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Everything posted by jojusa

  1. Looks like someone had a nice morning, well done.
  2. It's going to get expensive for you but great fun all the same.
  3. I'm with you on the weight thing Chard, it's biscuits or sweets I pick up now instead of the dreaded weed. It's funny you mention missing the smokes when your out shooting as I quit before I started shooting, but when I'm sitting out in the field I often get it into my mind that I could really enjoy a smoke as I sit and watch the world go by. The worst time for me when I quit was going to the pub as I really enjoyed a smoke with a pint. Anyway, nearly 3 years off the weeds now and very happy I did quit even though I still can get cravings.
  4. I've been on holiday this week but not been able to get out shooting until today. So I went for a little wander in the woods and got lucky on these (there was another pigeon but could not retrieve it). The big grey was in my sights within 5 mins of entering the woods and the rooks were within 30 mins of starting so I was hoping for a busy day but it never happened. I also missed a pigeon that flew straight at me, 2 shots (1 @ 20ft & 1 @ 6ft) but I think that was with the shock of it coming at me. I really enjoyed the day, being out in the countryside on a lovely sunny day........ just wish I could do it more often.
  5. Received the floaters today and they seem very good, thanks. John
  6. I got my 5 gun brattonsound from Paul Hart, excellent price and service. Send him a pm and he might be able to fix you up.
  7. Well done Si, sounds like you had a great day and congratz on your new permission.
  8. This goes with hurstpol's post! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB59xGtZeew
  9. Here is a review on the medallist. it might help with your decision. http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/guns/shotguns/...gun_review.html
  10. It was definately an eye opener when the farmer asked if I was having any more kids and if not he could do me there and then and save on any costs or hospital waiting lists.......... I declined his very kind offer but I didn't tell my wife as you know what women are like for saving money!
  11. Yeah, and you floss at the same time!!
  12. Ha Ha, thanks for the replies. I'll make sure I ask next time! :blink:
  13. I took my kids up to my permission yesterday for a walk around as my lad is mad on tractors. So didn't take any guns and the fields were full of crows/rooks (just my luck) but a nice day out in the countryside with my kids. Now the twist.......... I always ask the farmer if he needs a hand with anything as I suppose a lot of us shooters do and normally he has everything covered, but yesterday he said "do you fancy a little job" to which I said "yes, if I can help" (big mistake, always know what the job is before saying yes!) So for the next hour I was . . . . . . . . . . :blink: Castrating bulls !!! (and my daughter got a picture!)
  14. jojusa


    I've only heard good things about Baikal's ..... robust guns that last forever but will never win a beauty contest. I've just bought one.
  15. If nobody on here has one for sale then you could look here. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Jack-Pyke-Cartridge-...%3A1%7C294%3A50
  16. If you use vistaprint, make sure you read everything when placing your order as I've heard of people getting charged £10 a month from something related to vistaprint by missing a tickbox on the order. Do a search and you'll find topics relating to this.
  17. I'll take it please (is it not £25 posted like your last ones?). PM me with payment details. Cheers John
  18. Went out on saturday for a walk with my new gun (Baikal O/U) but there was very little around. We were out most of the day and only had a few rooks come within range which we missed apart from this one I got . We were also asked by the farmers sister, if we wanted to go and shoot crows/rooks on her little bit of land (that took around 1 second to say YES ) as the cow shed was plagued by them. We got to the cow shed and around 20 crows/rooks lifted but they were never to return in the 2 hours we sat there (better luck next time we hope ).
  19. Congratulations , hope everyone is well and make sure you get some sleep before you join the land of the living dead for 6 months!
  20. Don, this one is a MC so the options are endless (if I knew what I was doing ).
  21. Thanks for the replies guy's, had the gun out today and it performed very well (wish I could ).
  22. I went to the gunshop today to pick up my Hatsan escort after it's bit of barrel trouble and seen this nice looking O/U Baikal so decided to offload the semi-auto and buy the Baikal. I think it will be ideal for the rough shooting I do as I won't be too worried about a few scratches it might pick up and it should last for years. Anyone know if you can get an english manual for these as mine is printed in Russian (not sure if they all are ).
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