rb5037 Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 Here How long will this last for? Mad isn't it Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axe Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 (edited) This country is going to the dogs, as soon as I win the Lotto i'm off guys!!!! Cheers n beers Axe PS And now we know what your Avatar is running from RB!!! Edited March 24, 2005 by Axe Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
old rooster Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 "Mr Horton said: "The changes are in recognition of the frankly alarming number of Police Accidents (Polacs) throughout the country. Last year there were around 50 Polacs a day" From the news item, sounds like they need to watch out for the race relations board going on about polacs !!!. Any of you hear about the well known supermarket chain who recently got nicked for employing illegal immigrants in their warehouse ?. Got nicked again for the same thing, apparently going to have the book thrown at them this time, reckoned to be 300 illegals working at one warehouse site. This country really has gone down the pan !!!!!!!. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teal Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 If there are that many police accidents then you'd think that instead they'd spend money on improving the performance- braking and handling of the cars they have- and improved training of the drivers! I agree this sounds ridiculous, I can't see emergency workers obeying it -at least I hope they don't. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
old rooster Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 If there are that many police accidents then you'd think that instead they'd spend money on improving the performance- braking and handling of the cars they have- and improved training of the drivers! I agree this sounds ridiculous, I can't see emergency workers obeying it -at least I hope they don't. I'd guess it's the drivers rather than the cars that are at fault, as you say, not enough high speed training for your average plod. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deako Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 Most Forces now operate a 'No-pursuit' policy for standard class drivers, even though the 'standard' driving course is a month of bloody hard, intensive driving. In our force, as soon as a non-advanced driver initiates a pusuit, the control room will order it to be aborted. Which leaves me, 300 yards down the road in my 3.2 V6 vectra having no idea where the bandit vehicle has now gone and Billy burglar free to **** off with someones £30K pride and joy...which annoys me no end; whats the point of having a couple of pursuit cops sitting in a high powered vehicle when the person who instigated the chase can't tell 'em where the the bad guy is headed? That said, lots of guys will suffer from 'red mist' when chasing a bandit car, the desire to keep up/arrest clouds the judgement and becomes the only important thing...which usually results in a pretty horrific ending. Pursuits look dead exciting on the telly, and for the most part they are...but they also scare the **** out of you. However, to remove emergency warning equipment from Police vehicles is utter madness, which will result a lot more innocent people being killed and maimed because the Police 'got there too late...' Chief Constables would do well to remember that cars don't kill people, people do. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
old rooster Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 Most Forces now operate a 'No-pursuit' policy for standard class drivers, even though the 'standard' driving course is a month of bloody hard, intensive driving. In our force, as soon as a non-advanced driver initiates a pusuit, the control room will order it to be aborted. Which leaves me, 300 yards down the road in my 3.2 V6 vectra having no idea where the bandit vehicle has now gone and Billy burglar free to **** off with someones £30K pride and joy...which annoys me no end; whats the point of having a couple of pursuit cops sitting in a high powered vehicle when the person who instigated the chase can't tell 'em where the the bad guy is headed? That said, lots of guys will suffer from 'red mist' when chasing a bandit car, the desire to keep up/arrest clouds the judgement and becomes the only important thing...which usually results in a pretty horrific ending. Pursuits look dead exciting on the telly, and for the most part they are...but they also scare the **** out of you. However, to remove emergency warning equipment from Police vehicles is utter madness, which will result a lot more innocent people being killed and maimed because the Police 'got there too late...' Chief Constables would do well to remember that cars don't kill people, people do. All comes back to the "same old same old", if there was any sort of serious deterrent to the thieving scumabags a vast percentage of the crimes would never be commited = less car chases = less risk of it all going wrong. Only have to look at some of the chases shown on TV, end up with a bunch of grinning kids getting out of the car and giving plod and the camera crew the birdie. I'd give 'em joy riding !!!, strap 'em into an old scrapper and roll it off the cliffs at Dover, wouldn't take long for the message to get through. Another joke is the ban on car phones, £30 fine and no endorsement, phone use will soon be shown to be a far greater cause of death and destruction on the roads than the severity of fines suggests. Lunacy to allow ANY use of phones in cars yet we still get plagued by speed enforcement which has proven to be largely inneffective (apart from acting as another insidious stealth tax). I