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Hunting With Golden Eagle - Almost Here!!!


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as some of you know my mate has various birds of Prey. Not long ago I posted some pictures of Borris, a Golden Eagle he was looking after for a friend. Since then he has acquired his own Golden Eagle and he tells me its even bigger and better looking than Borris.


I have arranged for him to use the 5000 acres I shoot as a training/hunting ground. I believe he wants to hunt Hare's and Foxes although I am not sure of the legality around hunting foxes with a bird. Anyone know?


I will be showing him the bit of land that I think will be perfect for the Eagle on Sunday.


When we finally come to use it in anger he is happy for a few people if your local and interested to come along and watch what happens. It might not be your cup of tea but if you register an interest here in this thread I will contact you closer the time.

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I don't think that there are any restrictions on using a Golden Eagle for foxes but I would offer a word of caution about it. If you train a Golden Eagle for foxes you will have to be very careful about flying it anywhere near places that are used for dog walking! An Eagle will not always discriminate between a fox and a dog and once it "latches on to a dog" it will be a devil of a job to get it off!

I'm not saying that you shouldn't, but you need to take this possible situation into account!


P.S. I love training and working Birds Of Prey myself so I'm not totally against the idea (in principal).

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I don't think that there are any restrictions on using a Golden Eagle for foxes but I would offer a word of caution about it. If you train a Golden Eagle for foxes you will have to be very careful about flying it anywhere near places that are used for dog walking! An Eagle will not always discriminate between a fox and a dog and once it "latches on to a dog" it will be a devil of a job to get it off!

I'm not saying that you shouldn't, but you need to take this possible situation into account!


P.S. I love training and working Birds Of Prey myself so I'm not totally against the idea (in principal).


He did actually mention that we needed to go somewhere where dogs would not be present, something I would never have thought off, but he has been doing this for a long old time. The place we will go is in the a$$ end of nowhere and we are on a hill so can survey the surrounding area.


I wish I was closer :hmm:


Have you got pictures of the bird?


No pictures of this one yet. Hopefully get some tomorrow!!!

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I hadn't seen the bit about going to an area which was in the middle of nowhere and no dogs around. I am not finding fault so please do not take it that way, all I was doing was offering a cautionary word of warning/ advice. I wish him luck and hope that he gets as much pleasure from his bird as I did from my Harris Hawk! Any well trained Bird of Prey is a real pleasure to watch flying and working! :hmm:

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I hadn't seen the bit about going to an area which was in the middle of nowhere and no dogs around. I am not finding fault so please do not take it that way, all I was doing was offering a cautionary word of warning/ advice. I wish him luck and hope that he gets as much pleasure from his bird as I did from my Harris Hawk! Any well trained Bird of Prey is a real pleasure to watch flying and working! :hmm:



I know you were not having a go Frenchie and I did not mention that we were going to the a$$ end of nowhere. :lol: I know you were just giving good advice. No biggy...

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I have not got time to search for it but if you look on you tube there is film of a coup[le of people hunting Roe deer with a Golden eagle, yessssssss Roe deer.I think the film was from here in Germany, the bird is very very effective on the strike by the way.As for the comment about getting it off a dog, from the footage of the roe deer that would need to be retyped to read, getting it off a dead dogs corps!!

I have no problem with the idea of seeing one of these magnificant birds on the wing and hunting but I would deffinitly be carefull with the dog/fox thing!!

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I have not got time to search for it but if you look on you tube there is film of a coup[le of people hunting Roe deer with a Golden eagle, yessssssss Roe deer


Just had a look at youtube at some hunting Golden Eagles, amazing roe deer, fox, goats and even wolf :good: wolfs are big i don't think a German Shepard would be safe.

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Wow, what an offer.... I would love to come - only a few junctions away too.


Is this likely to be Sept / Oct ?




Your more than welcome to come. We will be doing the deed around the Detling area. We were meant to scope out the route this weekend but my mate was busy.


Will let you know via PM the details closer the time. Do firm dates set yet.

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