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.223 what you pay?

dan the gun

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I agree, home loading is the way to go. I was making loads for 35p and they would shoot through the same hole at 100 yards! It does seem like a bit of a technical job when you haven't done it but once you get the idea you can pretty much do it with your eyes closed!


My pet load for my .223 when I had it was 52grn A-Max (great for live quarry but can be bought mail order as they're classed as target bullets), 25grns of Benchmark powder, Lapua cases (but Prvi Partizan are supposed to be very good and much cheaper). 2.200" over all length. Any small rifle primer will do.


Get yourself Modern Reloading by Richard Lee. He does push his products pretty hard as being the best, but the basics are all there and if you spend some time reading it a couple of times it will teach you enough to get started safely :good:

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i load my own 40g v max and think they are super fast and accurate, hornaday have been £21 for 20 round here for a while, but see if you can get your hands on some norma 40g v max, they used to be about £15 for 20 and they are equally as good as hornaday if not better

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Hi Guys,

If you want to reload here are some tips.

1. Buy the same brand of ammo to accumulate your brass (different brands have different wall thickness and vary quite markedly in the amount of powder they hold)

2. Buy a kit such as a an RCBS Partner Kit - has all the bits you need to make ammo.

3. Lee delux die set is good value.

4. Choose a powder company that provides load information on the net. Out here the ADI website provides all the information you could want for 223.

5. Buy a good book on the basics of reloading - most bullet companies sell them

6. Ask questions on this forum - there are a number of very experienced reloaders here that are more than happy to help

Cheers :good:

Edited by macca
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