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Everything posted by Evilv

  1. This story screams 'HANGOVER' to me. She's either at work ill, or she had a very heavy night last night. I expect that we all know that feeling in the morning after an illadvised amount of drink. There are some incredibly charitable people in this thread who think she should just get a ticking off. It's completely attrocious. She is supposed to be looking after the life of our beloved ex-leader.
  2. That's OK Charlie - I dish it out.... It comes back again, and he's right - it almost should go without saying, but when someone can be killed if it isn't done, my view is, 'Why not say it, just in case?' I'll be taking an old mate up on one of my shooting places soon. Before we start, I'll be telling him he's only allowed to shoot in towards the hill, and not out across the valley where a ricochet or a miss could go for a mile or more and land who knows where. He's been shooting for about thirty years, but I'm going to say it anyway. I think that game keepers do the same about ground game even though the old hands know the speech by heart. You still get the occasional knacker letting one off at the beaters.
  3. I mentioned the 'unloaded' not because it would surprise anybody, but it reflects my almost obsessive checking every time I pick up a gun, put it in a slip, take it out of a slip or after any interruption of use. Maybe I'm a knacker - or maybe its the best way to be. We have all read and heard of tragedies that would have been averted had people taken that approach (which I am sure we all do, by the way). Even this morning's news gives an example of a soldier who has been found guilty of manslaughter after picking up a gun in barracks and shooting his mate in the head while thinking it was unloaded. Not to mention the demo of (was it the Israeli?) army who shot several people in the audience of a seminar on gun handling.
  4. They stopped making these in about 2005 so there are no more except used ones. Also, unlike the Henry, the receiver is blued steel and it comes to bits really easily, keeping the scope on the barrel part so you don't lose the zero. This is essential for proper cleaning which needs to be done from the chamber end, and not the front of the barrel. Of course a .22LR doesn't need a lot of bore scrubbing or anything - they seem to be better without as long as you are using the greasy ammo like eley subs. Someone can have a lot of very cheap fun with this gun. If the UK was like the USA and you could just buy one without getting permission for another slot, I would have this like a shot.
  5. They suggest in the tutorial that the user might want to use this feature if looking for a surprise birthday present on a shared computer so as not to give the game away.... I really like the google model of giving away very useful software like Picassa, Google Earth, Blogger and so on. I think they are a good company from the user point of view.
  6. You know, we do know all the relevant facts: The BBC news just seconds ago said that the soldier was told on showing his ID card that 'the hotel has a policy of refusing accommodation to all military personnel.' What more do we need to know? None of us approve of out of control drunken men cavorting in hotels and upsetting people. That is not what was happening. This is a discriminatory policy against military people in general. It's a disgrace, just the same as if they had put in place a policy that refused rooms to black people or the working class in general.
  7. I'm no expert on scopes at all - far from it. I never had a good one yet. One thing I have noticed with mine is that when zeroing, I don't get predictable results when I adjust the turrets. I get it set up so that at 50 yards I need to move the POI left or right and the vertical adjustment is spot on. Suppose I need to move it (at 50 yards) 3/4 of an inch left. That should be six clicks according to the information supplied. So I do the adjustment and the poi is an inch to the left and an inch low or something like that..... Start all over again then. Very annoying. Once they are spot on, I don't like to adjust them again.
  8. Well I'd have to agree that the same mechanism of inattention is involved in leaving your mobile phone or your glock in the bogs, or elsewhere, I'd have to say the situations are somewhat different. All of us are subject to forgetfulness, but it's about inattention and fatigue. You can not accept inattention around the loss of a firearm like this. Also, I suspect (but don't know for sure) that army firearms may be lost in action, where men and women are operating in extreme conditions, often without proper sleep, food, rest breaks and in extreme danger. While police protection officers may come into danger at times, the frequency of these events and their severity is hardly the same. Try even driving around Afghanistan where every parked vehicle, pile of rubbish, peasant, dead horse or donkey cart might contain a massive bomb that will tear you and your vehicle apart - now that's stressful, and people's attention might wander.
  9. Come on now! Sodomising him is a bit much surely...
  10. Not exactly sure about the rules since I'm not sure whether the show ground would be a public place or not, but for me, any time I am in company with other people not involved imminently in shooting, it would be unloaded in a gun slip and over my shoulder.
