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Hi All,


I'm thinking of applying for my FAC shortly and just wanted to get an idea of the costs of a 22LR, Scope & Bipod (and mod if it makes sense).


It will preferably be new being my first rifle etc.


I'm going to put in initially for target use only while i find some permissions, i'm a member of a rifle club and will also plan to apply for a couple of other calibres.


Any suggestions and a rough idea of cost would be appreciated.





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CZ American 16" £340

SAK mod (essential) £30

Harris bipod £70

Slip £20

Scope mounts £30

Scope £200 (don't buy a cheap one, not worth it!)


So... £700ish!


Just out of interest why not buy used? A .22lr barrel has a very long life and you can alwats insist on shooting it if you're worried about it not being right. You could save a lot of money and get a gun that's pretty much as good as new!

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I have seen a full kit second hand, having about 100 rounds through it for between 200 and 300 on more than one occasion.

Some people just can't get on with a particular gun so they off load them cheaply.


I bought my HMR second hand, with a mod, and only paid 260, and my first .22LR was 125 with a mod and three ten shot mags.


Nothing wrong with second hand just to see if you like shooting them first.

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I would definately go for a good used one . You will never shoot the barrel out on a .22 rimfire and there are always loads for sale on this site .



I have, my first .22 was my old fella's-when I got it it was donkey's years old...Shot straight for a few years and then gave up the ghost....... It was nearly a smoothbore and had to scrap it.

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