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How often do you clean you HMR moderator?

Evil Elvis

Cleaning hmr mod  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. How frequently?

    • You clean it? really?
    • Occasionally when i remember?
    • After each use?
    • After a designated number of rounds?
    • Or just replace it when it packs up?
    • Do you detatch it from the gun to stop theacidic discharge running down your barrel?

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Only fired a few hundred through mine, but I have cleaned it a couple of times just because I like to get them out the cabinet and play with them :yes:


It was very dirty both times though just after those few rounds, and after your experience I'll keep cleaning it!


Oh yeh you have a Sirocco mod too don't you? In that case i'll deffo clean it often!

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I had a sludge incident with my old .223 and a T8; being lazy I would just put the gun away with the mod on it.


Anyways, I came back to it and a load of **** had discharged from the mod back down the barrel and into the action.


I think it's more down to condensation (moving hot to cold for example) than anything else.


Now I remove all the centre fire mods religiously, but still leave the .22lr and .17hmr mods on the guns in the cabinet - they don't seem to get affected by it all.


As for cleaning mods, they get a tap and a bash and an inspection of what falls out - that's about it.

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