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Everything posted by Maiden22

  1. Thank you Martin, Paul, codling, alexm and Bunnyhunter. I'm only in it for the kids benefit. Not into the dancing with a load of people dressed as animals but it's the only way i can get the family there. no mate, not bounty or disney, but ford. Why don't you like Ford, Martin? Robert
  2. Voted again from second computer . Robert
  3. Thet're three ahead, only one other lot anywhere near. Come on chaps, get voting! Robert
  4. It's because so many of them kill themselves. Robert
  5. Done and done. I will also vote tomorrow from the computers at work. Robert
  6. Erm, I think that Dr W has made a very valid point. Please respond with appropriately titillating snaps. Robert
  7. The fact that crimes took place at al is not a convincing argument against the deterrent effects of capital punishment. It is the number of crimes that is important, something that should be fairly obvious . I don't think that anyone ha ever claimed it deters all murders. When determining the deterrent effect by measuring murder rates pre and post abolition, it is important to separate those that could be deterred from those that couldn't. Certain crimes of passion, those comitted by "nutters" (tut tut, very bad Mung, off to a diversity awareness course with you), and those comitted by Russian agents are all examples of murders that will never be detered by anything, and so should be removed from the calculation. In answer to Harnser, it was in my opinion a fairly small factor in the decline you mention. The "liberalisation and multiculturalism" mentioned by kdubya would be far more important factors to my mind. Robert
  8. This happens all of the time in the film industry, I just don't see why it's a such big deal because China has done it. I largely agree with this. It's fake, we know it's fake, and it was good enough for The Hoff, so no big deal. Robert
  9. I think that most of them are a waste of perfectly good trees. Self-indulgent twaddle by and large. Frank Sinatra showed the correct attitude when he said that he wouldn't write an autobiography because he wasn't proud of too many things he had done. Incidentally, I would be amazed if many of the ones mentioned are autobiographies. One has to write those oneself, afterall :blink: . Robert
  10. I like pedancosity too. Not as much, however, as pedancosiousness or pedandipity (accidental pendacosity). :blink: Beat that Bob . Robert
  11. That should be "pedantry" :blink: . Robert
  12. Shorter or equal fine, longer don't be anywhere near it when it goes off. Robert
  13. This is an easy one - it isn't. Same goes for the people south of Watford however. My guess for the final bill is £20 Billion. Paris is benefitting hugely by not hosting it. Farce from start to finish. An no, you can't have your money back. It's all been p***** up the wall in the way that only a bunch of total chumps spending other people's money can. Robert
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