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Everything posted by nagantino

  1. The Lee Pro 1000 is a progressive press and will make good .223 ammo. I don't think it can contend with a longer brass case than .223. For precision shooting it has to be single stage though. It's fun too, knowing your crafting your own recipe. RCBS is a class act. Lee will do it just as well.
  2. Ive no preference in which Vectan powder I use. I bought 2 tubs of AS but I can return 1 and get AO and compare. Getting data on making slugs is not easy. Just look at how many replies I got to my original request for information. Look also at the data from, say, Lee who insist that you use 1. The specified hull. 2. The specific primer. 3. The exact amount of a powder . 4. A named wad. Then factor in the fact that we often can't access these components and you see that any newbe, like me, is left to read and troll the Internet to find acceptable equivalents. Or ask on a Forum like Pigeonwatch. So, I can't provide data for AS in making slugs. Can someone provide it for AO? Or would they share what they use...........
  3. Well, it means it works. Repeatedly and accurately. It would be foolish for a newbee like myself to ignore the advise of the dealer selling the Vectan AS, ( who sells all Vectan powders and many others ), and the supplier of the shell components who also suggested a fast burning powder. 70 mm Cheddite case, 20 grs. Vectan AS, H21 wad, 1 nitro card, Lee 7/8 slug, 1 frangible disc, roll crimped. If I would change anything it would be a shorter case, say 65/68 mm.
  4. The AS is working though. Vectan powders are available locally so I will experiment with them. I bought AS after lots of reading....fast powder, medium powder, fast powder .....on and on. I settled on AS after speaking to a number of suppliers. The thinking was " use a fast powder so that no unburnt powder is left in the barrel and complete ignition is achieved by a fast powder " . Like I say, they work fine. The MEC 7/8 wad is not suitable though. I've changed to Diamant H 21 wad it's a snug fit and has no bulges.
  5. Saddler, I don't use a press. I buy pre primed cases, add the powder, fit a card, slug and frangible disc. I push them in fully and then roll crimp on a pedestal drill. I've been working all sorts of remedy but I'm certain it's the wad. It's too small , MEC 7/8, I reload lots of pistol/revolver ammo and use case gauges for every round. I think a Diamant H-21 wad is needed, which I think Siarm supply. I'm surprised how few people replied because it must be a problem that many encounter.
  6. Well, some progress as been made. I've built a batch of slugs and tested them yesterday. First thing to say is they are great fun to shoot. Accuracy was very good from the 10 metre line, 20 metre and finally 50 metres. At 50 metres I was able to hit the target with some accuracy but it ain't precision. All components were from Field and Game. I used a 70 mm Cheddite case, a MEC straight wall 7/8 ounce wad(grey), one nitro card over 20 grs of Vectan AS topped off with a frangible disc. These were roll crimped. So far so good. The finished shell has a very slight bulge near the roll crimp. This becomes apparent when loading the semi auto. Sometimes the shell does not fully go into battery. A smart push on the cocking handle will sorted that. My question is: what's causing the slight bulge? Pretty sure it's the wad. Anyone tried a combination that makes a smooth finished she'll with no bulge?
  7. Definitely a black cougar.
  8. Great video and well edited also , it was a regular massacre. One thing though, I would never bring my Trap gun into a hide.......couldn't bear to have it marked.
  9. I've settled on a MEC straight wall wad for 7/8 ounce load, with a Cheddite case 70 mm. I'm looking at a HS6 equivalent, say, Vectan OA. About 30 grains to start.
  10. Cheers lads. Mr.Smith is that the Z 18 from B&P( Clay and Game)? I was thinking that a smaller cup Z 24 say, would allow the column to sit just proud of the petals. Fortunecookie45 recommends that.
  11. Saddler, I've read till I'm dizzy. The merry-go-round of what's recommended on YouTube by experienced guys in the states, to our own suppliers her in the UK is the stumbling block. Add in the serious warnings about building a shell as recommended, impossible because of equivalents in UK. The Lee data sheet would be great if you could access those components. I want to buy local, that is UK or Europe. Has no one worked up a 7/8 slug shell that is accurate and was sourced here?
  12. Hi all, I'm about to begin reloading slug shells for Practical Shotgun Competition. I've made my ingots and have the Lee pot with a bottom pour. The hard part now begins. Finding components to build the "column" that will give an accurate slug. I'm using the Lee 7/8 drive key but the flurry of wads, nitro cards and powder charge is baffling. American websites have plenty of opinions but we can't buy that stuff easily, and finding the European equivilant is a guessing game. I am going to buy new primed cases and roll crimp on a pedestal drill. So. It would be a good start if you guys would post your recipe for 7/8 Lee slugs. I'd doesn't have to be your own, say "your mate tried this one" or "my mum likes these wads with these nitro cards" but, it does have to be specific .......name the case, exactly which wad, how many nitro cards and which powder. I think the growing number of Practical shooters would appreciate the information.
