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Everything posted by Maiden22

  1. Price family is ahead . Get voting!
  2. Maiden22


    Maybe not. Apparently the area is so inhospitable and dense that it is incredibly difficult to get to / survive in, not to mention the fact that protection measures have come a long way in recent decades. So perhaps they'll be relatively free from the depredations of the unscrupulous. Robert
  3. Too late MGM, I have already sent my details off and claimed the lucre. I will now wait patiently to recieve the funds. Better luck next time suckers! Robert
  4. She was referring to drinking??? Dr, remember your oath - Apollo and Asclepios are ever vigilant over those upon whom they have bestowed their arts. Pavman is clearly requesting help for his problems with "getting started". This is nothing to be ashamed of. Surely an eminent physician such as your good self will not refuse to assist him, by hand if necessary? Robert
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