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Everything posted by SniperR10

  1. Nice one Jacksdad Glad I didn’t mention I had towed swb Ford transit with mine :o this A-Frame is solid as a rock. I only towed the transit as It was a real emergency. A night out on the beer and my Jeep left 25 miles from home and no one to give me a lift to go get the Jeep so I just slung the A-Frame in back of my Transit drove to where I had left the jeep attached the A-Frame to front of Transit and towed it back home with the Jeep... job done and no extortionate taxi fares.... I in no way condone doing the above but at the time I wasn’t sure if it was ok to tow the transit but when I looked in the jeeps handbook and it said max tow weight 3500kg’s I thought no worries I think I looked at the transit and it was only about 2500kg’s. But I now know that the 3500kg’s stated in the handbook is what it can pull max on a 12deg incline and not what is safe to tow. So now I stick to keeping within the 85% of my vehicle weight which I do have written down somewhere. But it is nowhere near 3500kg’s probably about half that. Good luck with the sale. Still chuckling at Jacksdad comment on no driver prosecute :lol:
  2. 2" is that all...., We had a freak snow storm the other day!! It snowed for a day and a half leaving over 20" of nice soft snow everywhere making roads and footpaths very dangerous. Also high winds made for some awsome snow drifts. Just to clear things this was not in UK but i am in Siberia. You may say snow in siberia whats strange about that?? well actually nothing but it was the shear amount in such a short period of time.Ontop of the several feet of compacted frozen snow now lays nearly 2 foot of soft snow.....
  3. Hi Lampa, What a great piece of kit I have the same model and agree it is a solid piece of kit. I have owned it for 2 or 3 years now and have recovered several vehicles including 4x4's with it including one very heavy Shogun lwb. It always gets people’s attention when the towed vehicle is being self steered I have saved family and friends lots of money in recovery charges using this piece of equipment. I am in the AA but have used it to recover my wife car as the AA was going to be over an hour, As you say its quick I had the wife delivered to where she was going ontime and the car towed to the garage and was home in just over an hour. One thing I will point out is the legal side of using this I think as a temporary emergency recovery it is ok but for long time use on say back of a motor home to tow a second car anything over 750kg needs to be braked. If your vehicle being towed is over 750kg you can get a conversion which applies the vehicle being towed brakes. I know when i purchased mine they never told me this and I guess it was my fault for not checking but this 'A frame' attached to a vehicle makes the vehicle being towed into the classification of a trailer. So the following applies. Trailer Maximum Weights Type 01: unbraked trailers - max. 750kg gross trailer weight or half the towing vehicle's kerb weight - whichever is less. Type 02: trailers on overrun brakes - max. 3500kg gross trailer weight Not trying to ruining your chances of a sale but I don’t want people to be in the same boat as me as i purchased mine to tow my wife’s Audi behind a motor home only to find out it was illegal. But used as a recovery frame as i said previously excellent well built piece of kit and very strong and easy to use.
  4. Yeah i would agree they are still a bit loud without an extra silencer, But you can have the shroud internals changed which apparently helps but i now have the shroud removed and Weihrach silencer screwed directly to the barrell and it is now whisper quiet. Another thing when in standard form with the silencer fitted to the end of the shroud it is a very long rifle. Heres a picture of my baby..... My R10
  5. Hi i have owned my BSA R10 for 2 years (Just been Jb'd) and can highly recomend it. Rapid 7 are good but R10 wins hands down on looks.I would buy another R10 tommorow if i had the funds... Great looking and very accurate. They have had their problems but have been sorted out on the later ones. If you want to get more info check out BSAOG forum which is BSA gun owners forum. BSAOG this should help you decide. Mine is a definate keeper.
  6. BF Goodrich AT's Fitted a set to my Grand Cherokee a couple months ago and i am very impressed. Excellent on soft sand,Snow, Wet roads, Dry roads but havent had a chance yet to try them in any serious mud but overall excellent tyre.
  7. Hi Samuel and Welcome.... If your interested there is WSC Shooting club not far from you at North Cove and also another at Wesleton. If you want more details let me know.
  8. No Never been Off-shore, Thought about it but i have a phobia of heights so keep my feet well and truly on the ground.
  9. Full days work today and typically last few days been the most busyiest ever...Working Every day..Not going to get home till way into new year... One of the Joys of working overseas. Am sure missing family and friends at the minute..Christmas atmosphere Zero.....but just watching christmas Top of the pops on bbc i-player, I think i am getting into the spirit.. Nothing like a bit of Boney M....DID I JUST SAY THAT..... Merrry Christmas Everyone and prosperous new Year...
  10. Definately a Life experience.....
  11. I will try and find it up then try and post it on one of the share sites. No I don’t think you are being too Nosey………I have been working in Siberia for nearly 6 years now and currently work for an International Oilfield Service company. 3 years ago I took the job as part of a 5 man team on a start up project in Siberia, Russia for Fracturing and Coiltubing. My part was to take care of maintenance of the oilfield equipment. Which included getting a decent workshop facility, Kitting it out with tools etc and get together a team consisting of Mechanical engineers, Electronic Technicians, Hydraulic Specialist, Welders etc. 3 years on and we now have approx 300 people working on this project and only 2 of the original 5 remain that is myself and my Back to back. Think they have forgot about us ….LOL… Our biggest hurdle that made this project such a challenge was that part of the conditions were that all employees had to be Russian citizens. There are only two foreigners now out of the 300, that being Myself and my back to back.
