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remington 597 .22lr

Epic Fail

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posted about this before but the trouble is the same


i can not get this to group or zero at all...


ive taken it apart.. de greased and lubed the lot over and over again.. cleaned the bore

ive even changed the bolts holding the stock to the gun..

there is no groupings at all...

the crown is not damaged and the barrel has not been shortened

the gun is always rested on a sand bag at the rear and a bipod at the front

must have fired about 1000 rounds through it this month of many different kinds


eley match

eley practice


remingron thunderbolts


(these will all fire through basically the same hole in my other .22 bolt)


they will all cycle in the gun but will not group anywhere.. in all different directions

i cant see any dents or anything from the outsife of the barrel


the next step for me is to send it to a gunsmith

but is there anything i can do before that ?


also ive tried the same ammunition and conditions in an identican 597 at the club and they all group very very good..


im lost...

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Have you checked that the barrel is not touching the fore end part of the stock?

I used to have one of these a few years ago and the plastic needed rubbing down to enable the barrel to "float".

I used to check clearance with a £20 note to make sure that is was clear of the stock.

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The paper should go all the way down to the bottom.


Just remove the action and rub the fore end inside where the barrel is touching with emery paper.


Refit the action and see if the paper goes to the bottom,if not remove more plastic until the barrel does not touch anywhere.


It should be able to go nearly to the breech.

Edited by BlaserF3
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i will try it when i can get the bolt out

the new ones i had put in are AF

and now ive rounded the back ****** with the wrong allen key


no worries its going to the range sunday where a gunsmith will be..

il take some sandpaper with me and give it a go then..


thanks for the help

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Make a list of all the variables that could be causing the problem, and test each one in isolation.


Its fair to say that you have tried enough ammo brands to rule that one out.


The good news is that as a club member you might be able to persuade others there to help you.


Have a good look at the bore of the rifle, assuming it is second hand. Check the crown of the barrel for damage/signs of bullets doing wierd things. Check ALL screws and bolts to ensure they are not loose OR over tightened.


Scope: I know you say it is fine, but check it again. Put it on another rifle and see if you can group with it.


Mounts: Same as the scope, try other mounts with your rifle/scope. Try your own mounts on another rifle.


You: Have you developed a bad habit? Get someone else to watch you shoot. I once developed a very bad flinch years back, which I was totally oblivious to until someone pointed it out. The more I flinched, the worse my group became, the more stressed I got, the worse I flinched. It is a surprisingly common problem.


Be open-minded and methodical, and you will find the fault.



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just checked the bore its clear... just cleaned it again now...

the crown has no dents, scratches, rust or anything

the scope i have had on 3 air rifles with the same mounts and they grouped at the same distance im shooting now within a 50p piece

there is always someone at the clup watching ans helping out.. they have been teaching me about breathing the last few months and trigger pull.. so they are there watching when im shooting


the thing i cant check right now are the screws as one of them holding the stock in place is rounded...


and im firing in the same position and conditions and rested at butt and barrel with the other rifle i have and with the club rifles (one is identical to my 597) and they are all grouping for me


as for the ammo.. ive tried another brand that the club uses (but cant remember the name)

the same thing is happening with it in this gun as all the others i have bought


also these are the only types of ammunition that i can find available at the 3 shops around me (i can only have standard velocity non jacketed)

Edited by angelotambini
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You: Have you developed a bad habit? Get someone else to watch you shoot. I once developed a very bad flinch years back, which I was totally oblivious to until someone pointed it out. The more I flinched, the worse my group became, the more stressed I got, the worse I flinched. It is a surprisingly common problem.


How did you remedy the problem flinch, if I may ask, Zapp?

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How did you remedy the problem flinch, if I may ask, Zapp?


It was really just a case of acknowledging that it was there and that it was my fault, before having a word with myself and then forcing myself to rebuild a good technique.


I lightened the trigger considerably, and then consciously forced myself to adopt a more progressive trigger squeeze. That way the shot was almost a surprise (within safe limits of course), which stopped me from pre-empting the release and flinching.


It took a while to eliminate the flinch entirely, but within a few sessions of solid, patient paper punching I was grouping with confidence again.



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Hi all,


I may have just been unlucky but are these not just terrible rifles?! I bought one two years ago and it was terrible. Had it ordered in for me and bought it unsighted as i was sure it would be of the same standard as their centre fires.


The stock shape was awful and the the safety catch and bolt handle were cheap, nasty and plastic. From day one i had trouble with the gun cycling sub sonics of various brands and the best groups it could produce were 2.5ins at 50yds and that was lying down off a bipod!!


To be honest i was disgusted with it. The gunshop weren't very helpful and i eventually took it to another shop who had dealt with one before and said they were terrible. I decided to cut my losses and scrap it after 3 weeks. I couldn't even find a dealer who would take it in part-ex!!


I have since bought a CZ Style and the difference in quality is beyond belief!!


I imagine loads of you love your remmies but like i have said, mine wouldn't group for toffee. Perhaps they have changed their manufacturer since then and you have an old model from the same factory as me?!

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