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Everything posted by Evilv

  1. When I started out with a shotgun a long time ago, I consistently fired at birds that were far too far off. Forty yards is not very far at all, and in terms of stuff in the sky, it is very close indeed. I spent a lot of money shooting at birds that were way out of range. Try not to do the same. Good luck and happy days.
  2. That's very 'classist' isn't it. Half the world goes to university these days so I'm not sure how long that will stand as an indication of good standing and since I regularly see university students staggering about drunk and peeing in doorways in Newcastle where there are 30,000 students, it doesn't look like a good training for being 'of good standing,' anyway. Well, since my bird is a doctor, I can get any number of her colleagues to sign me off as insane. EvilV, I can only go by what I was told. Thanks, Rick Thanks Rick - I wasn't chipping away at you there by the way. I have always thought these forms were linked to class snobbery. The assumption is that so called professional people, landowners and the like have superior judgment to the average person. Some do, and some don't, while some of the sanest and wisest people I ever met, were in economic and professional terms very humble indeed.
  3. :yp: This is the problem that people who have had depression face - imbecilic attitudes of people who know nothing and think that any hint of a problem means the guy is a psycho waiting to explode. What an idiotic answer to give.
  4. Evilv

    Car tax online.

    Have you renewed it? if so, forget it and drive. They always left you a fortnight's grace anyway in the old days. Nobody will be after you. Just make sure you renew it today and if owt happens, you will soon have proof. I always renew online now. It is so much easier than arguing with those idiots in the Post Office about bits of paper.
  5. very true its such a cowards way out but to do it to your own flesh and blood is terrible what kind of person does it take to be pushed that far that they do that And it happens a lot. Remember that guy that jumped off the balcony in Greece was it? He took a couple of little kids in his arms and leaped over into the street about fifty feet and killed one of them. Then there are the ones that gas them all in a car. It's the ultimate self indulgence I think - they are often trying to punish the wife in a break up.
  6. Evilv

    How much?

