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Everything posted by nagantino

  1. cracking pics Dave. Its nearly a pity to shoot them. Nearly.
  2. tweddle, its a Lanber gold sporter. I am enjoying learning to shoot it. Im a DTL man and have used the 3800 grade 5 for years now but decoyng is different as you know. "Buy cheap and you buy twice" I have guns up the yazoo and did not want to buy an expensive shotgun for decoying but the wee s/s spanish wasnt doing the job so I bought the Lanber. Good gun for the money. The photo shows a wee bag from Fiday evening and just as I was packing up I could see a flight of 5 duck winging around the stubble. You never know yer luck......................
  3. Great bag of birds. Bags of that number are few and far between in Ireland, crows maybe but rarely woodies. A great pic and a super days action!
  4. Well, the birds are about cos i have frightened a brave few. Lots of feral pigeons where I live {Lisburn}but woodies too. On Monday I had a resonable wee bag. I was out last night beering and felt a bit ropey today, but as I was scouting the fields on Thursday the high winds had lots of birds fying ond dropping into stubble. So I finished early today and was set up at 4.00pm. Lots of birds fying that were feral and woodpigeon but no crows. Quiet to start then in a space of 45 minutes or so I had a bit of action. Steady single birds then a flock of feral birds. Wet dream of 2 birds with 1 barrel, then a lighting bird into an oak tree, then a fast woodie trying to avoid me. This was clean kill head back. Most satisfying bird today. Then a bird needed dispatch so I walked out to finish it when 3 pigeons kept coming in on the pattern. Got one of them. then it all stopped. This was over stubble barley.
  5. Well, the birds are about cos i have frightened a brave few. Lots of feral pigeons where I live {Lisburn}but woodies too. On Monday I had a resonable wee bag. I was out last night beering and felt a bit ropey today, but as I was scouting the fields on Thursday the high winds had lots of birds fying ond dropping into stubble. So I finished early today and was set up at 4.00pm. Lots of birds fying that were feral and woodpigeon but no crows. Quiet to start then in a space of 45 minutes or so I had a bit of action. Steady single birds then a flock of feral birds. Wet dream of 2 birds with 1 barrel, then a lighting bird into an oak tree, then a fast woodie trying to avoid me. This was clean kill head back. Most satisfying bird today. Then a bird needed dispatch so I walked out to finish it when 3 pigeons kept coming in on the pattern. Got one of them. then it all stopped. This was over stubble barley. http://i263.photobucket
  6. Tom, I have only lately got back into decoying pigeons and I have asked 3 or 4 landowners for permission and it has never been refused. None of them said they would ring me back. If I heard that I would take it as the brushoff. I have seen it on this sight about farmers ringing guys up but farmers are as busy and as lazy as you and I so I hope they ring but...... Get the permission from them there and then and by all means leave your details. A couple of farming brothers smiled on Sunday afternoon last when I asked, they were bemused that someone took the trouble. I live in N.Ireland and it might be things area little more relaxed. Good luck with everything.
  7. Thanks adamhall, I was well pleased because the birds were winging when shot, the previous week I had missed alot of birbs. I got out yesterday afternoon after work. The farmer was still cutting the barley so I built the hide climbed in and had a cuppa. Some other guys were lined along a hedge shooting high birds but it looked a bit forlorn. They put out 1 decoy. Heavy rain started and everyone cleared off leaving me. Small bag but some satisfying hits. 2 magpies especially pleasing: you know that jinking way they fly......I pulled throught them and was more than suprised to see them fold. Knackered last night.
  8. Phew, its been tha tlong since i posted a pic
  9. I returned to a field shot last week to give it a last try. Beautiful day but much quieter. Better kills though, clean and confidencve building. I killeed 5 crows and 8 pigeons all feral but the last. 3 pigeons could not be found. 1 went into nettles and 2 sailed on, head back into an adjoining property. I have included a photo. 1st try.
  10. gunhills, I bought the flocking kit from "Decoy Direct". Check the website out, you can buy the kit or the adhesive seperatly. The adhesive they sell is not labelled but its 2 plastic conainers labelled "Adhesive" and that awful word "Hardner" Mix sparingly and apply AND do you know what, it works. I did not expect anything and was well pleased with the finish.
  11. rockerfella, I am afraid you need a walnut stock. Beech is not well figured and while it can be stained it cant be made to look like a nice walnut. Ive refinished many shotgun and rifle stocks.