  11. I am sure that this is true, but as in all judgements about people, you shouldn't look at something about an individual that identifies him as belonging to a certain group, and then assume that he is going to be just like the worst examples of that group. If a bunch of lashed up soldiers arrived at a hotel, stinking of drink and behaving in a loud and drunken manner, they would have every reason to decline to take them in. If five minutes later a quiet man arrives, sober and presentable and asks for a room, it is unacceptable to refuse him because he wore the same uniform. Would we apply this kind of discrimination to blacl people, homosexuals, women?
  12. email them at -> reservations.woking@metro-hotels.co.uk
  13. I think it has a nice uncluttered look about it. The only thing I want it to do that it doesn't yet, is that I want it to suggest correct spellings to me like Firefox does. Maybe I just haven't found the feature yet. I'm not bothered about it tracking my movements - the government already does all that. If the google adds that are produced at the side of some pages are more relevant to me and my interests, so what? People who think that their browsing is entirely private are deluded. It isn't and hasn't been for a long time. At least Google has a decent ethical stance - their motto is, 'Do No Evil'. I wish our government who also have access to our browsing record as well as local authorities, Inland Revenue and just about any other public bodies, had a motto like that, or even a vague interest in decency.
  14. Don't forget that there is a proportion of the public who are prepared to spit on and abuse soldiers in uniform. I wouldn't mind betting that a fair proportion of them are of the sort we have imported over the last thirty years. We have a fifth column of disloyal, un British people here now. Some of them are from families who have lived here for many generations and others are not. I wouldn't mind betting that at least half the population couldn't care less about this man's humiliation, and that a fair proportion of them would find it perfectly acceptable. I never thought it right or wise to invade Iraq with the Americans, but it was the politicians who made that decision, and not the men that were sent there to do their bidding.
  15. I agree. Maybe this may be of some help to you and others. reservations.woking@metro-hotels.co.uk This country has been gripped by the tumour of socialism and pathetic left wing thinking. Everything that made this nation great at one time has been spurned and flushed down the toilet by people like these and the vermin that infest local government, the Church, schools, social work departments, and just about everywhere. It is a plague of mediocrity and revolting values. They should have put this young man up for free, given him three pints of beer, dinner and breakfast; instead, they humiliated him and sent him out of the door to sleep like a down and out.
  16. All that I can tell you is that for more than thirty five years, tenant farmers have been asking me to wipe out their rabbits. I have at times met members of shooting syndicates whilst out controlling vermin, and though they didn't want me there, they had to admit that with the tenants permission to exterminate vermin, as long as I stuck to vermin, they could do nothing. There is a similar situation on a farm I have recently taken on. I have shot about sixty rabbits on it in the last six weeks. There is a gamekeeper who doesn't want me there, but he is powerless, because I have the authority of the tenant to control the rabbits which under the Pests Act 1954 he has an obligation to do. I currently shoot on four tenanted farms among others. None of these tenants have game rights, but they do have an obligation to control rabbits, or to authorise someone else to do it.
  17. I doubt that Harve. I shoot on a few rented farms and the people have every right to control vermin and an actual duty in law as occupiers to control rabbits. They can also designate someone like me to do the job. I am sure this is right. fine if you are happy with that then carry on. so if the people who rent the farms refuse to shoot / snare the rabbits etc they are breaking the law? i can tell you now if the person who rents our land was caught shooting on it they would be swiftly removed by our gamekeepers / police and would probably be looking elsewhere the following year to rent. they have no rights whatsoever in law unless permission was given by the landowner. Rabbit Control Act - compalint form. Pests Act 1954
  18. I doubt that Harve. I shoot on a few rented farms and the people have every right to control vermin and an actual duty in law as occupiers to control rabbits. They can also designate someone like me to do the job. I am sure this is right.
  19. Interesting info there - thanks. Yes - I was horrified to find him like this, especially since I had waited thinking him dead and then I walked up and he was alive and tried to get away in a pathetic kind of a way. Really put me off - he was gasping and groaning with a bullet hole on one side about five mm below his eye and 10 mm behind it, and a right mess on the other side. Revolting and very sorry I was to see him still alive. It certainly is accurate stuff. I went out this afternoon in the pouring rain and my frist shot was a 150 yard rabbit. It was the only one I saw, unsurprisingly because of the driving rain, but I also got a 110 yard wood pigeon which we ate tonight as a starter before the lamb steaks and my allotment French beans.
