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Everything posted by mancub

  1. Gully, Would you consider a swap for a 54reg L200 4work crewcab with truckman top 56k great condition?? regards, Mancub.
  2. Sam, Would you consider a swap for a 54 plate L200 4work crew cab with truckman back. 56k miles. Mancub.
  3. Sam, Could you post a couple of pics pse mate, Regards, Mancub.
  4. Great looking gun and a super price. I have the supersport version and it's absolutely reliable. Don't shoot enough trap disciplines to warrant this but if I did!!!! Good luck with the sale. Mancub.
  5. Roadkill, Got a Remmy myself, fantastic pieces of kit. That is an absolute bargain and a great package. Good Luck mate. Mancub.
  6. Flexouk, What a good bloke!!! Good going pal. Mancub.
  7. Good Effort Pheasant Feeder and Kent Militia; Taken one for the team! Now we know and I feel a little better, after all NO LICENSE = NO SHOOTING. Cheers lads.
  8. Cheers foxnet22, infact cheers all. Nice to know i've been saving my arrrrrssee. I don't take the mick normally, you know 80-85 at 3am in the morning when the M way is quiet but mostly stick to the limit. I can just sit back and laugh my obviouses off now in the knowledge that the yellow cornflake boxes work. Foxnet - any of you lads have flasks of coffee on you?? if so i'll pop into your lane for a quick brew. Cheers Mancub.
  9. Help needed. Am I the only one who hasn't been told that the average speed cameras that have proliferated our motorways are just Cornflake boxes painted yellow? I know the theory behind them so ensure that i slow to 50, 55Mph if i feel a little frisky. This is definately not the case for a growing majority of drivers who smash past at some ridiculous speeds seemingly not bothered that there are average cameras. I have never come across anyone who has had an endorsement from these cameras so feel as though i'm the only bloke in town who isn't clued in. Do these things actually work or what?? Any experience from either side of the law?? I'm not interested in breaking the law but would like to think that the d*c$heads that fly past are getting their just rewards. yours, Slower than a tortoise in Reverse!!!
  10. SOL SOLD SOLD. my Promatic Hawk Auto Clay Trap. It is in mint condition and only reason for sale is due to it being replaced on the range by a multi carousel. I have put a starting bid of £350 for the lot. The trap holds 65 Standard clays and throws 65 - 70 Metres. It is mounted on a pallet trolley for ease of manouvre. I am including in the sale is a brand new Morris Radio remote release (Single Channel Transmitter and Reciever) which will allow you to remote the trap up to 200 Metres away (great for high driven birds if you can place it on the top of a rise - these are 150 quid alone). I will also chuck in a 12v battery and a box of 150 clays so you are ready to go. I commute from Stafford to Colchester every week so could drop off along the M6 southbound/A14/M1 etc... this is going on Fleabay soon as need to shift it. Please find a link to some pics below. Cheers, Mancub. http://photos.orange.co.uk/my/album?album_id=364254855
  11. Tell me about it. It's the only weekend we can get all the safety officers together though. Hope the gamefayre goes well. Don't spend too much!!!!
  12. Not going to suggest method of sorting your blister out. Mr scalpel and betadine spray can do that. What i might do though, is point you to some "Injinji" socks for when you're rid of Mr Bubble. I'm using them for marathon training and they're brills!!! Basically, they're gloves for feet and work on the principle of removing friction between your toes. Once you get over the whole michael jackson thing, they really are the ish!!
  13. mancub


    I once LENT a tenner to my brother. This year I'm giving up ALL HOPE OF GETTING IT BACK!!!
  14. Calling all shooters!!!! I am appealing to your better nature, more accurately - your wallets. I am a serving squaddie in stafford and from April 1 - 12 I will lead a team of 3 (Team Mercury) competing in the 2010 Marathon Des Sables raising money for Help For Heroes. In a nutshell, I think I had one too many glasses of Hobgoblin one night and signed us up. The Marathon des Sables is an annual Ultra Marathon covering 151Miles Across the Moroccan Sahara Desert (Equivalent to 5 1/2 regular marathons back-to-back carrying all your kit). We've had really great support from the lads at the clay club here at MOD Stafford and we raised over £1200 last september, however, I am appealing for your help on behalf of our lads (And now lass) who have been injured and are cracking on with the task of getting their lives back on track. Have a butchers at our Just Giving Page and if you feel inclined to donate, please mention this community so all can see the generosity of shooters and the backing they give to the lads. Visit My Website Thanks very much for your time (Hopefully your money) and i hope to see some of you at our shoot on the 21st. (See Meet Up Forum - Charity shoot MOD Stafford) Regards, Mac.
  15. Guys/Girls, Anyone interested in a charity clay shoot for the Army Benevolent Fund. Sunday 21st, 10:00Am - Last entries 12:30 (Prizes and Raffle at 14:00Hrs) at MOD Stafford. Format will be 25DTL and 50ESP. Cost is £25, free hot drinks and hot pasties/sausage rolls. I run the ground there and we're raising money for 3 of the guys who are off to the South Pole soon competing in the 100th anniversary Amundsen-Scott South Pole Race. The lads have had to raise a staggering 90k to enter and are now focussing on raising money for their choosen charity (ABF). Any questions just post as your query may be the same as someone elses. Regards, Mancub.
  16. Cleaning out the garage and have a few items for sale: 1. Assault vest: lots of pockets for callers, mags, carts, gloves, etc..... £20 posted. 2. DPM Smock size XL 42 - 44" chest. Brand new. £20 posted. 3. Quileted, Fur lined hood Parka. This is Uber warm and would look ideal atop a Lambretta. (This is heavy!!!! so £10 if collected from Stafford, £20 posted). SOLD SOLD SOLD Have posted some pics for you at the following thread. Regards, http://photos.orange.co.uk/album/318049230
  17. Chev, Mate, i know you don't want offers but i will pop up and give you £300 if you have no luck elsewhere. Don't mean to offend mate just can't afford 400. Cheers.
  18. BR14N, No Probs matey. Glad the gun is going to get some use. I'll send you some kit when i get home pal. Take it easy,
  19. Sorry pal, Looks like Shooter777 has pipped you to it. I am waiting for a call and if nothing happens I will get back to you mate. Regards, Mancub.
  20. For sale are a brand new W/O tags Laksen Mossy oak Break Up trousers, Size 52 in Laksen speak (not sure what size here on earth, however, fit me and i am 34" waist and there is enough room for a 36") Leg size would suit a 32". The trousers are lined and have a leg pocket either side, rear **** pocket and 2 front pockets. Hems are adjustable. These have not been used and are loafing around my wardrobe so time to go. £30 includes postage within UK mainland. Have edited this post to include an address to view the trousers/pants. laksen trs SOLD SOLD SOLD
  21. Still Available? If so, what colour? do you have any pics? V. Interested.
  22. Mate, Is this still available? or have you and achray sorted something out. Regards, mancub.
  23. Mate, Is this still available? or have you and achray sorted something out. Regards, mancub.
  24. BR14N, No Dramas mate, Week monday and i'll be free to bob across from Hampshire/Dorset. We'll arrange a time next weekend. PS: Thought i'd have a reminisce shoot with it on the range today after talking to you. Bottle empty, so looks like you'll be getting a full bottle aswell. Speak soon Mate.
  25. BR14N, The test on the bottle ends March this year, don't know how much it is to re-test but if you find out from your local shop i'll meet you half way on the price of a re-test if you buy it. Happy to go to Fleet services between J5/4a on M3 if that suits. Get back to me mate when you are sorted either way. Regards, Mancub.
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