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Everything posted by reddan

  1. you probably want to remove that from the open forum. Got it now cheers i will give him a call. Dan
  2. Possibly about today or tomorrow now. Dan
  3. Gun down for me always. But for quick clays I am already on the way up as I call for the bird. I also come out of the mount between birds of the pair, although sometimes this isn't possible and staying gun up feels very werid and slow, probably because I am not used to it. Does it not also depend on the style you faviour as well i.e maintained lead? My style is a home grown mixed bag but seems to work for me. Dan
  4. Teal, hopefully you have just received my money via paypal. Mr Chimp - Im shocked and disappointed. Dan
  5. For all my gloating it is more likely put up plasterboard ceiling and put kids to bed. Dan
  6. Would love to but depends when, I have net and decoys. Dan
  7. Good use of the terms Plank and Bell-end. Dan
  8. I would love to do it but am no way brave (or maybe stupid) enough. It reminded me of when I was little at primary school putting my coat up inside out and leaning against the wind, happy simple days. Dan
  9. I don't get the question let alone work it out. Is there any more to it than that or am I just thick? Dan
  10. Beggars belief, even the private sector doesn't have such shocking accounting principles. Its the problem with short term goverments there is always a game to play, spend now pay on someone elses watch. A few mistakes you can right off as human error, thats normal, but you could go as far to say he was negligence. Wheres the accountability, the people are up in arms because negligence CEOs of banks and other private companies walk away unscathed and yet GB has done exactly the same with very little being done about it.
  11. Does your stereo have an aux input on it? That would be the best option I would have thought. That said I am in the same boat, I have got a transmitter thing which works but is a bit rubbish. Aftermarket head units tend to have them. Mind you the transmitter is better than the old tapes with a wire coming out of them! Dan
  12. reddan


    Normal energy saving bulbs. My latest theory is that they have come through the trickle vent of the window. Dan
  13. Could have done with your support on the dreams thread. New kitchen for me, but then I am boring like that. Dan
  14. reddan


    I think we have a winner having just seen a picture online. Cheers What is a bit of a worry is this extract from wikipedia:- They are named from their habit of making compartments of mud in their nests, which are made in hollow reeds or holes in wood made by wood boring insects. :blink: Dan
  15. All banks will have processes for dealing with suspected Money Launderiing, not bothering is not an option. Again a simplictic post designed to rubbish a situation without actually knowing what goes on behind the scenes. The fraud department could have asked questions around the feel of the money, fraud prevention indicators present in real notes, watermarks, what it looks like under uv, the serial numbers.
  16. Sorry Graham it would take a lot lot more than boobs dude. Jacksdad - dreams are strange things, makes me think of the line from the Matrix something along the lines of "but would you have done it if I hadn't told you first" Maybe your dream subcousiously influlenced your actions. Or then again it might just be general clumbiness. Have you checked the scope since? Dan
  17. reddan


    Looked at some pictures online and not convinced. It would have helped if I took a picture of them I guess. They reminded me of small honey bees but i can't find a picture of them either, of course if they turn out to be hover flies I will feel like a plum. Dan
  18. reddan


    Recently we have found a number of bees that appear to be dead on the window sill of my young daughter room. Windows don't get opened very often (daughters is a climber) so they can't have got in from there. Not 100% sure they were dead but they look really young. Don't know much about bees does it sound like there is a nest somewhere or am i worrying about nothing? The look like the have a round smooth bum if that helps id at all. Dan
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