doubt if the lorry which had crushed a car and it's occupants on the M62 on Tuesday morning had been speeding but I'd put an each way bet on the driver having been on the phone, half the lorry drivers I see are. Surely the general public want to see enforced basic law in this country or am I way off the mark here Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the last engineer Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 All comes back to the "same old same old", if there was any sort of serious deterrent to the thieving scumabags a vast percentage of the crimes would never be commited = less car chases = less risk of it all going wrong. Only have to look at some of the chases shown on TV, end up with a bunch of grinning kids getting out of the car and giving plod and the camera crew the birdie. I'd give 'em joy riding !!!, strap 'em into an old scrapper and roll it off the cliffs at Dover, wouldn't take long for the message to get through. Another joke is the ban on car phones, £30 fine and no endorsement, phone use will soon be shown to be a far greater cause of death and destruction on the roads than the severity of fines suggests. Lunacy to allow ANY use of phones in cars yet we still get plagued by speed enforcement which has proven to be largely inneffective (apart from acting as another insidious stealth tax). I doubt if the lorry which had crushed a car and it's occupants on the M62 on Tuesday morning had been speeding but I'd put an each way bet on the driver having been on the phone, half the lorry drivers I see are. Surely the general public want to see enforced basic law in this country or am I way off the mark here I hear what your saying and for the most part i beleive your right ,but to put a bet on the truck driver on the phone causing the accident mmmm ? i guess you would have found out. I ran trucks national and International for many years back home ,the ratio of accidents car to trucks cars all the way ,factor in the junior (rookie) driver , behind the wheel five minutes and he/she is another Sterlin Moss,the RTA's i have seen could turn your guts at times but the level of plain stupidity that some drivers display frightens me to death, impunity thats not to say some truckers are not as bad. IMO you have to look at the standard of driver training and level of compitancy to find the problem, they are going down hill fast and no-one is trying to stop it , the cars are faster the drivers are younger ,recipe for disaster . here in Canada its worse ,if you can beleive that the driver training starts at 14 , then you drive with an adult for a year (ok so your older brother or mate will do) then pop buys you a mustang v8 ,and burys you and the 3 on the bus stop you killed when "the car went out of control " scary world people ,have a good safe easter weekend guys Martin Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
old rooster Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 You wouldn't believe how bad the lorry(truck) driving is over here Martin, they tailgate, pull out without indicating, read books and papers while steering with their elbows, use phones, televisions in the cab, I've seen all sorts mate. Not long back we had six trucks pile into each other on the M1 with some fatalities, how the **** can that happen if people are driving sensibly, think they blamed roadworks for the accident but my question would be "how did the other 10,000 trucks and cars manage to get through the same roadworks" . I'm not trying to get at any of you individuals who may be HGV drivers but if you're honest about it you'll have seen just what I'm talking about every single time you get behind the wheel. These guys should be the best drivers on the road, it's their livelihood after all. One of the biggest problems is that although we have a myriad of driving laws the level of police on patrol has drastically dropped with the emphasis on casualty reduction being very firmly placed on speed enforcement. The idea was to meet EC stipulated reductions in KSI's over a ceratain time period, not surprisingly it hasn't worked. We've seen marked reductions in driving standards, many vehicles on the road with defective lights, I even flashed one car over the other night driving with no rear lights at all !!. Driver distraction is very evident, people reading, texting, using a phone in one hand while writing on a dashboard mounted pad with the other. Women putting on makeup, I even had to do a double take on one guy tailgating a van on the M25 in heavy traffic at about 60mph while FLOSSING his teeth !!! He was totally oblivious to my Ducati riding alongside him on open Termi's, out to lunch big style. Driving is generally very poor, lack of indication, poor road positioning, lack of anticipation the list just goes on and us motorcyclists have to ride with all these t*ssers driving around with no real clue as to what they might do next. It's a breath of fresh air to drive abroad as there seems to be at least some respect for other road users. I sit on a motorcycle casualty reduction forum with the local police so do have some access to statistics, amazingly the average quoted cost for a road fatality is put at well over £1 million. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lurcherboy Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 #### idiots. I would prefer the scum killed themselves in accidents. But I am biased. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teal Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 Surely you can not mean you'd prefer police officers died in accidents? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dodeer Posted March 24, 2005 Report Share Posted March 24, 2005 When i went to Oxford today i passed a young lady in her Peugeot 106 reading a book and trying to steer at the same ******* time!!! As i was a passenger i timed how long she took inbetween looking up at the road...11 seconds at one point! I honestly believe that females are not as good at driving as males and (very biased i know) but northerners are also quite bad Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deako Posted March 25, 2005 Report Share Posted March 25, 2005 Will, I'm sure LB didn't mean that! ...but the "players" up here love it when it does happen. Praise be to Messrs. Heckler & Koch, an equaliser indeed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