    OMG I pay less than £200 a year on Electric for everything in my flat. If you spend that much electric on one computer a year there must be something wrong with it. Yeah but don't forget that you wired your flat to that lamp post outside the door.
  7. He needs to have a heart to heart with his GP, discuss openly the issues and decide how to go forward in the light of the advice he is given. Having depression and anxiety for a bit is a very common mental health issue. It can happen because of external pressures like unreasonable pressures at work or some traumatic event. It doesn't mean the guy is a full blown mentalist does it. If a person has had serious suicidal feelings, or much more worrying, unreasonable outbursts of anger and lack of self control, they ought to stay away from guns and take up golf (with balsa clubs). If the GP is worried about him and guns, he should take that advice seriously. If not, they maybe could come to an agreement about when the GP would be happy to say his problems are over. I wish Cornishclay all the best, whatever happens. Twnety five percent of people have some kinds of mental health problems at some time or other. It is very common and mostly, not at all dangerous.
  8. Well at least that scenario would leave the kid alive. Whatever horrible dishonesty he was involved in, or just plain financial incompetence, the poor kid was as innocent as any of ours. It's quite amazing to me that when so many of these guys can't see a way forward and decide to kill themselves, they take their kids with them. Grotesque that is.
  9. LOL Of course, some people are more magnificent than others in the shooting game. maybe you were at the Olympics OLY.... Is that what 'OLY' stands for maybe. Since I have just had two glasses of wine with my dinner, I'm going to call Bull wot not on that one. I deny that you can do that with 22lr old chap. Yo maybe could with an inherently accurate centre fire round but not the old 22 eley, which is what I mentioned. 7p a round mass production ammo doesn't do that kind of accuracy.... Of course, you could be joking - yes you must be - sorry that I took it so seriously. :yp:
  10. MY CZ425 with eley subs and a mod is more accurate than my gunsmith says is possible with 22lr. It makes half inch groups at 60 yards on a good day. If I take off the mod, the POI rises a bit.
  11. B) I expect they had the suicide and 'I'm taking it with me,' scenario sorted in about five minutes as at least one line of enquiry, but unlike us, they don't have the luxury of having a laugh and making up stories without providing the evidence. I'm sure we all agree that this is damned hard lines on the wife and daughter...
  12. I don't think I'd do it for £50, what with the price of timber, the trouble of doing it and the public liability insurance you would need for when some dork fell out of it and sued you for causing him to hurt his pride.
  13. It doesn't look to me that you will need to pay money to that site to help your case. You know a lot of farmers already and you are in a clay pigeon club. You already have a good reason to have a shotgun. I'd say you should get yourself a proper gun cabinet and install it correctly (you can find links to firearms security pdfs - probably on the Met Police site - they like it done right so you can't jack it off the wall and so on). While the cabinet is getting sorted, ring up some of your farmer mates and get an invite to shoot pests, and make your application. If you have some spare cash, you could think of getting into rifle shooting too. I haven't used my shotgun much at all since I got rifles. You are ideally placed to take up shooting, and if you aren't an ex-bank robber you will have no problem at all. Though there was a sad story yesterday on here of a guy who had some temporary anxiety/depression problem a couple of years back and had his sgc refused.
  14. B) got to be the cook, may be she liked a BBQ :yp: If this was an Agatha Christie, there would be no drawing room left to sort it all out in and have her confess.
  15. I got a Brattonsound cabinet at the local dealers. It was pretty cost effective and the cops liked it.
  16. I had to renew my shotgun cert in 2005 and decided to reapply for a FAC (I had one many years ago and let it go when work was too demanding). They did both coterminus for £60. If in doubt, phone the firearms department. At Northumbria the people are very helpful and approachable for advice.
  17. They should be kept. If used they will as like as not be corrosive even if not black powder. An interesting find.
  18. I have said on here a few times, my CZ groups nice and tight with eley subs. I think eleys are rebadged as something else as well, maybe Winchester - not sure, but its that or remington I think. I've played around with stingers which hit VERY hard to way out, but the grouping is well bigger. If it hits the bunny's front end though, its dead for sure and often all torn up too, whcih isn't such a good thing unless you are leaving them there as crow bait.
  19. Some very funny posts there and some good scenarios. Maybe we should write a plot for a new crime series. The detective could be called Martin Morten.
  20. ORDER OF EVENTS: 1 Foster goes out and blocks up the drive taking off the wheels of his horse box to impede emergency services when the fire and smoke gets going. 2. Foster returns to house, takes out the rifle and shoots wife and daughter. 3. Foster goes to stable block and shoots horses and dogs. 4. Foster lights up the stables with petrol and sets fire to the cars 5. Foster now returns to the house, places petrol about the place, lights up some peripheral room or hall at front and back giving himself some time by partially closing doors to fire centres, brings in petrol cans chucks it around his wife, stands over her and shoots himself in the head. 6. Fire breaks into central area consuming bodies. I think the daughter will be found somewhere in the ruins. Alternately, maybe he told her she'd have to leave her posh school and she went mad snatching up the gun while it was lying around after he'd cleaned it and sht her dad and mother, then she did all the rest and sneaked off across the fields.......... Err no - by now she'd have come back for some grub and been found.
  21. Well we'll have to see won't we. I'm pretty sure he did it. Those supposed gang members wouldn't have any reason to destroy everything - kill him and even his wife, yes, but not the torching of every asset in the place. That was him, I'd put money on it. As for the horse box at the gates. He had set fire to a lot of stuff, cars, stable block and had to go back to where his dead wife was and shoot himself after lighting up the house. He wouldn't want the fire brigade and police interrupting him mid torching and committing suicide - hence the horse box at the gate. Let's have a vote - A.) It was done by gang figures he owed money. B.) He did it himself with his own .22 rifle.
  22. I expect you'll treasure that knife now. I certainly would.
  23. The rifle found with the bodies was a .22, the BBC four o' clock news has just announced. Probably not the surest caliber for committing suicide.... I'd hate to wake up slavering, and dressed in a nappy with half my brain missing.
  24. It will be fine i have just had my FEO visit two weeks ago and all was fine my advice wil be , when you send off the application leave it two weeks then chase it. When the feo gets the applicaton tell him that you are due to shoot in a competition, and hopefully he will put it at the top of the pile thats what mine did and i should get mine next week . All done and dusted in 6 weeks great until the FEO enters into friendly banter, you stumble over your story and he finds out you lied about it.... :yp: I agree. Telling lies is a mugs game. Apart from the fact that liars are dogs, most people fall over when they try to lie to people who are cleverer than them which for lairs is most people. The Northumbria Police are really quick at issueing certificates. You couldn't ask for a faster service. maybe if you have some problems in your application, it will take them longer to decide.
  25. That's very 'classist' isn't it. Half the world goes to university these days so I'm not sure how long that will stand as an indication of good standing and since I regularly see university students staggering about drunk and peeing in doorways in Newcastle where there are 30,000 students, it doesn't look like a good training for being 'of good standing,' anyway. Well, since my bird is a doctor, I can get any number of her colleagues to sign me off as insane.
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