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long range near miss


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I shoot rabbits all the time with my HMR at 120yds+..I think its good too see if you will how far I can snipe a wabbit, unsuspecting :no:


Also if your bullet is in a inch at 100yds, say with an inch group then, really it could open up quite far at say 250-300yds...so you never know when you pull the trigger, just make sure there is a safe backstop.



Edited by stevethevanman
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If people think it is OK to shoot 300+ yrd rabbits with a .223 (@ about 50p per round!!!) I will be putting in a variation for a 50BMG so I can take rabbits @ 1000yds. I won't even have to leave my house. Who needs to get close with all this modern technology. In fact, thinking about it, how about a rocket launcher.............. or laser guided missile ........

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The answer is yes - I have shot lots of bunnies at 150 yards or so with 22-250, 223 and 17 Rem. Don



Don, you have pontificated long and loud about the ethics behind this thread, what about the leagalities. Have ALL the centrefire rifles you have shot rabbits with in your ticket got rabbit included on them, especially when you have so many rimfires at your disposal?

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This has gone on long enough.....


If you cannot get within 150 yards of a rabbit to ensure that it is extremely, definitely dead then I would suggest that you take some stalking lessons.


Pot shotting rabbits at 300 + yards to extend your vermin control range into areas that are difficult or unwise to get to does not really warrant any further debate




Well said Don.



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This has gone on long enough.....


If you cannot get within 150 yards of a rabbit to ensure that it is extremely, definitely dead then I would suggest that you take some stalking lessons.


Pot shotting rabbits at 300 + yards to extend your vermin control range into areas that are difficult or unwise to get to does not really warrant any further debate




Ah THERE you are Don, I was thinking you'd probably let it drop so the thread falls by the wayside. But no you choose to pop it back up.


So we ought to do it your way or not at all?


Who said we WANT to get within 150 yards?


How about we do it the way we want and can do it - just because we can rather than the way you'd like us to? Might be best to move on if other peoples ways don't please you Don because it didn't warrant your narrow debate in the first place really did it?.


Remember what Thumper said in Bambi? If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.


Anyway - if god wanted bunny to be a survivor he wouldn't have given it a white tail that signals it's whereabouts every time it moves. :good:

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Surely this has gone a bit far guys, can't ye agree to disagree and not leave it at that?


It's not good to see established members arguing amongst each other.


I'm not going to get involved in it, I'm not saying anyone's right or wrong, but maybe it's time to let it be.

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Any criticism warrants a reply John, unfortunately Don is not shy about doing someone down for something he won't do. We all know long range vermin shooting goes on - I guess we shouldn't control fox over 150 yards either?


Anyway being as he feels vermin mustn't be controlled over 150 yards here's a 260 group of three shown just for his education. Chris was not aware one had gone off screen at the time. As has been said previously in this thread, bunnies hang around a lot longer than when shot from the sort of distances he feels are out of bounds.


Dont look Don, and definitely don't look at any of the other ones.


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