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I've heard mixed reports about the new Sasha Baron Cohen movie 'Bruno'


Has anyone seen it?


So far everyone's said it's not as good as Borat, and that he basically just tries to be as shocking and sick as is humanly possible in order to get laughs... I'm just wondering whether or not going to see it will be a waste of a couple of hours of my life, that's all.


Any thoughts?

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Hmm I will watch it but I was a bit unsure on the whole character, I think gay jokes have ben overdone by a lot of comedians so I will see if I like the film, but I am not sure about it.

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Went with my good lady on friday night to see it (a bit reluctantly to be honest) but i'm glad i did. It was hilarious, cringe worthy and shocking. One of the funniest bits was when he went to see a medium to say goodbye to a dead friend, i nearly had an asthma attack laughing so much, as did most of the audience! It's makes me laugh thinking about it now. If you go and see it, let us know what you think, anyone who's a bit prudish, stay at home!

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