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New Hatsan Escort Magnum - £325 , Good Price?


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As title, I've spotted a couple of L/H Escort Magnum 28" Semis for sale about 35 miles away from here.


I've priced up one from my local shooting ground and they're willing to match the price of £325


Is this a good price for an Escort? I've seen them around the £400 mark on the guntrader site.


Unfortunately I'm a lefty, so other guns don't work out so cheap :oops:


Thanks in advance,

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Thanks for the responses!


What do you get with the gun? I've read about shims being provided which you can alter cast with?



You get a role of masking tape - you'll be needing it too.

Edited by Bleeh
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£200 second hand. I prefer them worn in a bit.


However if you're after one really cheap(they will be second hand) go to a local shooting hotspot and search the hedge line. They are teeming with ones that have been chucked away, as they can be about as useful as a deactivated one at times...!

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I'm pretty sure that I'll order the gun up tommorow :lol:


I've been quoted £370 from another shop local to me in Wrexham and will be going for the cheaper £325..


I would buy second hand but being a lefty there are naff all guns kicking about that eject to the left :yes: , So new is the way forward.


Thanks for all the replys, last question. Does the gun come with some cast on the stock? (cast on.. cast off, To make more sense, is the stock bent in a certain direction to suit the user.) I hear it comes with spacing plates to alter stock length but does it come with plates by which you can alter cast?



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Thanks Les, I ordered mine an hour or so ago,


£325 all in, Synthetic, 28" Barrel, 3" Magnum c/w Trio style butplate in Left Hand :good:


I might end up making spacers to adjust cast, but fingers crossed I might not need to.. all the other guns I've ever shot have had right handed cast!

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