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A days woodpigeon and crow decoying

henry d

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Went out with Nial and my mate Lucky Jim on one of the permissions and decided to split into 2 teams as there are a couple of flightlines to cover and as chance would have it Lucky Jim was nearest the one flightline that eventually got going as the weather at first was no wind and sunny.

Anyway around lunchtime Nial and I packed up, with one bird that was a screamer shot by Nial, and joined Jimmy and they took position in the hide and I went to the wood to their left to have snap shots at the birds that didn`t get lured to the decoy pattern.

The birds were obliging but sporadic and there were lulls and manic shooting, on one occaision I was filming the other guys and a bird must have seen a movement so it came my way and I grabbed the gun and hit it with the second barrel and another bird then passes the hide and gets tanned, unfortunately the hits were not on camera as I stuffed it in my pocket !


Ended up with more than we had been told, as Nial isn`t good with sums :blink: 27 woodpigeon 2 Ferals and a mix of 7 corvids !


Anyway enjoy the vids







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Thanks for the write up and videos Henry, I was going to write something but my parents have been

here for the weekend and I didn't get time.


Went out with Nial and my mate Lucky Jim


That's 'Lucky if he ever stops talking / chain smoking cigars' Jim. It's a good thing

that woodies aren't put off by the human voice :-)


He's good entertainment though!


Expecting a chemical attack?


It just about copes with the cigar smoke.


Sorry to say that I aint that slim.........I wish :yes:


There's something wrong with your lens!


Another great day out, thanks again.



Edited by Nial
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