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I have my insurance through Country Cover Ltd. I got it mainly for Falconry (I was only doing a little air rifle shooting at the time) but on reading the Policy carefully I found that it covered me for just about every (Legal) Field Sport imaginable from Ferreting through to Angling and includes most disciplines of shooting with Air Rifles to Shotguns and Rifles and even Archery. It only cost me £19.95 per year which, in my opinion, is very good value for money with a £5M Public Liability Cover.

More details can be found on their web site at: http://www.ccc3.org.uk


Well worth having a look


(Apart from being a very satisfied customer I am in no way at all connected to Country Cover Ltd)

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We all should be in BASC insurance or not . They are the only effective shooting organisation.

Have to agree with you threre but at the time I was only doing a bit of Falconry. Now I'm fully committed to shooting I will be looking at membership with the BASC as soon as funds allow (I'm currently on a tight budget and saving for a new .222) My insurance is due for renweal in about 3 months time and I will be joining the BASC then to help protect our sport!

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I have my insurance through Country Cover Ltd. I got it mainly for Falconry (I was only doing a little air rifle shooting at the time) but on reading the Policy carefully I found that it covered me for just about every (Legal) Field Sport imaginable from Ferreting through to Angling and includes most disciplines of shooting with Air Rifles to Shotguns and Rifles and even Archery. It only cost me £19.95 per year which, in my opinion, is very good value for money with a £5M Public Liability Cover.

More details can be found on their web site at: http://www.ccc3.org.uk


Well worth having a look


(Apart from being a very satisfied customer I am in no way at all connected to Country Cover Ltd)



gone up to £10 million

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Far be it for me to recommend anyone but think of this:


You're out shooting on your golf course and get accosted by plod. Someone has made a complaint that you threatened them (you didn't have to have done but someone said you did). You get your guns confiscated. What do you do?


No amount of public liability or employer liability insurance will cover that scenario. BASC might help you with advice but any action they take will be after they've had meetings to discuss whether it's worth their while to get involved.


You need legal insurance and support, which SACS bundle in with their membership. In this scenario by contacting them for help as a member they'll take action on your behalf. Legal support will be appointed PDQ, and your corner will be fought ....... when you need it and not at some later stage.


Not an advert for SACS but another way to look at this. In the present climate, from an individual point of view, legal insurance is probably as important as liability.

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As Dave says.

for the £30 it costs to join , if you are ever in bother and its going to court all your legal fees are sorted.

And a day in court will cost you big bucks.

Basc will not represent you in court unless it is on some point of law that all the shooting community will benefit from.

dont believe me ask em. :yes:

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BASC makes it very clear on the web site how we handle all types of firearms queries / issues. We have never claimed to offer legal expenses insurance. Yes we havelooked at it, last time was just a couple of months ago.


You are many times more likely to be sued for damage to a third party or third party property then you are to be arrested and charged for a criminal act with a shotgun or rifle


We are all potential victims of wrongul accusation by a member of the public for all sorts of reasons, and the police will always investigate that sort of complaint. If you get nicked you are entitled to FREE legal help anyway at the station, so make sure you ask for it. This alone could well get you out of trouble early doors if you are innocent.


If the police / CPS bring criminal charges against you then cahnces are they honestly belive they have enough evidence to get a conviction, at a rerasonable cost, and it is in htep ublic interest for them to do so. Yes you will need legal support in court. This will be very expensive. BASC will look to fund appeals if the original court decision was wrong, and - just like legal expenses insurance suppliers, if, based on the evidence, there is a decent chance of winning. It is not just down to whether it iwill benefit the shooting community as a whole, or as Dave K says if BASC thinks it is worth our while getting involved.


Our strategy is to work with the member and the police to try and keep the mater out of court, but if it does go to court then we are on hand to work with the members appointed solicitor as expert witness etc - this too can be very valuable. I am not sure if any other orgnisation has that level of firearms expertise available.


Many of you will already have legal expenses insurance anyway though other insurance policies, but if you do not, it can be picked up for about £20. I can assure you that if BASC honestly thought that legal expenses insurance would be better than how we look after firearms issues now, we would adopt it without hesitation.


Insurance is important of course, but BASC is not just a supplier of insurance, we are much more than that- with significant human and financial resources aimed at maintaining focus on our key objectives- all of which ultimately are aimed at making sure you guys have something to shoot with, something to shoot at, and somewhere to go shooting. All the insurances in the world will not deliver that!


I have been involved in the insurance game for almost 15 years, so I guess I know a bit about the industry etc, and I am more than happy with the legal expenses insurance I get with my home insurance policy to not bother taking out an extra policy - but like I say, if you think you need it then you go for it!


But please keep focused on the bigger picture of joining an association, not just because of the insurance they say they offer, but for what they do for your sport. Ultimately it is up to you to decide which orgnaisation is best for you.


Best wishes



PS. For info, we have a fact sheet in the police seizing firearms here- you may find this useful http://www.basc.org.uk/en/utilities/docume...4CD99909754D50E


On the same section there is another intersting fact sheet on Police Cautions....

