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went out with an old pal for a few hours yesterday morning, after fridays torrential rain, there would be plenty of bunnies nibbling away at the vegitation.

four hours later we had a bag of 46 rabbits, the daystate airwolf, and the daystate mk4 had done the buisness again! :good:

all the rabbits had homes to go to.......15 to the local butcher, 10 to the ferrets, 6 to a mate with a golden eagle and the best 15 threequater grown rabbits for our own consumption......fried summer bunny, mmmmm


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could you post some more pics of the camo on that rifle. looks awesome. like others have said i can hardly make it out. oh and well done with the bunnys


hi guys, thanks for the interest in the gun camo.....its an old combat jacket cut up and sewn to shape, held in place with velcro and elastic! not the best looking camo in the world but it works for me.

the only downside to this camo is that if you get it wet you MUST take it off the gun or it could cause rust.

cheers mick.

ps. before anyone asks......yes i did all the sewing myself!


Edited by mick54dog
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to answer a few questions several guys have asked abauot the guns we use...

both guns are in .177, i prefer the flater trajectory......mines zeroed at 35 yards, and i find that for targets between 15 and 40 yards, i can aim dead on.

we both use jsb exact heavys, which have great killing power........but its strictly head shots only

we both use bipods where we can, our bag size has increased dramatically since we got them, and wounded quarry is just about a thing of the past.

cheers mick

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