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  1. Had my Select Sporting II for a year and half and have had no problems at all. Maybe its a problem with the 'light' variant? Is the wood thinner in the problem area?
  2. Windy

    Raoul Moats

    QUOTE (njc110381 @ Jul 11 2010, 01:55 PM) I'm on the side that believes it's very easy to say you could have done better after the event. As others have said thermal imaging doesn't pick up things that are sheltered by something that doesn't transfer their heat to the surface. And in all fairness they did find him reasonably quickly. Why can't people be happy that we live in a country that in general, is one of the best? If the government is so poor, health service shocking, police corrupt/badly trained etc etc then move to Iraq, China, Russia or whatever and make a comparison! Have a moan there, you never know they may even shoot you for it! The police did a fine job. Maybe not perfect, but who is? This was once agreat country and can be again but if you think our government do a good job, the health service isnt badly run and the police are no way corrupt/badly trained then I think you may have your head in a sack, maybe not travelled alot. Who pays for all this, you and me and we deserve that our money is well spent but hey arent we getting of the original post. The final result with Moet was a success all round but how was the result achieved, he shot himself. Prison authorities warned the police the day after he was released that his motives could be dangerous, he was running around for quite a while and thank god he did not shoot alot more people, he had motive, intent and the means, after Cumbria then I would have thought a lesson may have been learned. Back to the picture of an angry and very aggressive looking policeman fisting forward a tazar, do you really think the crowd will shout' well done son', even if Moet had what he deserved. for the love of god.....take the blinkers off fella. The picture you quote....look at it properly, the Taser officer is looking directly at the camera, not Moat. The 'snarl' appears to be part of some kind of speech. I think it is most likely the cameraman popped upped, early on in the stand off, before a thorough cordon could be erected. The officer appears to me to be giving the cameraman some 'advice'......perfectly reasonable given the circs?
  3. apparently you push where the feathers change texture
  4. friend of mine has a similar problem. he phoned the RSPB and asked if he could shoot the offending creature. Was told he would be in a world of **** if he did......I think he was told they are protected, which I'm not sure about??
  5. we've got a folding stock version in the armoury at work....more buttons than a remote control!!
  6. persistent prevailing NE wind..........................the bar steward
  7. yup.............i fall into the soft **** category and would have let the little ****** go. deserves a chance in my book,plucky little sod. If he come back and gets caught out as an adult....different story.
  8. same as mine......except more toys and somewhat shinier!
  9. I'm possibly in the minority, in that I like to 'travel lite' and dont go in for all this magnet gadgetry. I use 12 flocked half shells from UK Shootwarehouse........good quality and seem to work just fine.
  10. cracking pup.....hope she goes to good home.
  11. Was looking for a cheap as chips 4x4 last year......came across a '94 Fourtrak Indy......paid £900 with full MOT. Has been great, especially with the snow this winter. Have had to put pads on the front and have the front n/s caliper freed up. Will need a small amount of welding on one rear arch and one sill.......but purely for my OCD reasons, would get by without. If it gets through the next MOT i'll be well happy cos I love it! Totally no nonsense.
  12. what did you do with the side windows??
  13. I use a pair of the Deben 'cheaper' leccy muffs.....£49, work fine for me.
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