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Tips for setting up in the middle of the field!


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Hello all,

I don't do alot of shooting over laid cereal or just standing cereal, but ferret master and I have planned a trip tomo on a field of wheat thats perfectly standing yet there seems to be 100+ plus dropping into it, i have watched it and noticed they are all landing in the middle. Does anyone have any tricks for setting up in the middle? Especially when it comes to making a hide, i was thinking under the wires, where there are loads of weeds?


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To be honest i only set up in the middle of a field when all the crops have been harvested and i then use the bail of hay to create a hide around me,

just watch you dont upset the farmer by flattening any more of his crops by walking out there...


have a good one tomorrow :look:

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Where are the flight lines Stillsy? Set up under those, that way you will avoid flattening the crop!

This is my plan... Think I'm gonna go and tuck up under the sitty trees that are round the field up near Boomerang and bushwhack any that go over on the flight lines towards/away from the field.


I'm giving the SBS an outing as it could well be higher birds if they are on the flightlines. :yes: (and currently hitting SFA with the semi :look: )


Will call you tomorrow Stillsy when I get near the field. Gotta keep Dad sweet and not get him up too early as he collected me from Calne in the early hours of this morning and also taking me to Trowbridge on Wednesday to get some kits. :oops:


FM ;)

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whats the point of going to all that effort to leave all the dead birds out in the field ,what a waste

Not ideal I agree but at the end of the day when they are 100's of birds piling into a field the farmers wants them gone/dead. He doesn't care whether we eat them or not, he does however care about his income which is being eaten before him.


If we trample standing crop looking for the birds we have shot we will do more damage than the birds were in the first place. Not a particularly clever thing to do seeing as the farmer is prepared to use lethal force against animals doing it so you can hazard a guess he won't be exactly brimming with joy when he sees his shooters doing more harm than the birds.


FM :look:

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Not ideal I agree but at the end of the day when they are 100's of birds piling into a field the farmers wants them gone/dead. He doesn't care whether we eat them or not, he does however care about his income which is being eaten before him.


If we trample standing crop looking for the birds we have shot we will do more damage than the birds were in the first place. Not a particularly clever thing to do seeing as the farmer is prepared to use lethal force against animals doing it so you can hazard a guess he won't be exactly brimming with joy when he sees his shooters doing more harm than the birds.


FM :look:

Get a dog!!





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After all the advice on here about flight lines & sitty trees someone wants to shoot in the middle of growing crops :hmm:?

If the farmer was desperate I'd decoy near the edge of the crops & waste some cart's just sounding good & keep the birds off for the day.

Go back a few times & be a hero then go to shoot when the harvest is done.

Cheap cart's to scare or even a blank .22 pistol will do.

Waste of time, no, learn the flight lines for the post harvest shoot & be ready for a red letter day.

Either in comeing or escape lines.

Planned well several shooters setup iin the right place can have some good shooting.

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i have a farmer like that he wants the pigeons gone/dead what ever i try and shoot as close to the crop as poss on flight lines if you set up in the middle of the field and you hit and dont kill a bird you cant just leave it there and you cant walk in the crops looking for it and dispatch it myself i would find a good filight line and move a bit away from the field and shoot them as they come over a bit of netting should be ok dont move till the last second and u might bag a few

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