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here iam

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Everything posted by here iam

  1. Excellent write up Peter can you tell me i have two slots on my ticket and it just states two rimfires Do you have to ask for the wmr seperatley ?thanks
  2. Nice one chaps you look serious Les
  3. Good advice mate will bear that in mind but if you only have a shot gun licence ?
  4. Top banging Leslie and of course Greg
  5. Hi Les welcome back bud good shooting once again
  6. You need land passed by the chief constable may be thats why the farmers are shy also the police will only give you a Fac if you can show experiance i had to join a approved rifle club and do 16 visits over 3 months then find land thats been passed by the chief you can find out if the lands been passed by ringing Fac department up have you a mentor who can take you out? Also get on your hand and Knees to your farmer s tell them you need their written permission or you cannot sort their deer out. the only people who can help them at the moment is some one with a open ticket, any way hope this helps
  7. Made in china wot do expect who cares they still work Trying geese fuds now has well
  8. That rape is well on early harvest at that rate
  9. shot loads using just 12 fuds just tape some garden canes on if you want to lift them up full of pellet holes and still work
  10. Hi wabbitbosher i just thought it would be easier to restore the stock Any way i am going to leave it alone now i will probabley mask it up with tape and strip it that way .
  11. Has swiss says get door Knocking or join nppc or sweet hill land management do a google you will find them
  12. Well done mate can you tell me about decoying please? do you face them in to the wind like pigeon decoys? also how many is best?i have got a load of texas goose rags but have had differant advice some same as many out their as you can is best? others say not too many cos you end up scaring them off? Did you call them in? thanks happy xmas
  13. Well done mate i was on strike today could of joined you
  14. Just make sure you have the farmers backing and you have got in down in writing and i always ask if its ok before just turning up cover your back at all times
  15. I think its a done deal already i do not like striking and losing a days pay but they are not listning so we have no other option to make them listen Yes i Know the countrys bank rupt more or less but taking the brass of easy targets who have worked and paid into the system all their lifes since age of 16 is not a fair system why do they not Target bankers sat on big fat bounus who caused the mess in the first place along with the labour governments stupid lending Paying people benefits to do nought all day has made us a laughing stock , this place needs work and morals respect Law and order rant over enjoy your evening
  16. Hi Chaps i Know this might be a long shot i have a 1927 belgian side by side and cannot get the stock of the metal work i have taken a screw out of the top where the lever is to open the gun and a couple out from under where the trigger guard is but it still does not come apart i have a look behind the butt plate its just solid has any body got any ideas thanks lads
  17. Could not agree more but nppc is spot on too Johns a top bloke same has Ray
  18. Shot loads using Fuds they do not need movement they work on 3d photo realism easy to carry just be carefull you do not shoot them because pigeons come right into them even had hawks having a go at them
  19. Thats one heck of a bag mate i was on some drilled wheat yesterday afternoon the ferals were hitting it more than the woodies , i wish the woodies came in as confident as ferals do any way it was still shooting practice and good to be out in our great british country side i also had a newcomer with me who shot is first pigeon a left hand shooter as well we talked and talked and talked in between banging
  20. I hope you keep this one clean dude am banging away with your old one spot on beretta
  21. WELL done pal nice see the hatstand working well
  22. Top offer nice one promoting the sport for newbies or any one good on you pal Human nature restored
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