  12. Sorry guys my last post was a long one....i just have a bit to much time on my hands and just got carried away….
  13. Just to add my opinion and some of my experience of winter driving. Firstly if you don’t need to go out don’t !!! if you must just be careful and allow lots more time for your travel. Have an Emergency package with you as it don’t take long at -10C to start getting cold if you are stuck on the motorways etc. This sounds like overkill but a few simple items and preparation will help a lot. Full tank of fuel, So you can have your engine running for longer if you get stuck, Warm hat, Sleeping Blankets(Very Good), Flask of hot liquid(Tea, Coffee or my favorite cupasoup.) Every little bit helps, Along with the already mentioned Shovel, Blankets Towrope etc… As previously stated by someone if everyone stayed at home it would be a big problem. Well actually For Mr Joe public this won’t be a problem it would actually be a help as it will mean less people on the road less problems. As for Nurses, Doctors Emergency services etc it is essential they get to work. Imagine if you were injured and no one had gone to work. so no ambulance to take you to Hospital and no one at the hospital to treat you etc etc… Just won’t Happen. But I do agree if Travel is unnecessary then don’t travel. I Agree the Uk is not geared up for bad weather. How can they be when in the last 10 years we have only had a handful of times where it had snowed to an extent of concern and most has been in the last years. I have been working now in Western Siberia for 5 years. We get Extremes in Temperature from +40C in the summer to -60C in the winter. With windchills into the -90C. From approx Sept through to May it is winter. With an average temperature over this time of -30C. We currently have approx 2-3ft of compacted snow covering everywhere this stays from approx Oct to April. We change to Winter spiked tyres in our light vehicles and they are great you have full control even on shear ice. Our larger vehicles just have Off-road tyres and they cope really well in both Snow and Ice. But they weigh between 12T and 40T and all are 6x6 which probably helps. We do have a cutoff point of -40C and we stop operations. Vehicles are left running all the time when outside below -15C. Our equipment we use have the best Synthetic oil you can buy but even that turns from Water consistency in Summer to solid block at -50C. All equipment needs to be heated by either a Webasto system or Electric heaters. Standard 10W 40 oil gets to a treacle like texture at -20deg C you can poor it into your hand and make like an Ice-cream cone out of it them scrape it back into the container. I have a small movie somewhere I will see if I am able to upload it to web somehow. Also Diesel fuel is a problem we have 3 types. Summer Diesel only good for down to approx -5C, Winter Diesel approx -35C/-40C, Arctic diesel Good down to -70C. So if we have a couple of -30C days at the start of winter most fuel stations are still trying to get rid of their summer diesel and we have all sorts of problems with fuel systems freezing. We generally mix in some petrol with the diesel at a ratio of approx 25% and this works a treat. Here in Siberia it’s just a part of life its cold and you just naturally do things to cope. Another difference In Uk you are never too far from someone due to the population Here in Siberia you could drive for 4 hours and not see another vehicle or anything but trees and snow. You have an accident or a breakdown at anything below 0C and you have to act quick at -40 degC your face / exposed skin start to freeze in approx 1/2 mins and your body losses temperature at an alarming rate. Basically you have an accident at below -20C and your chances of survival are not good. Even if you just breakdown within ten minutes your vehicle has lost all its heat and it’s not long before your vehicle is same as outside temperature. You hear lots of times of people finding broken down cars with frozen people inside. the most heart wrenching was a family of 5 including baby few months old frozen to death just because there car broke down and it was a few hours later before a Lorry driver found them. All of the drivers over here are good and stop if you are on the side of the road. But sometimes there are no one else on the road. So correct other places have it worse than the U.K but they also have similar problems. I have often driven into the city which is about 3 hour drive from where i stay and the amount of 2wd Vehicles that are skidding and sliding about due to still being on summer tyres at the start of winter is unbelievable. Studed tyres are not a good option in the UK because they do damage roads when used on clear roads, So best option would be Snow tyres the ones with the softer compound that don’t freeze and go hard. Top tip Stay warm, stay inside.
  14. Hi Steve, For what it is worth my Brother-in-law is technician for Jeep and he also says keep well away from the Patriot. He also told me to stay clear of the earlier 2.5l diesel engine Jeeps. I have a 2000 Grand Cherokee 4.7 V8 gas converted and it is excellent, I know its older than what you are looking at getting but I would imagine the new ones are even better, It is Extremely Comfortable and has all the gismos you could ever want. It is also very capable Off-Road apparently!! I have still to test this out in serious mud. But glided through deep sand and also no problem on getting to my permissions, Great for towing, Gets same MPG Towing as not. Only downside this MPG is not good, it is very Thirsty. I get 150 miles out of £40 of Gas and about 200miles on £70 petrol. This Just ticks all my boxes for me, Doesn’t look 10 years old, I can use it to take the family out in comfort, Great for getting to my permissions, Load it up with garbage to take down the local tip, Tow caravan to go on Holiday, Great in the snow etc…etc … While I can afford to run it I will keep this forever. This is my second Grand Cherokee and the only reason I got rid of the other one was it was costing too much to run but this being Gas converted helps.
