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here iam

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Everything posted by here iam

  1. nppc 12 months off the year shooting book out with john off you go you have to your home work.
  2. take ya number of bud anti s will use it
  3. went yestersday far too many people priorty parking pathectic it took 1 hour 15 minutes to get in, no help from any body god knows what would have happened if their had been a fire , apart from that managed to find Chris Green the cornish countryman what a star he is just like he is in is flims perfect gentlemen, bought one of is bouncers with a free set off wings thrown in. food and drink price s a joke , clothing price s very good most other things over priced, will not bother again .
  4. In hindsight may be he should have checked the field , but when you put your trust in a so called guide who hangs out on this forum who reckons he is a professional keeper, you expect to be treated right cowboys do not do Tax returns either their should be a professional guides list for people to consult it would cut these fly boys out.
  5. Also how do you find out who these so guides are ? Any body its seems can take folk s out on to their permission and charge , I wonder wether the farmer know s they are charging? And the tax man ?
  6. i know the area well because i shoot it with my buds Leslie and gregster their are normally plenty of geese about to be fair but you have to be in the right flighting areas ,what i cannot understand is why the so called guide would disturb the geese walking them off before taking 4 clients to the area? yes their are no gaurrantee s they will come but why charge 4 lads £50 each when they saw nothing ? then stick them in some woods to shoot pheasant which they saw none either. a charge off a tenner would have been fair i think. Well done fella on your quest to shoot some flighting geese
  7. yes last year me and Leslie shots loads by clearing the snow off with a stiff sweeping brush they see the green from above then its bang, bang time
  8. if you have no Land and elby has and has plenty of pigeons its a fair price sporting agents charge a lot more than that.
  9. yes agree also the fee goes down the longer you remain a member
  10. try first feed before they flock up the trouble round here is they drop on another field
  11. beautiful looking dog mate wife wont let me have one
  12. I think the guys shown what he is about with out asking. Nppc is low cost pigeon shooting availiable to genuine sports men .js is very decent bloke but does not suffer fools.happy new year nppc
  13. i think you just make things up to cover your own actions i will be speaking with John soon so we will see who you really are
  14. why when people come on about nppc why do you keep coming out off the wood work the winter list is out so js doesnt after ring any body up,you seem to have a personal agenda where nppc and Js is concerned Have a day off and get on with your own life . Happy new year shooting nppc members
  15. we can not use hmr on foxe s this side off the border .22 hornet centre fire min requirement hope your right ? because the busies keep a eye on these forums
  16. i find them very accurate and reliable if its german its usually good
  17. yes correct but if you ring him he will answer or text him he will come back he answers me any way
  18. Johns only a phone call or texts away
  19. nppc its always the same disgruntled back stabbers who come out of the wood work , people who have back tracked to farmers and taken land,people who shoot what they are not supposed to, people who buy one ticket and take their mates with them people who leave dead birds and empty cartridges every where then they wonder why john says no thanks low cost pigeon shooting run by a bloke who does is best because he loves shooting him self
  20. Here we go again slagging Leslie off , the bloke has plenty of permission most off yorkshire so has no need to be poaching any where may be your jealous ? The photos of game were taken on a malfunctioning mobile phone simple has that has for saying people only like him because they have no land rubbish I have 500 acres plus off my own plus also shoot nppc , the reason they banned him was because he tried to stick up for him self against all the bully boys.so back off and get your facts right and thank your lucky stars leslie doesn't sue you for slander the guy has helped more people young and old to shoot simple has that. Having plenty off land means you are doing some thing right .
  21. you good have mine but i like it too much what happened to your browning maxus bud?
  22. his it a orginal whitetail or a chinese copy ?
  23. Leslie s top goose dog what a star
  24. Leslie had a couple hours yesterday morning and nailed these canadas and a bonus crow
  25. well done the farmer will be well happy :thumbs:
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