Edited by David BASC
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or as Dave K says if BASC thinks it is worth our while getting involved.


I'm not allowed to be Dave K :yes:


So a members legal problem doesn't go in front of a panel to decide whether it's worth pursuing or is "go nowhere"? (or words to that effect).


As for the free representation at a police station, you mean the duty solicitor thats probably very junior and no doubt knows damned all about firearms law (in fact possibly even doesn't like the idea of people having them).

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Regarding which association to join, why do I need to belong to an association at all?


I have my own insurance on my household policy and I really do not need to be a member of any group or association to purse my sport/hobby.


If I want to shoot registered clays I would need to join the CPSA but apart from that it's not necessary to any other organisation.

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I'm not allowed to be Dave K :yes:


So a members legal problem doesn't go in front of a panel to decide whether it's worth pursuing or is "go nowhere"? (or words to that effect).


As for the free representation at a police station, you mean the duty solicitor thats probably very junior and no doubt knows damned all about firearms law (in fact possibly even doesn't like the idea of people having them).


i think this was covered on here with winchesters thread, seem to remember he had a very hard nail bitting time waiting for the basc panels decision,

as for a duty brief, would rather have 30 notes down in sacs.

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Regarding which association to join, why do I need to belong to an association at all?


I have my own insurance on my household policy and I really do not need to be a member of any group or association to purse my sport/hobby.


If I want to shoot registered clays I would need to join the CPSA but apart from that it's not necessary to any other organisation.


This is all true mate, most of us will be covered by our own life,house,car insurance, but being a member of an organisation is one way of giving something back.

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Why should I give anyone something back when I do not need what they are offering me.


Why not ask about the salaries of the BASC and the pension funds which the members are paying for through their subs.


No I honestly do not need to give my money away to anyone.

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Why should I give anyone something back when I do not need what they are offering me.


Why not ask about the salaries of the BASC and the pension funds which the members are paying for through their subs.


No I honestly do not need to give my money away to anyone.


none of us do, but what if the time comes and shooting needs the help of these groups.

you might not be in the position you are now if it was not for the likes of these organisations.

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Pointless arguing Mark. Obviously his insurance covers him for several million quid of public liability. Basically he seems to be saying that he's not got any shooting insurance, obviously I could be wrong as I don't know his circumstances or the conditions of his policy. Good luck to him and be happy that we'll never have to shoot with him.

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As Mark rightly says, being a member of an association is a way of giving somthing back and protecting our right to go shooting etc. If you want to turn your back on that, that is your choice, but do not moan when your right to shoot is diminished and there is no one there ot fight for you.


As you are a part of this forum I assume you shoot pigeons - did you know that the only reason you can still shoot pigeons with the freedom you have now is due to the work of one of the associations , about 20 yeatrs ago?


You make cheap shots about salaries, I wonder, if pigoen shooting were banned tomorrow, how much would you have paid to keep it?


As for legal insurance, like i say check what legal insurances you already have you may be surprised. But if you stil feel you need it hten Join Sacs for £26 -30 (not sur ) or buy a stand alone policy for about £20. And as for dutly solicitors, I think they are probably better then you think!


But again I say if you are minded to join an association join one for what they offer and what they do, not just insurance.


Rob, with my BASC hat on - welcome on board, you know where I am if you need me.



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As Mark rightly says, being a member of an association is a way of giving somthing back and protecting our right to go shooting etc. If you want to turn your back on that, that is your choice, but do not moan when your right to shoot is diminished and there is no one there ot fight for you.


As you are a part of this forum I assume you shoot pigeons - did you know that the only reason you can still shoot pigeons with the freedom you have now is due to the work of one of the associations , about 20 yeatrs ago?


You make cheap shots about salaries, I wonder, if pigoen shooting were banned tomorrow, how much would you have paid to keep it?


As for legal insurance, like i say check what legal insurances you already have you may be surprised. But if you stil feel you need it hten Join Sacs for £26 -30 (not sur ) or buy a stand alone policy for about £20. And as for dutly solicitors, I think they are probably better then you think!


But again I say if you are minded to join an association join one for what they offer and what they do, not just insurance.


Rob, with my BASC hat on - welcome on board, you know where I am if you need me.





Is this for me?

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David BASC,


The last pigeon I shot was over thirty years ago.


Regarding salaries can you tell us what the directors are on, I reckon they will be on over £100,000 a year but I suppose this information is available at the AGM.


I do not think my comment was a "cheap shot" either in this recession.


I joined this Forum because I thought it was quite good and we were all allowed to have an opinion.

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I joined this Forum because I thought it was quite good and we were all allowed to have an opinion.


And it is. And we are. :whistling::lol:


And noone is stopping you from having one but please be aware that others opinions might not be the same as yours.


Ergo, we have a discussion. An exchange of views. Like what we're doing. INCLUDING YOU! :yes:

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