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Everything posted by Evilv

  1. That's the story that should put people off taking long speculative shots, or shooting with rimfire at foxes that are more than a few yards away. I know they will kill them, but how many get away? Pulling that trigger on a living creature brings a serious responsibility that most of us take seriously.
  2. LOL - I mentioned a caution I got as a kid fro riding my bike without lights in 1665 and my last sp30 which was in 1971. Nobody laughed or anything. They just sent me my ticket eight days after I delivered the application to their HQ.
  3. How ridiculous is that?!!!? It's not as if the bearing material is chucked out into the environment like the old tetra-ethyl lead in fuel was. How insane are those lefty swine in the EU Commission and Parliament. I never heard anything so stupid. How much environmental damage does it cause to have to replace entire engines rather than have them last for ever and a day like they used to?
  4. Great economy. I've got one that does 70 to the gallon. It's an estate. That fuel consumption figure is based on full tank until the pump cuts off, 350 miles of driving to shooting and 130 miles of city driving and then filled until the pump cuts off again. Even at 70 / 80 on the motorway it does 66 - 68 mpg. Much better than the VW touran the wench has which is a similar engine. Had to get a new tyre today - damned nail in the sidewall.
  5. Went out yesterday in pouring rain, and to my surprise I got fifteen rabbits. You'd think they would be underground, but maybe it's getting damp down there in the burrows. They seemed to sit tight even when I started barraging the with the HMR without sound mod. I got five in one place without moving, one shot after another. Quite amazing. I was out two days before in similar weather at a different place, and I got a rabbit and a hundred and ten yard pigeon, which I sneaked up and shot from behind a hedge. Thanks HMR - nice one. First pigeon I've shot in years and very tasty. Took the breasts off it (including the one with an exit hole and a chunk missing - gave that one to the wench), fried them gently in butter with some salt, pepper and green peppers, simmered gently for twenty minutes, added some basil and cream and had it on toast as a starter.... Very nice, followed by lamb steaks, home grown French beans, and a bottle of rioja.
  6. Went out yesterday in pouring rain, and to my surprise I got fifteen rabbits. You'd think they would be underground, but maybe it's getting damp down there in the burrows. They seemed to sit tight even when I started barraging them with the HMR without sound mod. I got five in one place without moving, one shot after another. Quite amazing. I was out two days before in similar weather at a different place, and I got a rabbit and a pigeon. First pigeon I've shot in years and very tasty. Took the breasts off it (including the one with an exit hole and a chunk missing), fried them gently in butter with some salt, pepper and green peppers, simmered gently for twenty minutes, added some basil and cream and had it on toast as a starter.... Very nice, followed by lamb steaks, home grown French beans and rioja.
  7. Lol, that made me **** myself Well it's never happened to me yet, but in dry weather (we did have some this year in, was it July?) the .22LR was bouncing every other shot. You could hear them whizzing off in random directions, left right, up in the air. Only a matter of time before somebody gets one through their bedroom window, or up the jacksy while weeding, bent over in the garden. I shot two rabbits yesterday with the same shot from the HMR. It blew a great hole in one's head and splattered the other with its brains. Picture They were about two feet apart. Both fell instantly dead, but only one had a detectable hole in it. I reckon number two just copped tiny bullet splinters. In practice I have many times had loud ricochets with LR off the ground behind a rabbit that I have shot dead. Not splinters passing through and rapidly running out of steam, but full weight bullets whining off who knows where. You could hear them going for two seconds and more.
  8. Every one of them was dead before they knew what happened. They were all head shot at between 80 and 100 yards or more. Try that with a .22LR and see what happens. One thing you'll realise when you've compared them is that the HMR is much more lethal and much easier to shoot well and much less likely to bounce off the ground at a random angle and hit a cow in the face. These are just differences that you will discover for yourself. I love my CZ425 in .22LR, but it's a very different kind of rifle and you need to use it in a different way.
  9. Do some tests on the .22LR and you'll end up doing like most of us do - leaving the bore alone until it has shot hundreds and then giving it a few patches soaked in Hoppes or some other cleaner and then another five hundred before the next clean. Mine, like all of them shoots much larger groups after cleaning. The greasy nature of LR ammo coats up the bore with lubricant anyway so it won't go rusty. In the days of corrosive primers and powder, you had to clean the LR every time. You don't now. If it's wet like today, carefully dry the gun and wipe the outside with a lightly oiled or silicone rag. In summer, make sure you don't over oil the action and the bolt or it will attract a lot of wear inducing grit and dust. In summer, I lube the bolt and action with powdered graphite which is completely dry and the gun runs much cleaner. Even in wet weather, if you are shooting stuff like Eley subs, the bore will be coated in grease.
  10. Far more people are injured and killed by kitchen implements than air guns, but recently a medical person advocated that kitchen knives should only be allowed to people if they had been blunted....... Nanny State and Lefty Dictatorship gone mad.
  11. Sounds like you should be in a padded cell wearing a muzzle and nylon restraints on your hands and legs.
  12. It's atrocious isn't it - unbelievable, but reading the report in The Sun, it seems like the only evidence that she did it is that a cell mate(read crooked, dodgy individual) says she told her she did it.... Now, maybe there is more, but I'd listen to nothing at all said by such a person. I hope there is a lot more evidence against her than that supposed admission. Courts in the States, especially in the Mid West and the South have a shockingly bad record of miscarriages of justice with blacks as the victims. Looking at the name, she's certainly that. I'd be looking at the boy friend too. They had a row and split up - how many women kill the kids in that situation and how many men do? It's much more a man thing than a woman one. I cant think of any case where a woman killed her kid after a row, let alone in such a brutal way. The more I think about it the less I believe she did it. EDIT: Looking again at the story, the row they had (her and the boy friend) was over whether he was the father or not..... Now I ask you, who would be angry in that case, her or him? She knows who the father is and he is the one that's been made a fool of. Who would be peed off at bringing up another man's child? She has been sentenced to Twenty-Five years to life this afternoon.
  13. I think feeding on demand is fine for a young pup. It's later when you need to watch how much they eat to match it with their work rate. It needs a puppy food though which has more nutrient, but I expect you knew that. Do I need to say it needs plenty of fesh water available at all times? No - probably not, but since you're asking such a question I said it anyway.
  14. Evilv

