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STUBBLE SEASON.... its here


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the first field of barley around my part of norfolk has been cut today and there are a few more almost ready that will be cut in the next few days if the weather stays fine, its not on one of my permissions but i guess someone will get some shooting as birds have been dropping in for the last week or so



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I can remember some great time on the barley stubbles (especially duck flighting), but I have no barley on my permissions and its rarely grown round her now.


The rape will be combined in the next week and then it will be the wheat.................and the birds will be spoilt for choice. <_<

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Had my first go on the barley stubbles today . Was set up for 10am and had a bird within 5 minutes . There wasent many birds about at that time of the day and will be going back on Friday . At about mid-day i had 22 in the bag and lost about another 5 in the woods behind me . A tractor came onto the field with a baler and started to bale the straw so i decided to call it a day and look foreward to another day on friday . Think i will make it an afternoon and evening session ,which can be the best time of the day to shoot the stubbles at this time of the year .

Harnser .

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I can remember some great time on the barley stubbles (especially duck flighting), but I have no barley on my permissions and its rarely grown round her now.


The rape will be combined in the next week and then it will be the wheat.................and the birds will be spoilt for choice. :good:

Cranfield ,

I have a 60 acre field of barley that runs down to a lake on one of my farms . The ducks like to be on the lake any how but when this field is wheat or barley i put out duck decoys with the pigeon decoys in the late evening and have some super sport on ducks and pigeons .

Harnser .

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Well got a few more stubbles today the farmers were going mad at it this afternoon trying to do as much as *** before the rain came and the strong winds that are ment to come over the next few days but rain stopped play at 730pm time to get out there me thinks :good:

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nothing has still been cut on the farm i work at, all this crappy weather means we wont get cutting until late next week at the latest and thats only if we have some sunny weather. the rape is ready to cut but the barley and wheat still need a couple of weeks. roll on some sun shine

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