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About MJN

  • Birthday 02/10/1951

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  • Interests
    Shooting (Obviously)
    motors / Motorcycles

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  1. MJN

    N v S '16 ?

    Ok Caravan site booked, monies paid , I'm in, I've now got space for a wood burning stove, is it back into the raffle ?
  2. MJN

    N v S '16 ?

    Ok , looks like I'm in this year, will drag the caravan down and make a holiday of it ! Instead of driving down on the day.
  3. Fennes Mon - Fri + Saturday mornings, otherwise Fyfield, Sundays "Leaden Roding or Writtle" check website for calendar as it alternates between both sites http://www.claypigeonshoot.co.uk/regular-clay-fixtures/essex-shooting-ground-fyfield/
  4. Anybody here shoot at Bush Spring gournd near Broxted ?
  5. For Oils , have a look at Opie oils http://www.opieoils.co.uk
  6. On new guns these days, I would not bother dry firing (with or without snap caps), just store is as is. Depending on where you cabinet is , you may want to store gun in a gunsock (silicon imprenated is better) to keep moisture away. As for cleaning, clean it when it's dirty, mine gets a full length mop through it after each shoot, but that's about it. it 's all down to personal preference. p.s. if you shoot in the rain a wipe all over the metal parts with napier VP90 or similar I'd recommend.
  7. no problem here accessing etyres
  8. MJN


    I have a 682 gold e and a dt10 trident, lovely guns !
  9. Congratulation Webber, ten years eh!
  10. Fennes (Braintree) use the claymate system IIRC, they always ask for any no birds and I've never had any problems even when the counter or machine has gone berserk, rabbits I'm told nibble through the cables or water get in.
  11. should we be writing letters or emails of support http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-21629888
  12. either for me , but I clicked on the first one :-)
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