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Everything posted by columbus

  1. if you realy want to see in the dark eat mice cats do
  2. got about 60 nylon purse nets for sale or swap what they worth
  3. Used to whippet g/hounds collie greyhound mostly on the lamp though.
  4. columbus

    Web site.

    Thank you william for fixing the site so quickly last night was a nightmare good to see your on top of it, once again thank you.
  5. columbus


    Wind can be your best friend sometimes? or your worst enemy if you use it correctly its great, dont use it or try to ignore it and you will find yourself the looser. That goes for ferreting right through to pigeon shooting,you may ask is it that importent? the simple answer is yes.take a simple morns ferreting hedgerows if you walk the dog along the upwind side or a hedge how do you expect the dog to mark with the breeze blowing away from him.But if you walk him on the down wind side of the hedge the wind has blown through the warrens and if a rabbit is at home the scent of the rabbit will be carried on the breeze and the will give you a mark.When ferreting the same warrens it pays to put the ferret in on the upwind side then the breeze will carry the scent of the ferret through the warren and hopefully if all goes to plan the rabbit will bolt before the ferret gets to it therfore avoiding layups. These are not hard and fast rules just general tips picked up after years of ferreting they dont work every time but most of the time they do.This is on example of how wind affects our sport there are many more,perhaps more than we think.So i think i would be right in saying ignore the wind at your perill if you want to be sucssessful use the wind to your advantage.
  6. columbus

    4 by 4s

    Bloody hell yp 380 brake at the back wheels what size engine was in that.
  7. Sean i use the old fashion meathod of end pins and hazel sticks. Been meaning to make one of those new type nets but havnt got around to it yet.Iseen those nets about 10 years ago moocher products were selling them then i thought they were a bit expensive as i make all my nets myselr from nylon fishing nets i get a sheet 6z by 4.25 inches mesh by 40 meshes deep and cut them down to 12.5 meshes deep that way i get 3 50yd nets out of one sheet of netting.
  8. If i want rabbits for hawk food what i do is go to a huge patch of gorse that holds a big head of rabbit.Inside the gorse is a number of quite large warrens impossible to net. So what i have done is cut a couple or breaks through the gorse so that i can run 25 mtr nets at angles through the gorse. Then i put the dog through that patch of gorse and sometimes ill pick up one or two that way, then i put the ferrets in and pick up another one or two.And if i come away with 3 or 4 rabbits for a hours work im very very happy. Does anyone else use this meathod.
  9. I dont do much decoying in the winter but to my mind a dark green net would do all year round for making hides in hedgerows. Take a look at hedgerows with all different types of trees in it,Holly thats evergreen never seen pigeon actively avoiding them have you? Beech holds its leaves all winter dosnt seem to put the birds from landing in them does it. I know beech leaves are rustic brown shall we say, but it dosnt alter the fact that the pigeon take no notice of them, its the same with holly you will get one holly tree in an otherwise bare headge but does it put pigeon off? i dont think so .As i have said in the past i have not done a lot of pigeon shooting and i may be barking up the wrong tree with this way of thinking but to me it seems to make sense wether im right or wrong its something to thinkabout.
  10. columbus

    4 by 4s

    Changed my 4 by 4 today bought a toyota corrolla f reg 4wd they were asking £600 got it for £325 (bit of rust on wheel arches). As i use them on the beach every time i go to work they dont tend to last long. I know cranfield uses a subru(god bless them ) but what other types of 4 by 4s do you all use.
  11. Thinking about the weight of the rotor and battery life cranfield you say you get good life out of your 7ah battery with the pinewood is it because they have lightweight arms or they run on a lower ampage motor. Because if you think about it its only the arms that actualy put strain on the motor if you use n&s foam decoys the drain on the motor is less than if you use real pigeon.
  12. columbus


    I should think that as long as you are shooting pigeon and not interfearing with the set then you are dooing nothing wrong.
  13. He! He! Couldnt have happend to two nicer people if they had left the bodies there the pigs would have eaten them aswell and that would taught them a real lesson dont mess with what you dont understand.
  14. Harry are you on the workingterrier site aswell i recognise your motto from somewhere i think it was on the falconry forum on that site. If you are i think youll find us mutch more agreeable and less argumentitive than most of the members on that sight. So welcome harry hope to see some posts from you soon.
  15. Harry thats a nice spar you got there have you tried her on woodcock. My mates going to fly one next year as the rabbit situation around us is a bit grim and we cant find enough to keep a h/hawk busy. With a spar youll never be short of quarry thats for sure. He also flies a saker/peregrine at crows and in august sept he flies a merlin at larks. He tried a imprint pure peregrine this year at crows but she jibbed them after being mobbed once.
  16. columbus

    Pigeon Widows

    well done maj youreally sucked them in there
  17. Hubertus i thought that the munsterlander was black and white as it was derived from dicarded dogs of the german long haired pointer. Pups that were black and white were not desiable for the glhp as the breed standard was brown and white, so any pup with black on them were given to the jagers in the munster district and that is how the breed came into being.
  18. sorry about that hg the daugter wanted to use the net so i had to giveway.anyone want a chat im going in now
  19. Craigie. brilliant idea. One of the blokes there was really p''''d off that my mates bird had caught those two pheasants he tried not to show it but you could see by his face that he was'nt happy and an award like that would really wind him up.
  20. Right her goes,to say that i was dissapointed would be an understatment, here we are on one of the biggest shoots in the country going for pheasants only, on the second day and i cant fly my bird,but thats the way the cookie crumbles. The winds were even stronger on day 2 gusting up to 30 mph.So the head keeper said that he would put us in the largest wood he had. When we arrived at the wood we parked about 800 yds away as i had no bird i was ready a lot quicker than the other 2 who had birds, so i started watching the wood there were about 2 to 3 hundred pigeon milling in and around this wood as we walked towards the wood they started taking off in groups of about 20 to 30 birds at a time but when we got within about a 100 yds of the wood the remaining birds all tookoff together, what a sight i suppose a lot of you boys get to see this often,but iv'e only seen that amount of pigeon 3or4 times before in my life. so we eventialy get into the wood my mates bird was put up into the tree's we started to walk into the wind when my mate said the birds seen something he was at the top of a large oak 50? ft up as he said it the bird leant forward folded his wings and stooped he must have gone about 70 yds into the wood, off goes my mate in hot persuit as he gets nearer the bird he shouted to us that he bird had a pheasant,about 30 seconds later he shouts to us "you have got to come and see this quick" so we all run over to see whats the matter, when we get there what a sight we saw there was his harris hawk with a hen pheasant in each claw the bird had caught 2 pheasants at the same time. Lucky for him that there were 3 whitnesses to the event including the keeper who was with us. When i said that i needed sugery to get the smil off my face i seen my mate today and he is still grinning. After that the rest of the day was an anticlimax we did catch another 3 pheasants and a moorhen, and just after we left the wood about 3 pm so many pigeon came in i cannot guess at the number i just watched in envy at the people who are going to be shooting that wood next month. Well that was my two days at six mile bottom not a big head of game but enjoyable no the less , pitty about what happend to my bird but he's great now hope you enjoyed the story icertenly enjoyed myself Columbus
  21. Ern dont worry about his beak watch out for his tallons they are deadly, thats what they catch everything with,if you look at his feet you'll se that his claws are over an inch long and as sharp as razors. But he is very gentle there's no malice in him at all,(well not towards humans anyway).
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