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Everything posted by nagantino

  1. I had not thought about that aspect. I have,nt even got the gun yet.
  2. Pleasantly surprised with how I could cock the rifle last week. It looks like an effort but I found that by hitting the barrel and then pulling the barrel down it was quiet easy. I've never really explored the Air Rifle world but the more I ask the more convinced i am that I will purchase a spring rifle. And yes your right, I can use my right arm.
  3. I was out last Friday, but I'm only posting now. I set up untill 1:30 or so. The birds began coming in before I had built the hide and shot 2 as they realized their mistake and were rising up. That was the end of the Urika behaving it's self and it would not fire any second shot. The rest of the day was single shot only. But it was a great days sport. The birds came steadily all day......crows, feral pigeon and woodies. The bag was 30 odd of mixed birds. Finished up at 4;00 or so. I checked the gun when I got home. The recoil buffer had worked itself into a twisted position and eventually broke off. Its in being sorted now.
  4. I was out last Friday, but I'm only posting now. I set up untill 1:30 or so. The birds began coming in before I had built the hide and shot 2 as they realized their mistake and were rising up. That was the end of the Urika behaving it's self and it would not fire any second shot. The rest of the day was single shot only. But it was a great days sport. The birds came steadily all day......crows, feral pigeon and woodies. The bag was 30 odd of mixed birds. Finished up at 4;00 or so. I checked the gun when I got home. The recoil buffer had worked itself into a twisted position and eventually broke off. Its in being sorted now.
  5. You will need a partner tp button Hollow Farm. Tannyoky is acoustic so you feed the machine a token and off you go, DTL anyway. It's great for practice by yourself.
  6. Didn't Elvis Presley eat squirrel regularly? His poor up bringing made it a regular part of his food. A few years ago a documentary showed his relatives shooting the squirrel then A lady cut it into pieces, dredged in flour and the deep fried it . Looked good.
  7. (Pigeons didn't like it though) ..............Love it. LOL.
  8. There are so many contradictory opinions about this devise that it's impossible to form an opinion! The little video looks great though.
  9. Thanks for all of the advice. I could not operate a spring powered rifle as I have a difficulty with my left arm. I should have mentioned this but I imagined most replies would recommend a pre charged gun.
  10. Just to further explain. I live In N. Ireland and as far as I know all air powered guns must be on a FAC but it also means the guns are full power.
  11. Hi, I've been shooting shotguns and rifles for years. I shoot wood pigeon over decoys and shoot DTL most months, also I shoot Sporting Rifle with SMLE and CZ 550 so I know my way around a gun. My wife's work place is plagued by feral pigeon entering the building and they asked her could i deal with the problem. They will pay also. I have never owned an air rifle so I was wondering what advise you might offer for this type of shooting.
  12. Are all the birds " launched " by hand? Are none driven up? I'm not into knocking the American Way but the guy throwing birds must be exhausted.
  13. I've seen these as well. Just like a small latrine filled with black stuff. The hole was very round and neatly made. Cant answer if its fox or badger though.
  14. It's a well made film though, focused and showing reaction shots and well edited. I would guess there were many more shots less successful and from greater ranges that never made it into the final film. They are kinda close though.
  15. Moving is the answer but I didn't set up till 1.30 cos the field is known as an evening field, no birds all morning. I can attest to this, sitting all morning with no action then as the day wears on the birds show up. The birds could see me I think cos as the sun moves the hide becomes more visible. I checked the price of the Jack Pyke stealth net so I can see out but there are mixed opinions on it. I will try to combine it with another net.
  16. That's a good day mate. 42 rooks Mien Gott.
  17. Yeah roast lamb on a Thursday......that's the good part. Bad part? Sitting watching pigeons turn away all day and when they did come in missing easy birds. I shot 2 birds all day. Over the brow of the hill of stubble I could see them winging and soaring...just not over my pattern. Still, when I got home the missus had the dinner ready. Is that a good day?
  18. Making formal application.............. It ain't no beauty queen but its mine. I bought this from a friend who was giving shooting up. I admired it years ago and when he decided to sell, I dived at it. 24 inch barrel and as you can see its had rear sights added. I don't use the sights and as it cylinder bore I point and shoot at pigeons and crows. It works great using 7 1/2 Trap cartridges but I think I will try it with GB 6's soon. Great for the hide.
  19. Got out today to a field I shot last Friday. Last week I was in shirt sleeves, not today..... Very cold wind blowing. On my way past this permission at 4 or 5 in the evening, the field is alive with birds. Not this morning. I built the hide at about 9:30 in a corner that commanded a great view of the field. Zip. A kestrel, a buzzard and 2 lovely bluejays. Lovely to see....No pigeons though. By 1 o'clock one or two woodies began to show. I shot a few. By 3 o'clock pigeons were coming in nicely. GB 6's fairly knock them down with quarter choke. At 3:30 or so I hit 3 for 3 shots which brightened my day a lot. 4 o'clock birds were coming in steadily. I stopped to chat to a guy watching the birds and me. A fellow decoyer. He described the field as an Evening Field. I had to agree. Has anyone else come across this. The bag was 31.
  20. Ginger, I'm out on Friday and will try what you say. I love the idea of peeking over the net but doing it dead still. I like this because I often miss birds landing into the pattern because I can't see them through the net!
  21. One last thing from me. Try going out by yourself. You can make your own mistakes with no audience and no pressure. It totally agree with others.......it's not the gun. I almost always shoot by myself and love it. Later, meet your mate in the pub and swop stories of high ones and Spitefire crossers.
  22. Highland I Sent you a pm.
  23. Kitchrat, I'm in county Antrim. I did try to keep hidden and as I said, I brought a buzzard in to eat the dead crow so I thought I was doing well. Even magpies flying close enough to be shot, 2, I didn't mention that in the OP. The pigeons were fling in mostly from over my right shoulder hesitating then zooming on. Time after time this happened. I reduced the decoys until only downed birds were acting as decoys. One pigeon went down in a flurry of feathers and I thought this was what causing the problem, all those feathers on the stubble. It was a great day. When I moved and hunkered down they came in. It's a funny old game. In June as I was packing up to go home, picking up the decoys and fallen birds, a wood pigeon landed 10 feet from me! Go figure.
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