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Tried something different today ,not to radical ,but different .


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Shot a 50 acre field of rape today . No not quite true i decided to set up on the other side of the hedgerow bordering the rape field .


The rape field slopes down hill towards cattle meadows and a large irrigation ditch . I decided to set up the other side of the hedge from the rape as i had seen several pigeons dropping in for a drink of water from the ditch . I had my back to the rape and just set up the whirly directly in front of me about 25 yards out and about 35 yards from the irrigation ditch . I was between two mature oaks about 50 yards apart and was in a super spot to shoot the birds going into either of the trees .


The first bird of the day came into the oak to my left after about 10 minutes of setting up . The magnet was pulling the birds to the trees for a sit up before going for a drink or a feed on the rape . I could not stay all day as i had to go out in the afternoon but finished up with 29 birds in the bag and deffinately an other 5 killed clean but fell the other side the ditch where i couldnt pick them up . It was faboulous shooting taking the birds as they flew around the oaks to come in . For those who like to count how many shots they had ,i picked up 47 empty cases . So in my book 47 oppotunitys in about 3 hours shooting . I enjoyed it . Dont be frightend to try something a little different it will often pay off .

Harnser .

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Well done.


I take it the rape is not too high yet? I've got a field where the rape seems to be a few weeks behind others in the surrounding area and there are not many other crops around. Pigeons are still coming in but not in the numbers they were a few weeks ago.

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Me and my pal used to do this on a farm we shot over many years ago, it was mainly rabbits, but the pigeon used to roost in a small copse on the land we were allowed on. Over the fence about 300m away was a big wood where the main flocks roosted, we did notice that a good few birds dropped into a cattle drinking area next to the burn.

We spent some evenings with one of us in the wood shooting the odd bird coming in to roost and the other shooting any birds coming for a drink before bed and it was always better at the drinking area after the crops were cut !


Well done Harnser, that brought back some fond memories :good:

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I often use a pigeon magnet when roost shooting my big wood ( over 1,000 acres ). Setting up a magnet on the meadow 40 yards out will attract the pigeons to nearby trees during the afternoon. But it does not work when the birds are ready to settle down for the night .... just the mid afternoon birds.

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