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Everything posted by jojusa

  1. Patrick Furstenhoff aka Ghost Rider (his name is no longer a secret as it's all over the net) has retired from his crazy days since he became a father as he didn't want to leave his child fatherless. He is not prosecuted for his antics as in Sweden you must be caught in the act for it to stand in court (and he was never caught).
  2. I tried this at the weekend with an owl decoy similar to the one below placed on top of a gate post and we put a rook at it's feet but didn't get any interest even though we had crows and rooks flying overhead. Will try to get it high in a tree next time.
  3. My deepest sympathies, your kids and memories will help you through this terrible time.
  4. Anyone remember Mint Cracknel ? Mint Cracknel was a two piece chocolate covered bar with brittle shards of green mint flavoured filling in the centre. By those who remember them best a mint cracknel bar is often compared to be like eating shards of broken glass...
  5. Here you go. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wcEZkLdwgIc http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=iv1zKY8R1p0
  6. Snap !! (see you in there one day)
  7. Nice write-up and well done on your quick thinking and actions.
  8. Excellent, you'll be desperate to get a shottie in the cabinet now.
  9. jojusa

    Common sense

    I'm with you on this one, my #1 hate.
  10. Well if it does fall off and takes your head at least you won't know it fell off! Here's what your after but it is in USA so you might need to do some searching to find one here. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...requestid=92426
  11. Here's an exploded diagram for you. http://www.ada.ru/guns/exploded/fabarm_auto/fabarm_auto.htm
  12. You will only know how much air is in your gun when you connect it to your fill adaptor on your air bottle.
  13. oops, double post for some reason.
  14. oops here is the link in full without me trying to be clever with clicky here thingymebobs ! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RIFLE-SHOTGUN-SLING-...id=p3286.c0.m14
  15. Clicky for sling !! I use one of these on my air rifle and they are ok for carrying your gun into the field but they are nothing special to look at.
  16. jojusa

    BSA owners

    Yeah, same name as on here.
  17. jojusa

    BSA owners

    No probs col s10, pleased to have helped.
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