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Everything posted by columbus

  1. what happend over xmas i realy missed p/watch
  2. sean im a member of that sight you will find it on http://www,workingterrier.co.uk
  3. columbus


    hg we get a lot of woodcock in this neck of the woods (pardon the pun)if you want to cook woodcock in the traditional manner you roast them litghtly without gutting them you can hang them for up to a week depending on taste.Or you can use them in any recipie that calls for pigeon i personaly dont like woodcock tried nearly every way of cooking them the wife loves them so who can account for taste
  4. columbus

    chat room

    im in chat if your intrested now h g
  5. columbus

    chat room

    going into chat anyone intrested
  6. columbus

    chat room

    any one fancy a chat ill be there in a min
  7. columbus


    Does anyone else feel that typing is to much like hard work, you are limited to what you say by the amount of letters involved, i hope so cause i don't want to be on my own.
  8. columbus

    chat room

    going into chat now 21.36 anyone intrested
  9. ive got pigeon shooting by A E B Johnson its all right but it does not give you any new insights into shooting pigeon than archie coats. The only differance is the chapter on mounting pigeon as decoys and even that is a bit dated.
  10. columbus

    chat room

    going into chat now anybody intrested
  11. columbus

    chat room

    is any onr going to the chat room this evening
  12. congrats william on a job welldone many thanks
  13. If you want to make you own hand warmer all you need is lime and water. Get some chalk grind it down to a powder place it on a baking tray and put it in a oven at gas no. 8 for two hours when it cools place it in a small amount in a tin and add a drop of water and hey presto intant heat.
  14. Pocket warmers are great when you know when you are going to shoot. But if you are sitting in a hide waiting for ducks or pigeon it is not advisable to have your hands stuck in your pockets as the only chance that you have may be missed because you are trying to get your warm hands out of your pocket on to your gun.
  15. columbus

    Game bore

    1/12/02. Just read you email,sorry i havnt looked earlier but nobody emails me. Dont like to send one back to your email adress,sounds like your work place. If you send me a P.M.on this sight i will get back to you. All the best columbus.
  16. columbus


    Another thing that i do is breast my pigeons and freeze them in fours 'if you were selling them you would get about 50p for them' but as favours they are worth a lot more to you. Try visiting your local civic ameneties site, get talking to the people that work there ask them if they like pigeon,if they do tell them that you are looking for a particuler item and it just so happens that you have got some pigeon,rabbit,or pheasent in the freezer just looking for the right home. You will be suprised at the results
  17. Cranfield They are called Thinsulate they are a wool mix outside with a thermal insulated lining, they are not officialy called riding gloves but at the feed merchants that is what they are sold as. Thinsulate is the trademark that they are sold under. And yes i do dig lug but only blacks, and that is nothing compared to digging kingrag like they do in chichcester harbour.
  18. columbus


    Are there a lot of people out there like me.Want to get everything for nothing,for example if i want wood i go to the local joinery factory and ask them if i can rummage in the skip. If i want glass i go to a double glazing firm and get brokendown doubleglazing units, from you've guessed it the skip. there are alot of other thing that i get given to me that are pretty useful that other people were throwing out. So if you are like me lets swop tips on were to get them but they have to be for gratis.
  19. The only time i wear gloves is out on the duck then i wear thinsulate fingerless riding gloves absulutly fabulous, to coin a phrase. Plus they only cost me £2 at the local farmers store. Havn't worn them yet this year not cold enough yet.But in previous years they have been very good. I have seen simular gloves on market stalls for £4. For work i use neoprene they dont last long but they keep your hands warm ( i'm a bait digger.) Tried neoprene for shooting found i had no feel for the gun, but at least my hands were warm.
  20. Dear yorkie. If you are thinking of buying longnets work out what lenth of nets you want then buy half as much again. Most comercialy sold nets are rigged 75 yds of net in a 50 yd net and this is not enough so what you want is 100 yds of netting rigged into 50 yds and this will give you the amount of slack needed to make a good killing net.
  21. columbus

    dogs name

    Thanks chaps some unusual ideas there. But I think that"she who has finaly let me have another dog" has won. do you think I would make a politition? She says it will! be Brett!! Who am i to contidict her, ones again many thanks.
  22. columbus

    dogs name

    I'm taking delivery on sat morning of my G W P and still havent got a name for him ,any suggetions its got to be short
  23. EGNWT. Don't worry about it unless you have a record as long as your arm they have to issue you with a cert. Unless they can find a good reason ie.you are stark raving bonkers. Apart from that you will have your cert, how long it will take is anther matter.
  24. I dont know if the criteria of your police is different to mine but i have held a cert 26 years now and I have never sent back my old cert with my renewal application.
  25. My cert was up for renewal on august 15th.I still have not had my new cert, had a visit two weeks ago the F.O. checked my gun safe asked a few questions and told me that i would recieve my cert in due course. At no time did they ask for my old cert back.
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