  15. Warmed up here at work today to a scourching -29C. Pytiac, Russia,
  16. Sorry didnt put where i was fishing it was at North beach Great Yarmouth.
  17. Went fishing on the beach for the first time the other week and thoroughly enjoyed it... Not really into fishing myself but try to go Carp fishing at least once a year to make buying my licence worth it. Sea fishing came about because my brother (Very Keen Fisherman) got me a sea fishing set up for my birthday a couple months ago so i thought i better give it a go. We also found that until the tide changed we had nothing except loads a weed then as tide turned we were getting lots of small whiting but did get couple of reasonable size flat fish can’t remember but think they said they were Plaice. I am going to be joining local fishing club in the new year and I also entered into fishing competition with local tackle shop. Anyone interested in the fishing competition check it out here just click on the ad at the bottom of the page Sea Fishing Competition £300 first price can’t be bad. By the way I have already got my ticket for the Competition, so if anyone else is going it would be nice to meet you. Come and say Hello. I don’t bite… Just look for the odd one out wearing camo gear and not catching anything…..
  18. I am with you Gareth W, Back to UK on 6th January for 6 weeks cant wait.... This is definately worst time of year to be away from the family....
  19. Hi Bruno, Not sure if it’s the same model but I just recently purchased a Logun PCP airrifle. it also takes approx 10 pellets in a built in inline magazine. I don’t think there are many airguns like this? I may be wrong?? It is extremely accurate and consistent I was very impressed as originally I only got it because I liked the look of it. The Loguns also very smooth and you get a fair few shots out of a charge. Only problem is I find it a bit fiddly loading the pellets but I guess there is a knack to it. I would just second what Bulletboy said about the pellets, Accupels fit it perfectly. But mine is currently out of operation due to having the wrong pellet jammed in it. Well that’s what I think happened because I cannot push the bolt forward something stopping it. They say you find out things the hard way well first time I put too longer pellet was my fault even though I wasn’t aware of this problem of needing short pellets. JSB Exacts definitely don’t fit but I managed to get it out by just shaking it but this time the person who put the wrong pellet in forced the bolt forward and I think the pellet got crushed and is not shifting. So another job when I get 5 minutes. Just make sure if you are shooting down the club that no one has left their pellet tin on the bench and you insert the wrong pellet. Think this is what happened. They just loaded with pellets from wrong pellet tin. Mine is imaculate and had not had any pellets through when I purchased it a couple of months ago it was a stockroom find at my local RFD. They were not sure how old it was but it Still has the Logun sticker on the Butt. I think you have made a good choice and I am sure you will love the Logun as it is so smooth and accurate just beware of pellet choice!!!
  20. Ok guys this may help. Sorry but i am not very good at explaining things but i will give it a go.This is how i would work out my tyre pressures Your tyres say 80psi at 2500lb This is how i would work it out using my jeep as an example. My Jeep weighs 2250kg which = 4960lb So this weight is spread between 4 tyres which = 1240lb per tyre If i divide the max weight the tyre can take by my Jeeps weight on one tyre i get. 2500lb divided by 1240lb = 2.01 I then take the 80psi thats the max pressure of the tyre and divide it by 2.01 = 39.8psi So that gives you a max pressure of 39.8psi in each tyre with my jeep weight, But as previously stated you wouldn’t have max pressure in the tyres. And just for the record i have only just recently fitted BF Goodrich AT’s 245/75/16 tyres and they are great. I haven’t had the chance to use them off-road just yet but have used them on the beach and in the snow and no problem. I would highly recommend Road noise hardly noticeable difference from the road tyres they replaced. I managed to get them at £112 per tyre fitted, Balanced etc... From these guys... http://www.kirkleytyresandwheels.co.uk/ Hope this of some help Darren
  21. Dempy i am very tempted but wife will kill me, As i said if i hadnt of just got myself a Grand Cherokee earlier this year i would of had it off ya. Mine is a gas converted 4.7l V8 and i just love the V8. approx £20 a day to run, But who cares i love it. I agree for a luxury vehicle to get ya to the sunday clay shoot it would be perfect and if someone would get it gas converted it would make it a bit more pocket freindly. Just if anyone is interested my 4.7L V8 gets the equivalent to aprox 22mpg whilst running on gas if you were to compare it to paying for petrol. £40 gas gets approx 150 to 180miles and £80 petrol approx 220miles.
  22. Mate thats a lot of Motor for £2800, It really is...... But fuel prices in UK just make it near impossible to run. Best luck with the sale, if i had not got myself a V8 Grand cherokee earlier this year i would have ripped your arm off. ATB Darren
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