    Lucky Barsteward

    It's hard to understand how that happened. A four year old might be that impulsive, but that lad is fourteen! I bet he's a handful in the classroom and everywhere else. ADHD for certain.
  15. Two For The Price of One Funny thing happened today in the pouring rain. I spotted a rabbit about eighty yards off, drew a bead on it and two rolled over to my surprise. If you look at the top rabbit, the brains of the bottom one are all over his neck. I doubt he was killed by the brains though, but probably by the bullet fragments that came through his mate. Click Me Foul weather up here today, constant rain. Having taken a hot shower and changed into dry clothes, I have the Winchester drying slowly beside a radiator and am just about to have a cup of tea and a couple of Tracker Bars.
  16. And make sure you ask for expanding ammo too. If it ain't on your certificate, you can't buy it. God knows why that stupid ammendment was brought in, but it was. When I started out you just bought whatever ammo you liked in the caliber on the cert. It's an offense now even to possess an expanding bullet in a caliber not on your cert - just the head I mean, not a live round.
  17. Splendid work there. Just think how much money you saved by doing it all yourself.
  18. Splendid work there. Just think how much money you saved by doing it all yourself.
  19. The comical thing is that we had all these idle unemployed here for years and suddenly, a million Poles and countless Czechs and other Eastern Europeans came here and got the jobs the native idlers couldn't get for some reason. This suggests to me that the benefit system designed for the needy has become an easy touch for the idle as well. Of course, everybody knew that already.
  20. There's a nice looking winchester 9422 for sale on here somewhere just now. Only wants £140. I'd buy it tomorrow if I had a spare slot for a .22
  21. No I don't think it would help the recession, though we should be out of Iraq and quickly. We should never have been in there. Afghanistan is a different matter. The recession is caused by a few things which are nothing o do with the government paying for wars: rocketing oil prices and their impact on food and most other things. Food has a huge oil input from fertiliser, tractor work and transport the credit crunch brought on by banks over lending and investing hundreds of billions in buying American bad debt In the end, the whole recession including oil price hikes is derived from the American Mortgage Crisis. It works like this: American and European banks realise they have invested hundreds of billions in an overblown and worthless housing market with massive bad debts. The prices of American homes crash. The wave of horrible realisation that we paid too much and that the banks have invested in garbage loans abroad comes over here. NR collapses as no bank will lend money for hosuing anymore and they can't service their loans to other banks as they come due. All mortgage products in the UK dry up almost overnight. House sales stop, prices start to fall, people panic and stop buying consumer goods and having work done on their houses. They can't finance this if they want as there are no mortgages. Meanwhile - all the vast billions of money in the banks has to go somewhere, so it is invested in the commodity markets. With so much money chasing somewhere to go and make a buck, the price of commodities is bid higher and higher, just like would happen if you had five buyers trying to get your house. So oil rises and rises to a record price and so do other commodities like copper. Result. People have no money because they can't borrow. They lose confidence and won't spend what they have in the bank. Banks themselves are busy bidding ever more money for oil cargoes that they hope to sell for yet more before they are delivered. oil goes up, food goes up, everything goes up. Manufacturing lays off workers, building lays off workers - YAYYYYYY a recession all caused by the American sub prime scam and banks inept investments. Here endeth the lesson on recession.
  22. You need a rifle. Rats in particular are rather tough critters. Six foot pounds of power is not enough to kill in any kind of reliable way and as has been said, you are unlikely to be able to hit them on the head with a pistol and probably won't penetrate their body with such low power. Decent poison will certainly kill them if you put it down consistently. Bromadialone based poison doped onto blue dyed wheat is deadly. I have been using it and have killed a large rat population in the last two weeks. Just put it in some short off cuts of drainpipe so birds don't take it and die. You need to put it down for about a week and then it will stop being taken because all the rats are dead.
  23. how do you start mate?? Here ya go -> Blogspot Start Page
  24. I'm saying nowt. Some dusky gentlemen have recently been arrested for writing stuff like that on a forum about Gordon Brown - well - maybe not quite the same. Maybe one of them said he would like to saw his head off with an old knife or sommat...... Like I say - its atrocious.... That saintly man left vulnerable to mad men...
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