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Vince Green

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Everything posted by Vince Green

  1. I'm with Tiff about the good reason. A friend of mine had a .270 rifle because he went to France to hunt once a year. The police really didn't like this as a reason for owning the rifle but although they tried to block him they ultimately had to give in. Provided you have a good reason they cannot stop you but you do have to show a reason.
  2. Whats? PSG? Target shotgun is a mainstream part of gallery rifle now so as long as you are a member of a club that does gallery rifle you should be OK but the police will put a rstriction on your licence.
  3. We buy Privi Partisan for £39.60 per 100. Not the best cartridges in world but not bad either.
  4. I really don't want to be a downer but check out the laws on realistic replicas. Unbelievably, toy guns have been made technically illegal and I'm not joking. I'm only passing this on, don't shoot me I'm only the messenger. They usually have details in Gun Mart and warning notices about this it. They were talking about it at some length on another forum a while back and people were coming on saying its bloody ridiculous.
  5. Does anyone else remember the old paper Sellier and Bellot shotgun cartridges. They were damn good cartridges, cheap too! They were the pigeon/rabbit shooters standard cartridge, people never used anything else, they swore by them. Are they still imported? Also the old Baikal cartridges.
  6. Any one can get one, you just have to join the NRA and apply. The more people that do it the better. If EVERYBODY did it they would have to consider overturning the ban.
  7. As your local planning office and if you don't, and I think you don't, they will give you a letter saying so which is more or less planning permission by any other name. Keep the letter and file it, even years later it may be needed if you sell the house.
  8. A lot of air weapons stuff gets recorded as firearms incidents by the police who want to big it up. Stupid and dangerous it may be but probably not a firearms incident.
  9. The old paper cartridges were better in this respect. At least you could just chuck them in the hedge.
  10. Just how much noise reduction do you expect to get from fitting a moderator to a .243? Its not going to be all that much you know. Are you completely sure its worth it?
  11. This is the problem with British firearms licencing. You are at the mercy of the local firearms team and their opinions. Where my friend lives in Wales the Police are so laid back its great.
  12. There was a fox in my garden Monday when it was snowing. Seemed to be just wandering around watching it all come down.
  13. Beware of letting anyone use any of your firearms even on an approved range. Different police authorities seem to interpret these things differently but there is a view held by the police that your weapons are licenced for your personal use only. As soon as they pass into another persons hands, even if they are a member and an FAC holder its illegal possession. Cr4p I know but I think they just sit around trying to dream these things up. Its another one of these guidelines things, and its very hard to get a clear answer as to what you can and can't do but just be careful.
  14. Technically, handguns were not banned they were reclassified from section 1 to section 5 and some into section 7 which is what we are talking about with this Webley. You can still apply for a section 5 weapon and (theoretically) if you have a valid reason it will be granted. It is said there are people who have them. There was a story going round that was the subject of an editiorial in Target Sports saying that following pressure from Washington hundreds of prominent Americans living in Britain had been issued with Licences. If you join a club in Northern Ireland, and go there several times a year on Easyjet you can apply for a pistol but have to keep it at the club.
  15. Trouble is its not funny. Police procedures now state that any gun related incident that is reported to them has to be dealt with by an ARU so it really does happen. There is a story which is apparantly true of a builder who was dry lining a new house using a nail gun which was faulty and kept jamming. Trying to clear it for the umpteenth time he managed to put a nail through his hand. Off to the local A&E where he went in with his bloody hand and told the girl on the desk that he had shot himself in the hand with a nail gun. He was ushered into a cubicle and the curtain pulled run him. Ten minutes later the curtain was pulled back by two armed police in the full gear. He was forced to lie on the floor for ten minutes while he was searched, and his van was searched. The busy A&E dept had been completely evacuated. His hand was then treated while two armed police waited outside the room and then he was taken to the police station to make a statement. Once the word gun is mentioned automatic procedures kick in these days.
  16. So what you are saying is that prices haven't really gone up in 20 years?
  17. Just to add another vote for NOBS. Its good fun but the real benefit is you get to meet SOOOooooo many useful people.
  18. Not all hollow point jacketed bullets are designed to expand. Target bullets like the Sierra Matchkings often have a very small hollowpoint but are really classed as FMJ. Its just the way jacket is made. The reason I say this is because the dealers sometimes confuse matters by advertising them as "HP".
  19. The 100yd and 200yd Short Siberia ranges at Bisley are littered with .17 cases so people are using them.
  20. Talk to BASC legal dept and not to any one else. Don't admit anything except to say you shoot on the land "occasionally" and you have permission. Police and local Council are well able to recognise a "Mr Angry" they deal with them all the time. If you say too much you will just dig yourself into a hole. Just be nice, polite and totally reasonable and theres not much that can be done. Don't get involved in arguements or counterclaims. Other people shooting on the land? Don't know. Take away all fired cases etc so they can't be collected up used in evidence
  21. There are some videos about if you search on crossbow hunting. Mostly seem to get used in this country for poaching. We bought one years ago but couldn't get the accuracy.
  22. The other thing is that shot falls out of the sky like hailstones and is quite harmless. I have had it fall on me many times.
  23. Another little snippet. You can't use .22-250 at Bisley because it exceeds the max velocity allowed. Actually 5.56mm is tight, I'm sure some of it is over. Neither can you use .375 H&H
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