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Everything posted by activeviii

  1. mop the debris out first then get a new bore mop. dip in acetone and shovel down barrel. I use two in the o/u, one each barrel, and leave to soak and soften the plastic. then in with the bronze brush followed with oily mop as acetone strips all oil out. no hard scrubbing needed, takes no time at all and leaves a mirror finish.
  2. I have to agree with you. I thought the cla had gone bad this year but the Midlands, well that's me done with them now. If you like to eat over priced junk foods, drink cider, have ear plugs made and then walk around a car boot sale then you will be right at home. One person selling ammo. One selling reloading. Couldn't find any cartridges other than if your reloading. Only one of the bigger gun makers. Air rifles very poor turn out to. After all the years I have been going this now was my last. Not wasting my time and money on it now. I'll stick with the shooting show and that's it now.
  3. Nah! Get one in your hands and read up on it. Little bit more than the next rifle. Not made by an accountant like the others
  4. I had the great pleasure of a close up of one of there rifles. It was only the classic but if that's the base modle them, my gosh, is all I can say. Just waiting for them to bring out the synthetic stock out next year before I decide what I'm doing but I'm pretty sure I will be ordering a 6.5. I was going to buy a sako 85 but when I put the two next to each other I have now totaly changed my plan. Every single bit of it is thought out and machined, not pressed tin. Very very impressed and about time quality was brought forward at a realistic price. I can see the rifles taking off in a big way in the coming years. greatdanerifles I can't remember is links are aloud but is the 3w and com
  5. They work just fine, no good for hunting as there not hollow points. I found them no different to CCI that I used in the semi auto.
  6. Cheers me old fruit, I couldn't see it for looking.
  7. OK, so as normal, their web site is pants. No ticket pricing No gate opening times or closing times. Come on GWA why the mistery?
  8. Are your decoys plastic or flocked. Flappers, floaters or magnet? Normally it's a glint on something that will jinxs them at the last second. Comes with experience I hate to say. Only way to get that is to get in the field and keep changing bits until it starts working. Don't get to eaten up on the hide, movement is the main issues in there,as long as your not moving to quickly before the bird has set its wings then you L be fine. I have shot with orange t-shirts. No hide, sat on a blue bucket on end of hedge with 2 dogs sat next. Even out in the middle of a feild on drilling with single net in front and had birds coming in over my head from behind. Just takes time in field to understand what's not working at the time. Get out, set up and be prepared to ring the changes.
  9. Nothing like dragging a 2011 post up from the depths. Still, base of skull with the 22rf still works just fine for me but hen I have knocked a few down now.
  10. Malk is always on the weed With some of the strange things he comes out with I really hope he is on weed or sleeveless jackets on order
  11. Got a reply from alpin hunting and they have no 6.5 interlocks either. Oh well. Looks like I wouldn't be breaking the law then
  12. None of the loadings are subsonic so its not going to be that quiet. Ugly gun too lol
  13. Has anyone ordered bullets from them. Need some interlocks, can't get any in UK but read somewhere that alpinhunting will send them with no problem. Thanks for help gents Phil
  14. Only real answer will come from land owner, ask their thoughts on it. I do shoot Sundays and always will as pigeons don't know what day of the week it is. Only reason the Sunday law on game was because back when the lord of the manor had his shoot and his staff only had Sunday off, he didn't want them poaching his birds so it became law that there was no shooting of game on a Sunday and this stopped them shooting his birds. I don't start pigeon shooting early and never run late but I do shoot them any day f the week
  15. I use to worry about OAL and jumps but then I started to really mess around with things and banged the bullet in to what the Lee book says the minimum OAL. First did it with the .222 which use to shoot 10mm groups with A-Max and ¼mm off lands. After pressing the bullet to minimum OAL and testing them group again guess what happened. Nothing, no change what so ever. I then switched to 40gn varminters, I could not seat .2 of the lands as they are small and not enough is in the case neck. I just pushed them in so 5 mm was in the case. Shoots the same groups as the A-Max did. I now start with all my loadings at minimum OAL and then once I have found the best powder amount I either leave it at that if tight enough or start poking the bullet out a little at a time till its grouped to my needs.
  16. Bit late but yes, shortening the barrel can. Ause problems. Harmonics of the barrel and powder being the main. Cut to short and you can still have powder being spat out the end that's unburnt. Is your putting a mod or a muzzle brake on then as long as the crown has no burr then angle makes little to no odds, you can cut it square for all is matters as the blast is different in a mod compared to uncut barrel. I know of a 223AI 32" barrel. Build as a long range rifle. Would not group for love or money. Different mods, different ammo, powder, primers, crowning. Mother better than 1" at 200. In the end it had 2" cut off, same mod went on, it shot like a dream after that. As Kent said, whip of the barrel was the issue.
  17. Add this http://shop.nosler.com/nosler-bullets/accubond-long-range-nosler-bullet/accubond-lr-6-5mm-142-grain-bullet-100ct.html with a BC of 0.719 and here's my new long range rifle but the 6mmbr is on the ticket for now
  18. Aolq was removed when the badger cull started. Basc have spoken to the force and came away saying that's that way it is. This make no difference to me as I just get them to list every thing that I can legally shoot. Have you thought about the 6.5cm. Ruger are barreling in them now as well
  19. You will not get AOLQ in Gloucester. they are removing it if its on your ticket when you put in for variation or such. Show need, know the reasons as to the need and you will be fine. I get on well with Glos and i find them very approachable, as said, if you can show reason then its all good. don't stand with the rest on the 243, just because its minimum calibre does not mean it's any less than a 308. shill gonna hurt is pointed in the wrong direction. still going to do the same to deer, fox or moles. only reason there is so many 243's out there is that shooters get told they can only have a 243 and they are more worried about getting knocked back so don't like rocking the boat so to speak and except the 243. no problems as long as you show need. my first was 6.5 then a 7x57r. i have the 308 on the same as the 6.5, also had the 243 which was just used for fox, carp calibre by the way. to much for fox, not enough for bigger deer. roe being soft-bodied just smashed them compared to a 6.5.
  20. i was going to say 6.5 every time and your more than welcome to try one. just sold the 243 that i had for foxing else it would have given you a good comparison as the 308 is here as well.
  21. Without citing off the handle and brazing in a new one on a different profile then there is two options, maybe 3. Higher rings or replace scope
  22. Little Vicks vapour rub on the tip of the dust mask if your a tart and can't handle it.
  23. Whole roof will be replaced as well but just need to find someone who knows about the different glass that isn't trying o sell me the biggest profit for them
  24. Needs to be glass, solid roof will not work.
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