  13. A lot of presumptions being made here. You have no idea who these guys are or who they vote for. Who are you voting for? They eat hamburgers?? So. They shoot birds? So. They shoot birds from a hide?? So. One, one of them did something silly while out shooting?? So what.
  14. Hi everyone, I'm trying to buy a few bits and pieces from Steves Gunz, Texas, USA of course. The parts are for a Rossi 92 lever gun. The problem is the Online ordering system has a problem with our post code system. I emailed them and they suggest adding " 0 " in front of the numbers. I've tried every permutation but no luck. Has anyone ordered from this company? PS Steves Gunz are very happy to send parts overseas including UK.
  15. The competition comes in doing it fast. Faster than everyone else. Doing it competently, safely and having fun. They tally is not birds broken its targets hit and the time it took you to complete. It might look easy but try it and see.
  16. I'm glad this Thread was posted. I've watched previous videos of fox shooting and was uneasy at the cubs being shot. I enjoy the videos of foxes being stalked and shot but the footage of the Cubs being eliminated as they played, was unsettling and should have been left out.
  17. Short but good.....nice autumnal feel to it also.
  18. Good video and the dog working was great to see. I used to shoot the the Lough years ago but only bagged Tufted..... Not great eating. On my first visit i climbed out of the hide to stretch my legs, when I returned a Kestrel flew out of the hide......it had eaten the eyes out of the shot birds left in the hide.
  19. Got out again today on stubble barley. Loads of wood pigeon about ......very wary though. I set up in a field with some houses nearby so I was real careful about muzzle direction. The hide poles are the best way to control this. Steady birds all day but not an intense day. I picked up 35 woodies by 3:30 cos I had shot my last cartridge! I used a half choke with GB 6's. I think I could squeeze one more day out of this field...lots of guys shoot this field because it's near Belfast and Lisburn. I've never witnessed any silly behaviour when I'm out, but I'm sure I took impossible shots when I was young.
  20. Got the Berretta semi out last Thursday. A field of uncut barley but badly flattened down by wind and rain. Under the trees is completely flat so it must be run-off from the rain and the wind. This field had areas of thick grass growing up through the barley. I kept an eye on this field and could see lots of bird activity. Walked it on Wednesday and decided to set up on Thursday. As I was setting up I became aware of a whooshing noise, looked up to see a huge flock of wood pigeon above me, so there's lots of birds about. I had to put the decoys on flattened areas and had no luck for at least an hour, though lots of wood pigeons were flyingin smaller groups. Very frustrating to watch the birds land on the wires and settle into another part of the field. First birds killed at 11:00 or so, but the decoy pattern wasn't producing settling birds but what it did produce was birds flying into the trees above me to have a look. I had the best days sport shooting the birds coming into the tree above me. One thing I was not happy about, was the birds,shot clean, but falling into the barley still standing. I could not retrieve about 4 birds. Finished at 2:30 and picked up 23 wood pigeon, no feral and no crows. And I lost me glasses.
  21. I've no objection to anyone taking a hare when in season, it's a free country. I stopped years ago. It's bad luck to shoot the hare, there I've said it. Years ago myself and two mates were driving down to a remote permission. The other passenger was the land owner, an older man. He casually asked " Do you shoot hares? ". All three of us did at that time, but I knew what was coming. I said quickly "No we don't " . His reply was " If you shot a hare down here, don't come back ". We saw hares that day but shot none. There are many things about the hare that make it special........superstitions, stories, art and myths. I stopped that day and any I've seen since are a joy to see. You'll tell people in the bar later..." hey I saw a hare today"
  22. Very few qualified gunsmiths here. Gordon at Hollow Farm is good but outside of him, I can't think of anyone. Those guys in the shops are selling guns that's all. Finding out if the gun fits is different........some of the guys can adjust the gun by raising or lowering the comb, if you have one,but don't ask them to bend a stock or anything that requires skill. If one guy were to emerge he would clean up.
  23. Just back from a day over a potato field. Large numbers of birds flying and settling into a field just over a newly cut ditch. It was deep with a good stream flowing in it. I could not bring the birds in at all to my pattern. Not one shot. It was real cold also, so I got up to look at the field where they were going. They got up and were flying all around but fast and high. I took a punt at a few and hit one which fell with a thump over the deep ditch. What a buzz that was. Retrieving was the hard bit. So just one bird but a good day.
  24. Good stuff. Before I retired I made something similar. 1. Buy that day blo paper, the yellow/ lemon one. 2. Paint with Blackboard paint. 3. Laminate. I don't have a laminater anymore. It took a few goes to get it right. If I remember I was up to mark 9 before it was right but it works. Yes too much free time.
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