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  1. I think I had the same problems with the parallax view, but I was told a tip to help me with getting used to the view. Get the client/ friend to mount there gun on A point eg fence post, then have a look. this should give you the gap between your sight line and the shooter sight line. hope this helps mark
  2. The figures are on there website but I have found over a month but depends on use age
  3. Thanks for the heads up as I have a older set that I want to get serviced in the new year!!
  4. Hi everyone, just thought of doing a review on my new cens as I get asked a lot, about what they are like and are they worth the money! First of all I do think hearing protection is very important, so I wear mine all the time shooting. I used to wear a cheap pair of electronic can but hated them when I mounted the gun as I felt they were in the way. so first opening of the grey cardboard box,to reveille a black case with foam inside. Inside is a air puffer, 6 packets off battery’s, tube of gel, clip, neck loop and the CENS ProFlex dx5, the dx5 comes with 5 setting Game, Clay, Comms, Range, Hunter. Each setting has been adjusted to suit the kind of shooting you require. As I have found some of the setting are very close to each other but worth playing with to find ones that work for you the best. ( I use game,clay, comms) It’s worth noting that the neck loop only works in comms mode. Adjusting the volume is done with one small switch and I found it a lot easier then the previous rotation switches on the other models. Out in the field the biggest problem I had to start with is when listening for birds, as I could hear them all round me and not pinpointing where they were but within four or times out I got hang of working out where the sound where coming from. As for the sound quality Its very impressive as you still can hear birds sing and dog ****! The second problem I have and this no fault of the dx5 is that the mould becomes uncomfortable, but with just a pin head worth of the gel surplied in case is brilliant especially when on long days shooting, at this time I haven’t really had a go with the neck loop, as to review it, for those who are interested it has a standard headphone plug On it and you hear everything though the dx5. i hope this has helped, many thanks
  5. is there any way to check if a gun has not been stolen by checking the serial number?
  6. i am another one that wears a tie! its makes a that day little bit more special,
  7. phoned up to book in, but we booked in early. I get on to the guy that booked us all in. Right time to give him a kick up the back side, Cant really sack the misses, or i be in the firing line.
  8. hi I am shooting friday, how did you guys find out your squad time?
  9. There another ground opening up just up the road, all I know its on the same road as southern counties
  10. its still for sale (sorry for the late reply been out shooting) if you need more picture then please pm me, kinda a bit gutted about selling it :(
  11. there been planing for a solar farm on the ground, but as far as i know the planing has been rejected. Its a shame to lose another ground,
  12. cheers for the welcome sorry for the late reply, just been out shooting this afternoon,
  13. mines a later gun, as far as I know it made around the 2007 mark, I just tried the 692 and sadly its not the gun for me, it has a lot things going for it, like the 682 does. its kind made my mind up about go for a dt11 now tho,
  14. I have just read this, and I am now not sure, if I want to sell my 682 gold e.
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