  20. That's a horrible thought isn't it? I mean chatting at 5 AM on Beebo..... No - y'all knew what I meant, It is a horrible thought that he just put her down like a wounded rabbit when she had all her life ahead of her.
  21. Occupier can mean a person with the shooting rights too. I can't remember where I saw that, but I have done. On one of my shoots where there are a lot of small farms together which I have permission on a number of, the farmer said to me - 'That field next door to mine isn't mine, but I am renting it so shoot the rabbits.' He is the occupier I suppose, since he rents the land.
  22. I installed it last night. one thing I like about it is that if you enter a search term in what used to be the URL box, it comes up with a list of search results from your default search engine. no need to have the extra toolbars. That's a great feature. One box to enter either searches or urls. I was using firefox before and quite a few sites wouldn't display properly timesonline.co.uk being only one of many that I use that didn't look right in firefox. One thing that seems to be lacking is a spelling corrector. It underlines typos and spelling errors, but I don't as yet see any way to offer a dictionary of possible corrections which firefox did do rather well.
  23. I had one in .22 Magnum back at the end of the 1970s and early 1980s. I agree, It was devastating. I just bought a .17HMR version about five weeks ago. Amazing, but I have a problem with extraction on this new one. My old one never gave me a moment's trouble. I was out with my 9417 this afternoon in the pouring rain. I shot a pigeon at 110 yards with it and a 150 yard rabbit. I paced out both distances. Had the pigeon for dinner tonight as a starter before my allotment beans, lamb steaks, a bottle of Rioja and pishwari nan from the local tandoori - Hmmm - lovely - especially the pigeon. If I had a spare slot for another ,22 I would be tempted. I don't think £140 is a lot of money so someone might be getting a bargain. When was it made and how much use has it had?
  24. I know quite a few Muslims. They're all perfectly normal people. Your condemnation of Islam is based upon a few religious extremists. None of the Muslims I know wish to convert or murder me I agree with this. I know muslim people who are perfectly nice and moderate, but there are extremists and there are many many more who have sympathy with them. Furthermore there are hundreds of thousands who have made not the slightest attempt to integrate into British society and have done everything possible to import whatever way of life they had before. This is mostly OUR FAULT. It would be natural if no one told you otherwise to try and just do as you did before you came here. It is OUR PATHETIC POLITICIANS who accepted the pyjama clad men and black shrouded women wearing masks, the total unwillingness to learn English and become English, or British, the huge dependency culture that leaves most Pakistani women collecting dole, when everyone knows they had no intention whatever of ever taking a job. My wench is a GP and she sees dozens of these people every day. They mostly don't speak any English, or precious little, they don't work, they do collect the dole, they come in asking for everything free, including prescriptions for calpol rather than just buying it like any of us would, they have made no contribution whatever to this country's well being, they fill up our maternity beds and we are shafted, day in and day out by this group. Now - like I said, there are many decent folks among the community who HAVE INTEGRATED fine, just like my ancestors did here at the end of the nineteenth century, but there are too many who do not - oh - and while I am about it, just why exactly is it that when one of their young people is old enough to get married, they have to marry a cousin in Pakistan, and why is it that they are allowed to marry some goat boy or village girl always who doesn't speak a word of English and can't get a job in the mainstream world when he or she comes - not that many of the women have jobs anyway. Enough - I'm starting to rant like an old ***.
  25. Wow - that's interesting. Thanks. You think the written permission should state that the shooter may be in the company of another? I can see how this works. The farmer in giving you permission to destroy vermin or whatever, does hold you in the position of an 'appointee' or in the terms of the act, a 'servant'. He has after all, asked that you do a job for him on the rabbits. That makes you a 'servant', BUT DOES THE RIFLE HAVE TO BELONG TO THE FARMER? It looks a bit like that. 16 Borrowed rifles on private premises "(1) A person of or over the age of seventeen may, without holding a firearm certificate, borrow a rifle from the occupier of private premises and use it on those premises in the presence either of the occupier or of a servant of the occupier if—"
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