  12. Some good points here. I have noticed in some Shooting magazines, that the author seems to be in the flimsyest of hides, and I wonder was the hide built quickly for the Photos used in the article or is it real. I know that I have built well hidden hides and have seen birds shy away from well out. I think Cranfield has it about right regarding clothing etc and yes its great to have one of those days when pigeons dont seem to care and just keep coming.
  13. I got out on Saturday myself. Great weather, you dont often get to say that, and a great field of cut barley. I had kept an eye on this field and got permission with no probs and was ready Saturday morning. I left it late though and was not set up untill 9.30 or so. I kept the hide small but just left of a huge Oak tree. I find that if I am under the tree I cant make as many shots. The birds were steady but I missed many sitters. BUT, I hit my first left and a right. A magpie and a big grey crow. But were shot on instinct and both clean kills. I got 2 magpies , my first ever and 12 crows. The missed birds were a real frustration. The new gun is a Lanber sporter and this brings me to my question. Do you blot the bird out on these occasions or should you always see the bird? I shoot DTL and regularly hit max 75 or 60 depending on the shoot but these ******* defeat me. Any advice?
  14. starlight32, in july my good lady wife and I went to Kracow and visited many of the locations used in Shindlers list. When we got to Shindlers Factory it was closed in with scaffolding and plastic. It had taken a while to find it in a fairly run down area so we took the liberty of pulling the plastic sheeting aside and in we went. 2 German ladies followed. We found the undisturbed stairway used in the film and his office. The whole place is being refubished as a working factory. The entrance seen in the film is preserved though
  15. How many do you get for £9 or £20 e-bay? I will use anything that works especially if they are light. I will need a wheelie bin soon.
  16. Beneath the valley of the ultra vixens.........ahhh yes I remember it well. It followed " Valley of the Dolls", then "Beneath the valley of the dolls". "The Kingdom" was it called, about the crusades? A talent free zone.
  17. Taff. I knows it well. You might see a lot of changes there now. Lots of new building... all stopped now when the *** fell out of the market.
  18. buckfast d I guess I qualify as a blow in.........8 years in Lisburn......Belfast before that. All "her" people are Lisburn. Courted a wee lassie from Broomhedge once. God forgive me but I cant remember her name. She was a piper though for the band.
  19. I dropped in for a pint of Guinness on Moday night on my way home from work. "Pint of stout please", up it came. Oh yeah. This guy came in and I said Hallo. We got to chatting and it emerges that he shoots pigeons. "Where do you shoot" I asked and he names all the fields that I have been shooting and complaining about not seeing birds on, or cant get birds to come to my decoys. No wonder. Then he names all the other guys who shoot "my" fields. And theres me thinking I was the only one. It explains all those canny crows and pigeons who are suspicious of plastic birds. On my way home this afternoon I spotted a field full of crows and lovely pigeons winging in on freshly cut barley. I went to the owner and he has given permission to shoot it. Ill try this field on Saturday. No doubt Ill have to elbow the other guys out of the road to raise the gun!
  20. Taff Mason, by God sir I like the cut of your gib....
  21. Just reading Tweedledee's post and was wondering about Sunday shooting in N.Ireland. I was always told that "it was never done" but I see lots of posts from Scotland, England and Wales were the guys are shooting on Sunday. I don't know anybody who does but was curious about it. Is it law or ettiquete?
  22. Well I got out today at about 8.00 am. When I pulled into the deserted farm buildings it was misty and silent. I felt like an intruder. Jeepers, the road was covered with pigeons and the fields alive with crows. I set up in the corner previously checked out. Could I get those crows to come in? They hovered above me or above the decs but not close enought to shoot. I was using my new gun , a Lanber Gold Sporter and am still a little unsure of its feel. Two pigeons on this field and left at 12.00 I went to my old spot near a Church up an old lane. Disgusting mess left by scum, tyres, spud peelings and other household rubbish. The council dump is 1/4 mile away. Jeezzzz. I left there and went to a new fieild but could not draw a single bird. Vole, your right I will be backkkkkk
  23. ballymac, yeah, I was rethinking that post. Too many things to go wrong or maybe I was doing nothing wrong {except missing} I think the position of the hide was badly placed although I did have a little success with the same position before. No there were not too many birds flying that day right enough, but the hide was placed under a tree that the pigeons were flying into and I think I was spotted. Anyhooo I am out tomorrow again to a different field. I checked it out today and it was lively enough. The barley is badly flattened and low anyway, and I wonder will the farmer bother to cut it. What month of rain!
  24. It seems that the yanks arn't the only ones who don't understand irony.
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