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DTL guage and cart requirements


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I have to say I'm a complete convert to 21 gm carts they pattern far better than 28 gms and break clays real well. I hot far more than with 28s although it's a more precise cart. I go for hull 21 comp X. Throu my gun they are good to 50 yrds in a quarter choke. Light recoil to.

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someone told me that u cant shoot DTL with carts less than 28g. is it ok to shoot DTL with a smller cart than 28g ( ie 21g ) and can u shoot DTL with a 20G gun ? any help would e great as the missus is too small to fire a 12G :blush:



I am surprised to learn that your wife is too small to fire a 12 gauge. If that were so she would be too small for a 20 gauge as well as the guns are of similar dimensions although the 20 gauge is lighter in weight . Having seen youngsters only slightly taller than their gun is long shoot very effectively I would wonder by what criteria your wife is judged too small . DTL requires a heavy steady gun . Perhaps she might be persuaded to try another discipline .




Edited by T.C.
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Strange that when the International disciplines went from 28gr to 24gr, the averages went up not down.


I don't think you will lose out using 21gr, what you lose in pellet numbers you gain in pattern quality and recovery between shots.




I used 21gm 8's through cylinder choke in my hammergun on the "PW Daddy" DTL shoot a while back and got 21 or 22, I cant remember.


No need for big thumpers really.



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And well shot indeed Zapp, raised a few eyebrows with a sbs on the DTL range though :blush:


My missus has just got herself a 12 and has no problems handling it and at 5'2 not the biggest girl in the world. (mind you her norks probably give some counter-balance :lol: )


She shoots 24g intercomps through it and says she gets less recoil than 21 grams through her 20. A well fitted and reasonably light 12 shouldnt be a problem for most ladies.



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Smaller loads allow more control, as the knock you about less.


100 competition round with a few second barrels in it takes its toll, and fatigue sets in towards the end causing losses.


Lighter loads relieve this.


My scores ( and others I know) went UP on changing to 24g.


Put in regular 25 strs with Express HV 24g 8 first barrel, and Excels 7's 2nd.


Use 1/2 and 3/4 choke.


21g will be absolutely fine as long as the shooter is up to speed. If the clays are a long way out the pattern density will suffer and clays will sneak through pattern gaps. Maybe choke down to F and 3/4 for 21g, if you have a clay in the pattern it will break, but you will need to be a tad more accurate in the pattern placement.


Any gauge gun down to 28g will work fine with the right loads and chokes for the job

Edited by clayman
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That's got me thinking now...


With my original shotgun I was using 28g Claybusters and was knocking in scores of around 55-60/100. When I got the SPig, I changed to 24g steel loads and, after an initial drop in scores, I was consistently hitting about 55-60. I then added a comb raiser and an extra inch to the stock and changed to 28g lead loads again and my scores are now 60-65/100.


That's not really significant progress, so I would have to say that I am probably just ****. Mind you, altering the stock has seen my skeet scores go up. Which reminds me, I need to get out and shoot some skeet this weekend. Zapp, what are you up to over the weekend?

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what's all this second barrel stuff, we only use one barrel at my club when shooting DTL, (unless your shooting double rise). and not fast , they go like the stink, and they're orange !.

7.5 24g in 12g or 20g, although you can use 28g but no heavier



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I think that what matters is no holes in the paterm in the kill zone now my theroy is that as light carts suffer less pellet deformation they tend to pattern better therefor should work better with more open chokes. I mean if there is no pellet clumping the largest posible area of evenly distributed pellets is what you want. To whit i shot 21 gm carts through 1/4 & 3/4 chokes on dtl setup and and it worked fine with both barrels breakin clays well

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