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Bisley 2009 Info thread

Ferret Master

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This is intended to be the thread with all the latest information about the Bisley Meet 2009 7-9th of August all in one place to save having to trawl through pages in other topics.


The rifle situation has not been resolved yet and we are hoping to hear back from BASC after some meetings in a couple of weeks. If you don't have a range safety certificate, in the mean time, those of you able to get one through your rifle club I would suggest doing so. We are still intending on shooting clays at Bisley on the Saturday and this has been booked. :oops:


Like previous years the format will be:


Some of us turning up Friday night and camping with the usual festivities. :good:


Clays Saturday afternoon 1:30pm. 100 birds, £41, fibre wad, must hold SGC. (This has been booked we just need to know numbers)

Camping Saturday night and enjoying our BBQ's and the bikers rally which has never been a let down. :yes:

Short Siberia rifles Sunday morning.

Skeet Sunday morning.


Hopefully more to come shortly and I can only apologise for the delay regarding organisation this year but alot of it is currently out of our hands. :yes: The latest can be seen in Nick's post #119 HERE







P.S If a moderator could pin this it would be appreciated. ;)


P.P.S Please keep this relatively banter free (there's the other topic for that) and only post with stuff involved in the logistics of the meet and to confirm whether you are coming etc. Thanks. :lol:

Edited by Ferret Master
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Who is attending?


People who I have gathered are interested from the other topic are shown in RED.


People actually (as in proper definitely 100%) coming are in PINK :oops:


People hoping to make it but don't yet know due to personal circumstances are in ORANGE

Ferret Master











Browning GTS





deadeye ive

Dr W





henry d



Evil Elvis <<You`re here EE !



Stealth Stalker







flash and cousin Charlie (can't remember your forum name, sorry Charlie!)




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Hello all,


I am on BASC's case, although they are very much the middle man in this. At the moment they cant offer us what we want as the NRA/Min of Def. has introduced yet more rules that effect how easily someone can be deemed safe. Basically the way we were going to run it (as a BASC open day) cant be done, as the BASC are only allowed their pre-arranged days. They are however meeting with the homeoffice (im told in the next few weeks) and they will go from there.


In the mean time, if your a member of a club already i would see about trying to get your Cert sorted.


or if you happen to have a piece of land about 300 yards wide and 5 miles long i may have a proposition for you.


Hopefully pirbright labs are nothing to do with swine flu! (bisley veterans will know what im talking about)



That's the latest chaps.

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There will be floor space available at 'Big Top von Lefty' again this year. Get your bids in and remember to bring a gonk bag, a mug if you want a brew and eating irons etc. Ear plugs or a healthy resistance to snoring, is a must though...

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Could I book the most comfortable section of floor you have?


Failing that your spare bedroom at home will do <_<






MC: Your booking is duly noted. However, the spare rooms at home are full of Albanians - gotta pay for the credit cruch somehow, eh?


Lefty, if MC cannot obtain a shed for us, then I would like to bags first dibs on the East Wing and reception area.


Mung: You're welcome to a pit space for the night, but I've reserved the East Wing for the Friday evening Cocktail party.




How many can you tent house? I can't really remember the night I spent in it last year. :blink:


FM ???


Floor space is about 7.3 x 3.3 meters, so: divided by you's = loads. Divided by MC's/E Elvis's or Mung's = significantly less!

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Camping is booked and the very nice accomodation lady is marking off 'our' green to prevent any bikers setting up camp there. We need to pay at the range office. :lol:


For those of us without range certificates... unfortunately we cannot organise training on the day so those of you that wish to shoot rifles will have to get a range certificate in the mean time.


FM :lol:

Edited by Ferret Master
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