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Everything posted by jojusa

  1. oops, double post for some reason.
  2. oops here is the link in full without me trying to be clever with clicky here thingymebobs ! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RIFLE-SHOTGUN-SLING-...id=p3286.c0.m14
  3. Clicky for sling !! I use one of these on my air rifle and they are ok for carrying your gun into the field but they are nothing special to look at.
  4. jojusa

    BSA owners

    Yeah, same name as on here.
  5. jojusa

    BSA owners

    No probs col s10, pleased to have helped.
  6. Hi Tazz, the link to this gun on the BBS forum say's that it is "Sold and Collected, Last edited by Suggs; 28-09-2008 at 08:09 PM".
  7. jojusa

    BSA owners

    To all the BSA air rifle owners, here is a forum for you to look at for info and help with your guns. Take a look around http://bsaog.co.uk/forum/index.php
  8. jojusa

    BSA ultra

    Great gun for rough shooting. I paid £300 for my 2nd hand Multishot with scope.
  9. Hi Pete & welcome to PW from another newbie (I'm also a truck driver)
  10. As you say, you don't always need to shoot something to enjoy your morning out. Just getting out of the house and away from work is good enough for me.
  11. Thanks for the welcomes,
  12. Mine comes from the names in my family, john julie samantha jojusa, pronounced JOE JUICE A
  13. Thanks sirusman, my friend has had his SGC for around 15years so I think it would be ok with the FEO without a visit but I might give him a ring to enquire.
  14. This is just the very information I was looking for, my shooting friend has a SGC and is very happy for me to keep any shotgun at his house on his ticket. Would I be able to apply for a SGC, then when granted (hopefully ) I would have to add any shotgun I bought to both mine and my friends tickets?
  15. Thanks very much for all the welcomes and for the advice, i will try to get a chance to try some of these guns before I buy. @dasha thanks a lot for your very kind invitation but with work a tues is probably a no-go, I also use Steve Smiths but mainly on a sunday on the air rifle range. If your ever there on a sunday let me know and I'll buy the coffee's and pick your brains for info. Excellent forum, pleased I've joined.
  16. Hi all, been lurking in the background for a while now and gathering information but eventually took the plunge and registered to the forum. I don't have a SGC but I am really thinking of applying for one. I have been shooting air rifle for around 25 years and my friend who I go rough shooting with also brings his u/o shotgun and it has given me the bug. I am a complete noob when it comes to shotguns but I have been doing a lot of swotting up on them and my god, there is a lot to swot up on so when I do start asking questions please forgive me if they seem rather strange! Here's my first question, What would be the best shotgun (s/s or o/u or semi-auto) for a noob for crop protection (pigeon, crow, rook)? I look forward to your replies (hopefully )
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