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Everything posted by Maiden22

  1. Can't see it old boy. Robert
  2. If you mean at the top of the action it's a cross-bolt, it goes in when the gun is closed to lock the barrels. Worked by the top lever. Thanks bob, never seen one of those before. Robert
  3. Bob300w is the chap for old guns :yp: . Robert
  4. Nice looking gun. Ho old is it, and what does that little button do (if it is a button)? Robert
  5. Then it just goes to show that not only can women not drive, they don't listen to **** all either. Ooh, you're on fire today son. :yp: Touche, Mrs Sweepy ! Robert
  6. Jesus Axe, don't get me started on drivers with hats :yp: . Worse than caravanners. Robert
  7. Nicely done. Must have been on one of those advanced courses . Oh, and I'm apalled by your sexist attitude. I can't believe that in this day and age drone drone blather... Robert
  8. Maiden22


    Arnie in his greatest role Bingo ! Remember it now. Robert
  9. Maiden22


    Wasn't there a supervillain, Mr Freezopop, something along those lines? I would imagine he would want a few to equip his henchmen. Robert
  10. Can't beat fresh peas, straight from the pod. If they're fresh enough, absolute crime to cook them. Robert
  11. But not as good as guinea fowl would you agree? These have to be the ultimate in taste. I can certainly agree that guinea fowl are scrumptious. We had guinea fowl and pea (birds? cocks and hens anyway) at home when I was growing up, but never tried peacock. Robert Peafowl would be my guess. You are right as usual Bob (I had to look it up). Interestingly, it says that peafowl belong to the pheasant family. I've 'ad an idea.... Robert
  12. But not as good as guinea fowl would you agree? These have to be the ultimate in taste. I can certainly agree that guinea fowl are scrumptious. We had guinea fowl and pea (birds? cocks and hens anyway) at home when I was growing up, but never tried peacock. Robert
  13. Maiden22


    That's not far from where Bagsy lives............ That's enough proof for me Bob. Get on to plod and have him banged up sharpish. Disgusting what he gets up to in his spare time. Robert Oh, I don't know, he shew me a photo, she was one of the prettier ones, preferable to a Suffolk girl any day. You're a very fair-minded man Bob. I was perhaps a bit too quick to rush to judgement. I noticed in the report that bestiality carries a maximum two year penalty. Presumably copulation with a Suffolk lass is more harshly punished? Robert
  14. Maiden22


    That's not far from where Bagsy lives............ That's enough proof for me Bob. Get on to plod and have him banged up sharpish. Disgusting what he gets up to in his spare time. Robert
  15. Maiden22


    Just three little snippets on an average day in Britain. God help us. Robert
  16. Maiden22


    What about this one on the same page? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/7513416.stm Madness. Robert
  17. Maiden22


    What a lovely story. I do hope that the passer by no longer feels "distressed". It must have been a terrible experience for her. She must be offered counselling and compensation without delay. Robert
  18. And be careful if you're going to eat what you shoot . Sparkie, take care - steel through full chokes is normally considered a big no-no. Most people seem to say half at most. Robert
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