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Escort semi auto


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All I can say about the Escort semi auto is, make sure you check the choke is tight before every outing with the gun. :(


Check my previous topics to see why. :good:http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...c=86320&hl=


My choke comes undone occasionaly :lol: , I have the choke key on my keyring, and I cant get into my ground without my keys so I always have my choke key, clever innit :o

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Yup, I makes it alot easyier to remove :good:


I actually use a tiny amount of copper grease :(


Thanks for that :o , not too sure on the copper grease idea though, its great stuff for stopping things getting seized but is ever so slightly abrasive!

Edited by ShropshireJohn
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Guest topshot_2k
Excellent value, robust, reliable, everything you can expect from a gun. Go for it!


Going on the countless problem threads thats not true.


Better off with a 2nd remington, beretta, browning

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My first semi was an escort, it was the wood version when I first got it I had a few jams & light strikes,


I phoned edger brothers (brilliant company) and they offered to sort it out with a parts upgrade which had just been developed........ so.... been a bit handy myself I got them to send the parts,..... after I fitted them I didn't have one single problem with it..... ever, the only problem was the palm swell was a bit to big for me (the wood stock is bigger)


I made the mistake of taking notice of the gun snobs & I bought a new Urika 2, its brilliant.....! its a real quality gun......& I can't say I regret it


Hears the rub.... when I put it on the floor or the bonnet of the jeep, or even worse it rains & wets my pride & joy I wish I had a £200 gun to throw about.....it did the job & was cheap and reliable


I'm getting a bit deep hear because its a deep routed sycological problem I have,...... the truth is I was a fannny with the escort (as I'm sure sundowner who bought it will testife).....I cant buy something and just use & abuse it .......I have to love it................. AHHHHHH please help


OH p.s ......a funny (sort of) story


Out shooting yesterday it started raining....... my mate willc had left his old sable sxs in the hide while he went walk about with his o/u.....

quick as a flash I'd put the beretta in its nice dry slip & started using the sxs,..... when he came back he said oh its raining is it?.....


I've known him half a life time so he knows me, embarrassed I still made up some story to excuse my sycosise....... but still I knew he knew..... even worse he knew I knew he knew.... hes a good mate.......

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My first semi was an escort, it was the wood version when I first got it I had a few jams & light strikes,


I phoned edger brothers (brilliant company) and they offered to sort it out with a parts upgrade which had just been developed........ so.... been a bit handy myself I got them to send the parts,..... after I fitted them I didn't have one single problem with it..... ever, the only problem was the palm swell was a bit to big for me (the wood stock is bigger)


I made the mistake of taking notice of the gun snobs & I bought a new Urika 2, its brilliant.....! its a real quality gun......& I can't say I regret it


Hears the rub.... when I put it on the floor or the bonnet of the jeep, or even worse it rains & wets my pride & joy I wish I had a £200 gun to throw about.....it did the job & was cheap and reliable


I'm getting a bit deep hear because its a deep routed sycological problem I have,...... the truth is I was a fannny with the escort (as I'm sure sundowner who bought it will testife).....I cant buy something and just use & abuse it .......I have to love it................. AHHHHHH please help


OH p.s ......a funny (sort of) story


Out shooting yesterday it started raining....... my mate willc had left his old sable sxs in the hide while he went walk about with his o/u.....

quick as a flash I'd put the beretta in its nice dry slip & started using the sxs,..... when he came back he said oh its raining is it?.....


I've known him half a life time so he knows me, embarrassed I still made up some story to excuse my sycosise....... but still I knew he knew..... even worse he knew I knew he knew.... hes a good mate.......


Finally someone who is worse than i am :(



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Going on the countless problem threads thats not true.


Better off with a 2nd remington, beretta, browning



You get problems with all types of guns, it's just that because the Datsun is new and so popular at the moment, more people are posting about this super gun.


I know owners of the three guns you mention who have just as many problems, thing is they cost more to repair and to buy. The guys I know with the Datsun would rather have this gun new with all the extras, than a second hand one of these 3.


Why waste your money I say. Get a Datsun and with the saving against a Beretta or similar buy cartridges and that piece of extra kit you thought you couldn't afford.

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Picked mine up last Saturday, couldn't shoot it for three days due to being ILL but I'm pretty impressed with it. Its lighter than my O&U, shoulders better, good price.


I stick cartridges in, it fires them and spits them out, can't ask for much more :)



AH!.. There is just one more little thing. Does it hit the doo dah you are pointing it at? :yes:

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AH!.. There is just one more little thing. Does it hit the doo dah you are pointing it at? :)


Stuff comes out the end, whether that stuff hits a target is up to me :yes:


I managed to hit a magpie with it the other day without shouldering the gun properly, so I was impressed. Unforunately I'm having to learn shooting over again it seems, with my O&U the gun fit is rather poor meaning I didn't actualy mount the gun properly. The Escort shoulders up and my head is straight on the target, but the shooting style is different now :lol:

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