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  • Birthday 07/07/1963

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    Glasgow Scotland
  • Interests
    clay shooting,fishing,computer,

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  1. Your going back now,I worked as mobile mechanic using a sun machine from 1989 to about 2001 there was plenty of vintage cars needing set up, cars in bits no paint,brakes,wheels, lying in someone's garage. If the distributor can only go in the one way, the drive for the distributor has to be set. As you already said compression at No 1 cylinder, rotor arm pointing to No 1 spark plug lead, correct firing order and dont presume the distributor goes anti clockwise check it. Take the coil lead out the distributor cap still connected to coil. hold the ht lead(with **** bag pliers) to an earth point car body etc turn engine over and increase the gap for the spark to jump an you should easy go to half inch or more (A good strong spark) if not coil poss faulty,remove distributor cap and try the ht lead on the top of the rotor arm if the rotor arm takes a spark then it is faulty crack etc. It's diff to say it's like diagnosing over the phone. It sounds like A fuel problem. If it starts when using easy start and it sounds that it's running on four cylinders then you would think timing is ok ish or it would be backfiring and popping out the carbs. If plugs are soaked right away it's flooding out . As said blocked exhaust is a another thing crack the exhaust open at the manifold see what happens . Overflow fuel pipes on the carburetors if fitted make sure not blocked or fitted wrongly I've built reconditioned engines an believe it or not wouldn't start or run properly until the air box and filter was fitted. When I think of what I want to type it changes as I type 🤣 Let us know how you get on. best a luck
  2. Hi thanks for the replies ,I have 3 tubs of maxam CSB5 an one of maxam PSB2. Smudger686 he is using a different wad. I could start with 29grams of 4 steel, when using fillers can they only go on top of shot. can they go under the shot inside the wad to make up the height ?
  3. Hi Been reloading 12g 6 shot 30g with Maxam CSB 5 for about 3 years now an it has been great . The powder was £19 pounds when I started now £42 I'm looking for steel shot load data to start of with, once fired 70mm 12g hull case, 30/32 gram No 4 steel shot ,B&P S32 wad, Maxam PSB2 powder, cx2000 primer. came across a video on the tube a guy called Howard Marshall has data from clay an game 28/29 grams No 7 steel shot with 26.5 grains of PSB2 powder. so any info would be welcome Thanks Hayburn
  4. yes you get a bigger picture and It would save a lot of walking .I've had my permission for 7 years an there are parts I have never been to for different reasons.
  5. Sorry didn't see it at the top. above the picture it's 3x12x50. 👍
  6. Marka11 no need to apologise you did't know. I've had it since I was in my thirty's. I'm now 59 an it can really drag you down. But I enjoy my shooting and getting out. I will certainly take a look at the drones an check out those videos on you tube. Thanks
  7. Thanks for the reply's ..This is the one I was watching the videos on, it gets great reviews. an because of it's size you can almost fly it anywhere, also the software they use puts restriction on flight zones etc I do walk around the area but I cant get my car near some of the fields and I tend to keep to the edge of the fields. I have AF ( Atrial fibrillation) an the area is hilly in parts I run out of steam . also takes its toll. I just wonder If members used it to there advantage. What is the drone model you use do you have a link?
  8. I apologise if this has been covered before. I was on Y/T the other day and came across videos on drones. I was very impressed at the size of the drone and the quality of the video. It got me thinking .Does anyone on here use a drone on there shooting permission ? My permission (fields) are split in different areas on the same farm. would it be any good for checking fields, crop damage, vermin location etc. What are the advantages if any ?
  9. oh fur four-tie minutes, I went to a photo booth. the first one out of order ,second one card only. not having my card on me, went the next night. only option for five PASSPORT pictures. £8 POUNDS 🤬
  10. How did you get on Docleo. I received a renewal letter from police Scotland on the 8 November , It said in the letter complete a 201 form and do not send it in. An FEO officer will be in contact, thinking as my licence isn't up till Feb 2022 didn't think I would here from them till DEC/Jan. As I had to contact Doctors, referees, passport photo. I get a call on 10th from FEO asking about doctors ,referees, and to arrange an appointment to come out and see me on the 24th . He spoke to both of my referees on the 11th November. No harm on giving them a call or an email . Atb
  11. I got mine YT7B-BS 6.5 AH. Collected yesterday. showing 12.9 volts Activated 02/21 for £10 👍
  12. Hi Halfords have a sale on Yuasa batteries for sale... https://www.halfords.com/motoring/motorcycling/motorcycle-batteries/yuasa-yb10l-a2-12v-yumicron-battery-243755.html https://www.halfords.com/motoring/motorcycling/motorcycle-batteries/yuasa-yb16al-a2-powersport-motorcycle-battery-759872.html https://www.halfords.com/motoring/motorcycling/motorcycle-batteries/yuasa-yb12al-a2-yumicron-motorcycle-battery-685637.html https://www.halfords.com/motoring/motorcycling/motorcycle-batteries/yuasa-53030-12v-yumicron-din-battery-243730.html https://www.halfords.com/motoring/motorcycling/motorcycle-batteries/yuasa-yt7b-bs-powersport-motorcycle-battery-759880.html
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