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About Simuk

  • Birthday 15/04/1971

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  • Interests
    Shooting all types, rifle, pistol, shotgun but love Trap clays.

    Rock/metal Music


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  1. Is the gun still for sale

  2. Paid £170 for 1000 Eley olympic blue from Lavin about a month ago. Someone over here selling Joker carts as well and I think they're around the £40 a slab mark.
  3. Born and raised in N.I, sad times indeed. I was lucky to have parents that moved us out of Belfast to a town not far away but it meant we where sheltered from most of the bad stuff going on. I have a wife who's dad was killed by the I.N.L.A, which was a case of mistaken identity.....I think most families in the country where touched in some way or another. I have the utmost respect for the young lads in the army that where sent over here to try to keep the peace and it still hurts when i think about how some of them died. Some of my best friends are Catholics that grew up on the Falls road or the Short Strand and i have heard some of there stories and it all sucks.... Lets just hope the peace here lasts. The muppets at Stormont don't seem to care. As another poster above wrote, 99% of the people in N.I just want to get along, live their lives and religion plays no part in it.
  4. Hi cookoff, you have me intrigued with the BA 10 information you have posted. Would it be cheeky of me to ask you to PM me some 12 gauge load data for BA 10? It is a powder i am easily able to obtain and if it's useable in small quantities then it may be a cheaper load for me instead of the AS i have been using. I use BA 9 for other reloading and i like the way it meters compared to the AS flakes, Thanks for your time
  5. Sounds like a great plan, quick question how would a person figure out where the shot was landing in order to put the tarps down? We shoot over a grassy field (quite high grass)
  6. Thanks for that, i have about 15kg's of linotype that i was saving for 9mm, i can use that to begin with
  7. Out of interest what is your mix rate for linotype with lead?
  8. Buying shot is not an option as it puts the price of reloading stupidly high, compared to cheap factory. Sadly maybe your right and I should just stick to buying factory and quit while i can.....
  9. Ok i did some pattern testing yesterday. All testing was done at 30 yards Under Barrel (3/4 choke) Fired the factory Danarms 28g 71/2 shell first, pattern was tight although quite small and high but if the clay was in the zone it was dead. None of my own shells would pattern as tight, i tried shot from 26 grams to 32 grams with varying powder charges. They all made decent attempts at covering the area i was shooting at (cardboard roughly 30" x 30") but none patterned as tightly as the factory. Maybe it's the fact my shot is slightly larger than the factory? The 32 gram shell did have pellets hit almost all over the cardboard, maybe if i up the speed on that cartridge i will get tighter pattern? Hmm what to do next i wonder
  10. No particularly after a 24g load, just after a good load for clay busting using the components i have (and can get) Vectan AS, Guilandi Spark Wads, CCI primers, my own shot, scavenged PT 70mm cases Thanks for that, i think testing is the way to go, instead of turning up on club day and wondering why i'm missing
  11. Now you have hopefully just given me a shot of faith buddy. Thanks for that
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