all brave over their territory and won't move out from cars quiet as fast.


No chance of going slower - he was on a dual carriageway, and the brave cock "walked" accross <_<

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Dead cock pheasants are all over the place in the M55 and the M6 these days. Comming to work today I counted over 30 in the space between jusnction 32 and 33 on the M6. It makes me wonder what is the point of having a 'season' for these birds since they are reared anyway (so they do not 'need' protected mating season to ensure population sustainability) and they are falling en masse in front of cars and get killed anyway...

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