the last engineer Posted March 25, 2005 Report Share Posted March 25, 2005 (edited) I hear you rooster , i recall an incident years back where a mother (driving )passed me (large scania tractor trailer )on the severn bridge whilst feeding her kid a bottle on her lap , i called Almonsbury interchange police ,the direction she was heading , and reported the car and reg , we will look into it ,was the responce , forget it was mine . another time one of the motorcycle fraternity riding in front of my truck on the M5 late at night ,weaving side to side sparking his steel tipped boots for affect i guess , I was not impressed by that stunt either . an incident from the other side here , a family was destroyed here in Edmonton this day when a "unmarked and no lights " police cruiser went through a red light at approx 130 kmh cutting a car in half " literaly " that was passing through the green light , of the two boys in the car, riding with the father mother and grandfather ,one killed outright the other paralyzed from spinal injury , who was at fault , the police oficer driving tried to prosecute the father for reckless endangerment ( police term for not seeing him coming ) the oficer , who at the time was off duty ,but wanted to join the high speed chase already happening , was admonished of all charges and was driving a few weeks later , a very sad but true account . The simple fact is too many people are in too much of a hurry ,its the world we have made for ourselves " too late to wait " "too selfish to care " we have only ourselves to blame . Martin Edited March 25, 2005 by ernyha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
antuk99 Posted March 25, 2005 Report Share Posted March 25, 2005 It all goes to show that we are all human, feelings run high on both sides of the law ,the police do a good job but they are in the public view we all think we know what goes on behind the scenes and probably does but even the trucker is in high public veiw what i,m trying to say is practice what you preach we all know best lol but yes the country is going to the dogs (waterloo dogs) where will it end at least the truckers did something about the fuel good job we are not french farmers Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulcha Posted March 25, 2005 Report Share Posted March 25, 2005 What the hell is going on the minds of people who make up stupid rules like that? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lurcherboy Posted March 25, 2005 Report Share Posted March 25, 2005 Surely you can not mean you'd prefer police officers died in accidents? Of course not Teal I have been on both sides of this issue, and luckilly for me, and others, never killed anyone. With maturity I have realised what ******* idiots joyriders are. Why do they do it? No effective punishment and boredom. Deako, Every 'gaffa' that dies while on the job leads us all deeper into the mire and the inevitable collapse of our society. Even though I 'fell' down the stairs at Walworth nick on occasions, I hold no grudges now that I am older. Me, I am off to the other side of the world as soon as I have got it all together. Clean streets, clean people and no anti's. Like England in the 60's or so I am told. LB Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vulcha Posted March 25, 2005 Report Share Posted March 25, 2005 About your comment about "the other side of the world", i watched a program ages ago about the crime in New Zealand and the worst thing they could find was somebody "lost" their caravan! Better wacth out mate, i'm headed that way in 4 years or so Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pike Posted March 26, 2005 Report Share Posted March 26, 2005 Trouble is some of these idiots will drive like complete lunatics regardless of if there is a police car chasing them or not. On the way home Friday (on my Motorbike) I had a kid in a Golf *** following about 2" from my back wheel because I dared to only drive at the speed limit past a school that was just turning out. The second I waved him past he shot off like a bat out of hell straight over a zebra crossing - and through a speed camera!! Nice to know his insurance might be too high for him next year, and rid the streets of yet another bloody lunatic. Pike Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
old rooster Posted March 30, 2005 Report Share Posted March 30, 2005 About your comment about "the other side of the world", i watched a program ages ago about the crime in New Zealand and the worst thing they could find was somebody "lost" their caravan! Better wacth out mate, i'm headed that way in 4 years or so I've got a sister in New Zealand, went out there a couple of years ago and it's a great place. They seem to have things better sorted than us but then again they don't allow uncontrolled immigration like we do or their kids to run riot with no discipline. You can't get to live there (or any other civilised country) if you've got TB, AIDS or any other dangerous infection, it seems to get people to the top of the list for coming into the UK. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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